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Everything posted by tessa0412

  1. Do u cook? Cooking is super theraputic for me.. I eat meat occasionally but cooking vegan or vegetarian meals are way easy and makes for a nice little day when searching for products at whole food stores or farmers markets. Eating a raw diet is not only easy but super healthy for your mind body and soul. Plus Pinterest has tons of options. I just find when I cook and turn on some music light some candles set up a zen space and cook it leaves me only thinking about cooking or what the next step is.. Than u can get satisfied with a healthy meal. Feels great. Just made vegan low fat stuffed green peppers yesterday it was awesome
  2. Be in charge of your life! Take charge! Be in control for once! Flush the damn pills!
  3. So sometimes ( like I'm sure alot of us) come here when getting a craving or just feeling down and need inspiration or need a pick me up or maybe even an idea we can do or tool we can use or even a hobby or some type of an adventure to take on when we feel negative or get stuck in a bad place I was thinking that when that happens to one of us we can come to this post . A safe haven of positive words quotes songs pictures anything!- that we can rely on So my idea is to have everyone post one of the above ideas on a comment here to share with one another .. So we can rely on this thread to pick us up when we are falling down- or are down - or slipping down down down Here's mine - GET OUTSIDE!!! Go for a walk * it's simple- just get up from wherever u are put on some shoes put on some sunglasses and walk out your door. Be around the trees, listen to the birds, listen to the wind blow , feel the ground beneath each step you take. U may be feeling lazy or unmotivated, but the one choice u have right now is to move . Get going . Get moving . Keep walking- climbing- running. Music is such a calming force to me so feel free to put on your favorite tunes ( my go to music is thievery corporation or papadosio ((( great feel good music ))) or even ditch the music and listen to the only constant there is right now ---> the sound of nature Give yourself that! To whomever comes to this post // feel free to comment about someone's ideas or words of inspiration but remember to add one of your own ///what advice would u give someone that was feeling down? What advice would u give yourself???
  4. Check out theuniverse@tut.com You sign up for daily emails .. Positive messages from the "universe " Just as an example here was my email from today.. Crazy thing is I've been focusing on staying patient... Looks like the universe has been listening It's perfectly normal, Theresa, that when waiting for a really big dream to come true it seems like it's taking forever, you wonder if you're doing something wrong, and you feel like you should just be happy with less. But I promise you, no matter how long it takes, once it happens it'll seem as if time flew, you'll wonder how you ever doubted yourself, and you'll feel like you should have aimed a little higher. Aim a little higher, Theresa - The Universe
  5. Reset brain- patience is a virtue . And of course u wouldn't willingly choose that lesson . Our addiction chooses selfish and gimme gimme gimme tendencys. Good things come to those who wait- who has time to wait On Addie? Off Addie? Than I'm sayin' the good should creep its little head on through with a little Patience Give ur self that. Feels good
  6. All around grateful for all of u and your words and for hearing what I have to say and appreciating it. U guys are awesome . Thanks for noticing my words Jon' )) makes me feel good. These forum.. Opening up to each other and really listening N careing is where the magic happens. Lets keep this going!!! They say the biggest Part of recovery is having support groups like this. Gets me feeling that going to some meetings will help as well (NA or actual Adderall support groups) what do u guys think about that? My actual name is Theresa btw ))) for whatever reason when I first started this forum I wanted to stay some what anonymous.. (Silly denial hide in the closet with my addiction tendencys) I'm glad my post helped u Man! I totally get the cycle pattern tornado thoughts that turn into worrying obsessive thinking . It's all fear based and denial based I saw my therapist today actually and we talked Aboit that. She referred to it as like a cycle ( think a large circle going around and around and around) what goes around comes around, and around around . Doig the same thing or thinking the same thing over and over = insanity . And than expecting change? Forget it. So it's about noticing when we do that, and finding an escape hole in that circle. Like a secret door u can see if u just slowwww down that cycle of thoughts. Just say to yourself u no what? I'm not doing this right now... I'm ganna end this because its not goog to benefit me and I can't handle it. Invision finding that secret door and opening it. And walking ( or fucking running ) out. Than move yourself physically away from what ur doing and do something different / positive and than the mental will follow the physical difference and hopefully u can get off the merry go round from hell for awhile
  7. Yay! Slow that train down .. )))) love the picture . U just gave me the great idea to get the f up this morning and get on my bike thanku .. It's about 97 degrees out but whatever!!
  8. Damn! I want this thread re posted I'm a hairstylist and tweaking while cutting hair and trying to a have a "normal conversation" with a client while they stare at u speeding along was dreadful n embarrassing
  9. Going to bed at night at a decent hour feeling naturally relaxed and happy not having my brain scatter and my teeth clatter and my stomach aching with hunger pains . Agh natural sleep patterns and natiral sleep in general how I love u
  10. Oops from my last post .. I meant... *that weight lifted from speaking your truth feels better and bigger than any thing... so that being called a hypocrite is the last thing u will care about .
  11. Take it as a sign'!!! It got u to open up to a friend and open ur mind to telling people. I' was a closet adderall abuser for YEARS let me tell u opening up to people makes u feel like a thousand pounds are lifted off of u... N honestly that feels better than Anybody calling u a hypocrite ( which I dought will happen) don't be scared to speak your truth. Open that throat chakra and be honest . N if anyone gives u shit than fuck em they are not a positive energy to have around u at this time anyway
  12. Do u think this shit will always be on the market???
  13. Much much love good luck and stay in tune. !
  14. Omg peel the onion. Exactly . Patience is what Im trying to learn and require. I like your tip on finding what made us start in the first place. Confidence for sure than all the other bullshit little reason ( ah hem, excuses) to keep useing. Confidence in my emotions and who I AM ) who am I? Definitely a question I was asking myself a whole lot around that time
  15. -recovered faster I have the same issue . My therapist totally calls me out On that all the time. It makes sense . Our poison of choice was and still is adderall . The get It all done Now NOw now wonder drug ( which turns into the devils drug in no time) I mean we are here for a reason right? After years of now now now speed speed speed it will take awhile for us to adjust to PATIENCE in recovery ALL good things come to those who ...... Wait? Nah, I think to those whom try to remain in the moment.. Minute by minute. Now into the now. It's always the now. When we begin to rush we need to catch up with ourselves which throws us off balence. Just breath and Take your recovery minute by minute or even second by second don't worry about when u will feel Better or how fast it will happen. Just stay within yourself here in the now. Because its there where u will feel better. Not later not tommarow not next year .. Just Here now. Be patient and breath .. It's all we can do
  16. Avoid conflict - fear Conflict for sure. Growing up in a home with a lot of conflict definitely has made me become almost a push over .. Just wanting to the conflict to go away even if I have to be ur punching bag j
  17. A friend .. U also said u threw in some words of advice.. That's when I realized for sure we are alot Of like.. I tend to play a martyr or think I can fix or help people... Mother Theresa .. But I'm just putting the attention off myself. Maybe if I "fix" others or help others it can help me? But in reality I think it's just another distraction. Or I'm being co dependent.. I remember talking to my therapist about this and she agreed ex specially on the co dependent stuff. She consistently points out my savior qualities.. And how it's about time I just play savior to myself.
  18. I really enjoyed ur response thanks For Opening up. I found myself agreeing with alot of what you were saying . I too grew up in a dis functional home. I also agreed with what you said about attracting people that are maybe negative. I noticed how u said U recently "broke up" w
  19. That's good! Mental fights oh my gosh I hate that. It's like our brains forget everything It put it through it just blows my mind . Today is day 2 for me I recently hit 16 days than fell off the wagon for a few days .. I lost the mental battle or it feels like I just turned off. Ick. Hate it
  20. Fold! Haha it's funny how our brain tAkes one small task that say takes about 10 minutes ( small load of laundry that is .... And says u no what folding is better on Addie . But guess what that 10 minutes causes a restless anxiety filled night and a set back in our recovery processe. I was reading ur post about the play room, I don't have kids right now but I'm sure the hectic life with little ones causes alot of moments to think this task will be easier with an add. I get nervous about that one day.. But ill tell ya accomplishments as small as cleaning a room are far more rewarding when clean. Before adds they suck, during adds its a rush than a fall, and after we r clean -- well the overwhelming accomplishment feeling we get knowing we fought the urge and the I CAN do this feeling is an incredible gratuitous feeling that wouldn't even be there unless we went down the adderall rabbit hole. Climbing out is hard but that rewarding healthy accomplishment feeling is way better than any fake adderall high How are u doing by the way?
  21. And Jon, Yes I think it's time to call the big man upstairs
  22. Thanks! All we have to do is get Up and walk outside .. Go for a walk be in nature it's so simple yet I just DON'T DO IT I think it will be good to force at least one "good habit" a day Out of ourselves ( get away from the tv except my DVr is my guilty pleasure for sure . Even if that good habit is take a double bath, go for a walk, write one page in my journal, or even sit comfortably in a chair close your eyes and allow yourself 10 deep breaths and just be. These things are all simple and easy ways to give back to yourself, as an addict I need moments like these to center myself and get Back on track. yet i always think ok tommarow I will do it. Tommarow doesn't exist. Tommarow leaves us with feeling better about bad decisions today. What one small positive thing will you do today today?
  23. Day 4 serial girl here. Do u guys think the SAME TRIGGERS get Us to relapS each time? I know there's lots of different components in relapsing and triggers and situations people even smells ECt but I was just thinking how repetitive and merry go round and compulsive my addiction is and relapsing . It's the same thing and feelings each time . Give in ( go invisible) regret beat myself up build myself back up stay clean repeat. So since that's so routine : than after awhile do our triggers get repetitive and routine?
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