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Posts posted by Shambo

  1. Day 16, 17, & 18- still good.

    I finally got my scripts from the pharmacy. I haven't burnt them or shredded them yet.....

    My addiction has revved up the scheming....

    I'll deal with it. I haven't told anyone that I still have those 2 scripts. I know that's stupid. I have to dig deep before the 18th. I don't want to suffer through this again- knowing my long term supply is cut off helps a lot.

    Just venting and trying to be somewhat accountable to someone.

    Have a great week guys.

    • Like 2
  2. I was meaning that a bit sarcastically- because she mentioned several times how her daughter was most important to her....

    I haven't had a quit stick. I've done it for all the usual reasons- husband, kids, shame, etc. This time the seed was planted when my husband & I were Ineligable to attend a marriage retreat/intensive because I had an ongoing addiction. Our marriage has taken some huge hits over the last 4 years and I knew in my gut that we were on the verge of destroying it all. I knew we had to go to this retreat. I felt guilty and sad that I was what was keeping us from moving forward.

    So it seems like I quit for our marriage. I'm sure if I dug a bit deeper I'd find obvious self driven motivations. I do see my marriage as a facet of self preservation though.

    I may be reaching here.... But it's what I thought when I read through this thread.

    • Like 1
  3. Well said-

    Adderall is a mind fuck.

    Once you're able to see the lies and look at reality, you won't want it. It will take you so far down that by the end, you'll hate it so so badly. We all have our own journey with this beast. And you'll have yours. I wish you the best.

    PS I can truthfully say that I haven't craved it once in the last 8 days. I'm 8 days clean. Yay me. Fuck adderall.

    • Like 4
  4. Wellbutrin has been amazing at helping me quit. As long as I took it alone, but when I'd take adderall on top of it, I'd smoke- not as many but I'd still smoke. When I'd run out of adderall, I wouldn't smoke until I got a refill. Wellbutrin is helping me get a jump start. I had a friend smoking cigs back to back while we were talking the other day and I didn't feel any cravings the entire time. That's huge for me. I've never felt a lack of temptation when I smell cigarettes. I loved smoking. It's crazy.

  5. Sounds like you already know..... You're a big girl, you know how this ends for either scenario.

    You'll choose. And when you choose to finally quit, you'll make the call/appt with both doctors and come clean. You'll maybe even call your pharmacy and let them know you're addicted and abusing adderall. And your supply will stop. And you'll be free.

    Or you'll choose to keep digging new depths to your rock bottom.

    Digging sucks. Aren't you tired? I fucking am. I made the call last week. It sucked. I felt embarrassed and proud at the same time. I will say its one of the weirdest fucking emotional states I've had. But it was weird in a good painful way. Weird, right?

    Good luck to you. Never give up. You sound strong. You've got fight in you. Adderall makes you think you're strong. It makes you feel in control. It makes you feel skinny and beautiful. It's a fucking lie. We look like meth heads. We smoke too much and eat like shit. We think life is fine and our friends are suddenly dumb or jealous- yeah, okay. No, nope & umm, not jealous of our obvious speed problem.

    Write here and let us know how it's going for you. I really hope you get what you need.

    • Like 2
  6. @inrecovery Thank you. I feel strong. Calling my Dr and cutting off the supply has made this quit feel so different than past attempts. I have accepted that I'm done, that I'll never take it again. I don't know anyone who takes it so there's no temptation there. Everyday I feel stronger and more content. Xoooo

    • Like 4
  7. Thanks. I haven't gotten out of bed much today. But I'm not as hopeless feeling. I will get those scripts next time I ride in town. I skipped that yoga class this morning. But that's ok. I can go tomorrow. I'm going to start posting in the 30 day challenge I guess. I appreciate the response. I thrive on any bit of positivity I can find right now. This forum is priceless.

  8. So....I'm home from my trip. Being with my husband and kids- I feel irritated, guilty, overwhelmed, confused- so I numb with the tv but I've been doing that for months (when I'd run out) and tv isn't helping today. I saw it was only 2pm and I started crying because I want today to be done.

    This will pass. I'll have my hot yoga class tomorrow morning so I'm kinda looking forward to it because I won't feel like I'm having a heart attack. Plus I'll be able to breathe cause the Wellbutrin works without adderall and I don't smoke.

    I went on a binge after I called my dr. Things didn't end well, but I'm kinda glad, otherwise I'd romanticize the pills. I don't want them. I just hate what I've done to my mind....my thinking, my relationships, etc.

    4 years and everything is fucked. Today I fucking hate life. Today is Day 3 off my meds. Today will be over in a few hours. And I will be glad.

    My dr did respond to my phone call- the secretary called me back within minutes to tell me my dr needs me to bring in my remaining 2 prescriptions (which are on file at my pharmacy). That'll be the walk of shame. And the cherry on the cake? My dr's secretary is a mother in my daughters' girlscout troop. Fuck me.

    BUT- all of this is better than if I went another 4 years on this shit.

    I'm done bitching. Sorry guys. Blah.

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