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Of the 20 you lost, I'm guessing some of it might have been water weight (especially if you were on a carbohydrate restrictive diet).  The 10 you gained back was probably mostly the water weight (did it happen quite suddenly?).


If so you are doing much better than you think.

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one thing a lot of people do not know about, is if you can feel like you are about to cheat, there are things you can do to protect yourself and your metabolism (which is going to be your ally cleaning up after you)


let's suppose you've been good for 2 weeks, eating clean and on track, but you just bought a bag of potato chips or a couple chocolate bars from the grocery store and are sitting on your couch, staring at them sitting on your coffee table.


before you rip that bag open sending greasy potato crumbs flying into a fury across your living room, force yourself to eat the following


1) apple

2) cup of blueberries

3) sorry, this is the least fun, two fistfuls (or one REALLY honest fistful) of dried spinach leaves


It will fire up your metabolic rate so that you can burn through that irresistable shitty food faster.


Note: this is of course not easy, and involves planning of some sort.  the extremely impulsive diet-blowing cheat days do happen and steps 1-3 are probably cast aside.  oh well, just get back up and forgive yourself and start over the next day
(which is what I'm doing right now while sitting here)

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Day 57, hooray. My eating is still not as spectular as I was hoping it would be, but hey, one day at a time like usual.

The best diet advice I've heard was from a super skinny ballerina who basically said that she doesn't allow herself to overeat, and she tries to constantly stay busy and keep moving, so that she doesn't eat out of boredom. Of course that's easier said than done, but it's still a nice reminder that we are all in the struggle to improve our weight and figure, and it doesn't come easy to most.

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Day 57, Congrats, almost there!!!!

Those are all good principles to live by.  I tend to take diet advice with a grain of salt when it is coming from people whom, for the most part have professions that 100% align with their nutritional and health goals.  It's literally part of their job to be healthy and/or maintain their weight/figure.  They tend to have a problem empathizing with people who need to focus on their job (programming, technical writing, analysis of data, to name a few examples) but are constantly distracted with thoughts of hunger and frustration, and feel intellectually disabled by their hunger.

However, eating out of boredom is something that none of us have any excuse for.  But it's so haaaaaaaardd not to......   :D

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CarpeDiem: I want to wish you a hearty congratulations for being the first graduate of this new discussion thread!   Thanks for requesting we start this Thread,  and thanks for sticking with it and posting through your first 90 days of recovery.  You Rock!  Please play at least a dollar on #23 when you pass the roulette table. 

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