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When does the anxiety stop???


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Hi all!!


I've been off my Adderall for 6 1/2 weeks now and the anxiety is crazy! I have a lot going on at home and at work. I've had to take a few days off of work because I've been so distracted with things at home that it was beginning to affect my work.


The anxiety is so bad that sometimes I am incapacitated. I've tried deep breathing and several exercises but nothing helps. Could this be a part of the left over Adderall in my system still?


My doc gave me an extra Clonazepam to take during the day and I've taken if a few times mostly in the afternoon but I really don't want to get dependent on it. I already take 2 mg at night before bed. I'm already dependent on that dose. I don't want to get dependent on any more.


Any ideas??



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I think anxiety is a symptom of depression.  And depression is a major common symptom of Adderall recovery.  So I suggest treating your underlying and temporary depression with herbals or supplements like St. John's Wort, L-Tyrosine, vitamins, fish oil, good nutrition and yoga.  Not everything works for everybody but anything is better than more drugs.

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I am already on meds for depression and anxiety. I did get some tyrosine and taking my B6. I've been on meds for depression and anxiety for many years. So there are some nutritional supplements that I can't take. I'm taking L-Theanine for stress management. But you answered my question about the anxiety being due to the adderall withdrawal. I have a lot of stress going on in my life right now and don't really know what to do with myself. I've started exercising and hopefully that will help too.


I have just weaned off of a lot of meds in the past year. I had a psychiatrist who treated every symptom with a pill. That's how I ended up on Adderall. She was a great doc and literally saved my life but she put me in a very bad position having to come off of so much. I was taking something to make me sleep and something to wake me up. I was taking 9 different meds at night and 3 in the morining, then 2 more throughout the day. It was draining trying to keep up with it all. In saying that I think I may have come off of things too quickly. I'm getting emotions coming to the surface that I don't know how to handle. It's coming out as anger most of the time. My poor family doesn't know what to do with me. I don't know what to do with me. I am miserable.


Tired of trying to keep a happy face on all the time. I'm usually pretty happy go lucky, but since coming off of the Adderall it's been a rollercoaster. I don't want to go back to the Adderal and I won't. I flushed it! My doc won't give me any anyway. This all will pass.

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It definitely will pass!  That's so good that you are cut off and don't have to worry about caving in the future!

Keep your chin up things will get way better soon!


For supplements, I've heard people recommend L-Tyrosine and 5-htp as a good combo.


Personally I don't like Tyrosine as it makes me nauseous unless I'm intensely physically exerting myself right after taking it but 5-htp is a really nice smooth uplifting feeling and worked great for me on its own.  I've been taking them every day for the past week and I think it's been a great help keeping me thinking positive.


It's reasonably priced and you can get it at most health foods stores.  Maybe it's worth a shot?  

EDIT:  I guess you said you are already on a lot of supplements and its overwhelming.  Maybe suggesting another one is the last thing you need idk.  Anyways hope you feel some improvement soon!

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Went to see my doc and she added a mood stabilizer to my drug regimen. I am taking a 1/2 of Clonazepam every once in a while when I feel the anxiety coming. My heart beats out of my chest and I get short of breath.


Ya know my first doc put me on the Adderall for Anxiety. It worked for a long time! I could battle anything with my Adderall. But I'd die before I ever go back on Adderall. I'm not happy to be on any meds but the brain chemistry has been this way for almost 30 years and it, like any other mental disorder isn't going away.


I am just grateful today to be off the Adderall and in getting my life back even if it does mean another pill that will stabalize my moods and keep me alive!


Take care!


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Had anxiety stopping Xanax because it causes anxiety so you get more dependent on the drug. Never had anxiety quitting adderal been a lazy ass but not anxious about much. I had horrible anxiety on Prozac beyond belief not sure on the drug your taking but you may research it a lot of the drugs that claim to help that stuff just makes it worse so u get hooked on it to take the edge off.

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