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Expert Level Recovery; Don't Replace One Substance with Another

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Part of the addiction for me was taking a pill every morning.  I tried caffeine pills and herbal supplements, until finally I quit taking them all.  It was like smoking was for me...every part of smoking was addictive.  Getting the pack ready to open, sniffing the new cigarettes, lighting it up, watching the smoke as I blew it out...I had to quit it all.  You all know I quit everything cold turkey, but I continued to try to find a pill to take every morning for several months.  Should have stopped it cold turkey, too...

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It took me over two years to finally quit taking a pill or other supplement for perceived energy - not like daily, but at certain times.  I had a pill habit.  And anything that was not a stimulant drug was OK.  I gradually reduced my pill popping dependency.  Now it is just a select few nutrition supplements.   But even thinking of all the rituals and quirks and rewards? from smoking gets me too excited, even now.  So I choose not to entertain those thoughts any further tonight,  Changing the channel.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Topher time and Liltex Thank you for that... thats exactly what someone like me needs to hear.

Been trying to quit and relapsing :-/ the only "upside" is i ve weeded myself down to 20 mg a day as opposed to the 60 ...

i agree with you Liltex on just picturing oneself off it .. put all that energy and effort (in my case getting up a tad earlier to pop one, going back to bed and wait for it to kick in) into something like waking up a bit earlier and give excersise a go.

Another thing to for anyone coming off is to just give yrself time.. if you make it to the gym for just 15 minutes thats fine, you ll build up to it.. be good to yrself and every little step you take in running away from the addy.

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