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Everything posted by Bubbagump99

  1. Do you sense my excitement? Smh Tried quitting cold turkey a couple months ago and went for about a week with nothing. Got annoyed w the brain fog and feeling so 'out of it'.. I was also trying to quit for someone else, not really just myself.. Anyways, instead of doing it cold turkey, I just made an apt w my dr for next week. Gonna talk to her and see about lowering my dose and tapering off. Why is the thought of quitting this stuff so scary to me?
  2. Wow, this hit close to home. I'm currently taking 30mg once a day, have been for years and years. I'm also wondering if I could be pregnant. have to wait a few more days to test, but the thought of quitting ad forever is crazy scary, as I wouldn't take it if I were pregnant.. and if I am, I will be moving to be with the dad... so this post is a little close to home for me right now. How are you doing? How are you feeling???
  3. I was at a week and still feeling brain fog. I've been on addy for 9 years. Been taking 30mg for about 5 daily. I had to start taking half a pill because I couldn't function at work. I'm gonna try and taper down from this so it doesn't hit and make me crash so hard. It's like my brain shuts down without it, and I can't literally work like that. My job is too crazy. This stuff sucks!!
  4. alright ,so i started taking half a pill yesterday and today, and obviously feel so much better. i just can't deal with this weight gain, and also being SO groggy and out of it at work. My work is crazy busy, and my job is pretty important, and do a lot of computer programming stuff.. i can't continue to be THAT out of it... i'm messing up too much stuff. having taken just half a pill, i feel like i've taken a whole one... so with a week cold turkey, i feel like i'm at least somewhere. my husband has the pills somewhere & is controlling them... i'm gonna try & stay at half a pill for a couple weeks, and then taper and so on... i need to start taking all my vitamins and crap now and continue to do it with the half of adderall i take. it's crazy how much a drug can literally control your life!! f*ck balls thank you all for your support & words... this place really helps..
  5. Like a 8.5 I kinda gave them up for someone.. To prove a point to them and to be with them.. AND bc I wanted to too. However, they're not in my life anymore so I kinda just don't care anymore.. Feel like this suffering just isn't worth it😥
  6. did the antidepressant help your 'coming down' at all? Or help mellow you out?
  7. A week ago I took my last pill. this really blows. I knew it was gonna be hard but for f*cks sake, this BLOWS. God, I miss that feeling, that rushðŸ˜ðŸ˜³ and just knowing I'm already gaining weight, that alone makes me want to go back on the pills. How have you guys dealt with the weight/hunger issues since quitting? idk how much longer I can do this😢
  8. Day 5 of no addy... The only way I can explain how my mind/brain feels since I quit is like when you take a sleeping pill or two, and you wake up the next morning in a fog and out of it. or when you nap for too long and feel groggy and crappy. When does this brain fog feeling go away? Or start to get better??
  9. Yeah, were you working at the time you quit? Feel like if I had at least this week off I wouldn't of asked him to fill it. I feel like I'm just at a point in my life right now that I just really want to stop and not live like this anymore, you know? :/
  10. Thanks.. I hope so. I actually had an old rx in my wallet from February and had my husband fill it for me yesterday just bc I felt like I wasn't gonna be able to physically get out of bed this morning for work. I was just gonna take half my dosage and start tapering from there. However, when I woke up as bad as I felt, I felt like I didn't NEED the half of pill. I drank my blowfish (for hangovers) instead lol it has aspirin and caffeine in it and it's been making me feel better since quitting. I haven't taken an adderall since Wednesday. I can't believe I'm actually typing those words right now... Sigh
  11. And how long did it take you to physically be able to function again like a normal human being???
  12. Thank you😌 it was so weird driving to work today.. Everything looked so much clearer... hard to explain..
  13. Yeah, I do.. I just feel like no one really understands. I mean you're on this drug everyday for 8 years.. Not sure who I even am without it😔
  14. What did I just do😤😭 What have I gotten myself into? God help me please. what feels worse? A hangover or not having adderall? 😳
  15. I'm not an alcoholic per se, but I'd say I have a problem with drinking. I can't have just one. I wonder if/when I quit adderall, if that will have any impact on my alcohol consumption? Any experience with this?
  16. And that sucks because I feel like I need to have someone to help me, or here, to understand, to support me... Something, anything. 8 years on this shit and I feel like I just can't do it alone. FML
  17. Did you have a friend or a partner who was there for you, that you could talk to, and somehow help you or make the quitting a little bit easier? Just wondering..
  18. How many of you guys were on real adderall as opposed to generic? Just wondering.. it probably doesn't make a difference.. Does it?
  19. How long is it gonna take me to feel functionable? I take 30mg once a day...been taking for years...
  20. I was gonna goto the dr and tell her I wanted to quit, and have her replace my 30mg pills with a lower dosage.. But after talking and listening to you guys.. I'm starting to doubt that. now I'm questioning if say I'm prescribed a 10mg, if some days I won't be tempted to take two of them. Now I'm understanding why you say cold turkey. However, I have a demanding job from 8-5, so the thought of quitting when I know I have to work is unimaginable. Ugh. And no, I don't have time off to use. Wondering if I eat healthy, take vitamins, and drink a lot of caffeine if I will be 'ok' to just quit cold turkey. I never consume caffeine, so when I have it I'm pretty sensitive to it.. Meaning I would think it would help somewhat in my 'sober transition'.... ?? Sigh
  21. No, I haven't been on ad the whole time I was married. But things in my life recently have changed where I feel like I want different things than my husband. There's a pretty big age difference between us too.. And I think that now I'm starting to realize I fell out of love with him, and just want different things in almost ever aspect of life. but I'm wondering if quitting will make me change my thoughts on everything?
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