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Posts posted by JennyF

  1. On 2/1/2021 at 10:58 AM, m34 said:

    I officially made it to two yrs clean yesterday. I never thought this day would come. I’m not where I want to be, but I’m def never going back to adderall. I’m so grateful to have hit two yrs. if anyone is struggling keep going. It was worth it all to get to where I am now. I just made more money than I have in many years. My relationship with husband has improved. I’m just in a good clean steady place. I  am also 1 yr (almost) 2 months off alcohol... so that prob contributes to how good I feel today. Thank you for all the support on this site :-) We can get better

    and we do it just takes time. Keep going. Sorry I sound so cliche but it’s true. Hang on and don’t give up 

    Congrats on hitting 2 years!! That’s amazing! Could you share what type of struggles do you still deal with? 

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  2. 20 hours ago, jp4revolt said:

    JennyF have you or can you share your plan? I just need it to wake up now. It doesn’t even help me focus anymore..I made a post the other day and I was just rambling and probably made no sense..

    Cold Turkey was a disaster for me years ago. I didn’t even go to work and was fired for not showing up. Zero motivation then I would drink alcohol and sneak onto golf courses at 4:00 AM letting my dog run free and swim.

    Both times I went cold turkey I ended up homeless. 


    If you can share that would be great

    Hi @jp4revolt, I basically tapered down by 15% every 4 weeks. I split my pills with a pill cutter. It’s hard to be 100% accurate with the split but just do the best that you can. I know some people get a pill crusher and a scale and do it that way.  If you’re on extended release that’s the only way to split the capsule.

    As I said before, this was the only way I was able to quit. It is a bit of a slow torture as you are constantly experiencing withdrawals but they are not as bad as when you quit cold turkey. 

    You should also lower all your expectations about how you’ll feel for the entire first year. In my opinion, quitting is hard but staying sober is even harder. You have to trust the process and know that the first year you’ll have very few good days but it’ll get better. 

    Good luck! 

  3. I tried to quit cold turkey several times and I always ended up going back to Adderall because I couldn’t handle the shock my body was in from stopping suddenly such high dose (about 60mg daily). 
    I’m 15 months clean and the only way I was able to stop was by tapering VERY slowly and by the smallest amounts. I created a plan to taper down through several months and stuck to it. I think going ultra slow and being extremely patient is key. 

    I believe that I was both dependent and addicted. 

    • Like 2
  4. Hi everyone, I’m just wondering if any of you still experience sleep disturbance after the first year. I’m at 15 months and I still have nights that I wake up constantly through the night. I’m up for a few mins or even seconds and then I go back to sleep but this happens several times during the night. I call it sleep PAWS lol. 

    Would appreciate any insight on this! 

  5. 22 hours ago, speedracer said:

    I am deep into my second year with almost 16 months. Still having trouble with fatigue, clarity, motivation. I started taking Wellbutrin 3 weeks ago and got a bump in mood and productivity, but honestly, I had hoped it would do more for me. This last weekend I went to a covid funeral, saw some friends and family, and afterwards I was wiped out. I felt miserable for a couple of days.  I think it may have been a PAWS episode? I am feeling a little better today. sometimes I wish I could manage my life better. During the first year, I tried Keto diet for awhile, worked out a lot, and I think I was doing better. I gave that diet up months ago and I have been pouding Ben and Jerrys. So today I am  committing to give up the sugar and carbs once again, and I will also try to do a meditation daily. Just felt like sharing....Have a great day everyone. 

    Hi Speedracer, 

    I just hit 15 months and experience something similar whenever I have too much social interaction. Last week I went to a hike and then a winery with 2 friends. I didn’t drink anything because I’m trying to stay away from alcohol but we were together for the entire day. The next day I woke up feeling as if I had a terrible hangover. Totally drained, no energy, no motivation, felt terrible. This is not the first time this has happened to me and I notice it is always whenever I have to talk to people a lot. My brain can’t handle the extra effort lol. 

    If anyone has any insight on when this gets better please share! :) 

    • Like 4
  6. On 9/27/2020 at 8:24 AM, Socially awkward said:

    It’s been awhile since I checked in now. I never thought I could make it this far. About 2 yrs ago I used to frequent this forum on a daily basis reading other people’s recovery stories and each time I tried I would fail and didn’t think I would ever be able to get clean or function without my pills. 

    I just want to say that the road to recovery isn’t easy but I can honestly say the day will come where you will no longer think about using and your life would have done a complete 180. I now have a circle of friends and can be myself around others without anxiety and awkwardness. I have also stopped spending on drugs and alcohol and I’m about to buy my first house. If you’d asked me 2 yrs ago where I thought I’d be today honestly I think I would be dead had I not stopped using. Also I have my relationship back with my family and I can be here for others and not only myself.

    i hope that someone who is in the early stages of quitting or thinking about quitting will read this and know that they are not alone and that it won’t be easy but the fight will be worth it in the end. My thoughts go out to all of you who have come to browse for the first time like I once did or have taken the courage to reach out and tell your story. Took me awhile to work up the courage, I am proud of you and heart goes out to you all. Please keep trying even if you fail the first 50 billion times as I did. You are worth it and you are a much loved, valued member of society and we need you. Xxx 

    Hi @Socially awkward, thanks for checking in with us. It is great to hear your success story. Can you share a little bit about how you feel at 18 months clean? I’m about 15 months and I’m still struggling with motivation and anhedonia. Also, are you taking any other type of medication like an antidepressant to help you, or do you feel like you’re back to normal now?  

  7. On 5/20/2020 at 1:27 PM, SleepyStupid said:

    hi @LostMyMind

    welcome to the forums - glad you finally decided to share your story and reclaim your life!

    it seems to be a fairly common experience that doctors don't have a good understanding of stimulant cessation (which means they shouldn't be prescribing it to begin with, but that's a different issue altogether). as you've probably gathered from posts on this forum, tapering isn't often recommended, especially for those of us who have abused the medication. frankly it requires *more* discipline than just cold turkey, because you still have access to it!

    regarding Wellbutrin, it can certainly help, though YMMV. i took it for a few years after quitting Adderall - it is an atypical antidepressant with stimulant properties, but i'd be hard pressed to say it felt like a stimulant, at least at the dosages i took (150mg or less a day). it is a very subtle effect, well tolerated medication, you don't feel like shit when you miss a dose, and coming off it cold turkey is safe and not uncomfortable. the concerns around seizure are fair but generally noted at doses > 300mg (which is the normal adult dosage). 

    i think Wellbutrin is most effective in the first few months for dealing with the acute symptoms of withdrawal (extreme fatigue, lethargy, etc.). i don't think it helps too much with PAWS or long term recovery challenges - i probably stayed on it longer than i needed to.

    good luck and keep us posted! (:

    Hi @SleepyStupid

    Could you share some details about how you felt when you quit Wellbutrin? I’m about 15 months off of Adderall but struggling with motivation, drive and intense anhedonia. 

    I’m really considering giving Wellbutrin a try but I’m terrified that I’ll have to go through another 2+ years of recovery once I decide to quit. 

    Can you share how long were you on it for? 


  8. Hi @speedracer, I’m a week away from 15 months. I’m much better overall than in the first year but I still have a very hard time with motivation and drive to do things and my anhedonia is pretty intense.   I’ve considered Wellbutrin but I’m terrified to get in the same cycle as I was on Adderall. Not to mention not being able to get the anhedonia fixed naturally for good. Can you share a little bit more about your experience on Wellbutrin? Does it feel like Adderall? Do you get bad come downs? How does it make you feel? How long are you planning on taking it? 

    Sorry for the million questions :) 


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  9. On 8/3/2020 at 5:04 PM, Civilengr2020 said:

    Thank you for posting this @JennyF you made me feel much better...........I 'm on Month 5 of quitting a 15 year Vyvanse addiction and it feels like an eternity. My lack of motivation and confidence at work have been pretty hard on me these past few days.  I feel so unproductive and get panic attacks just thinking this might be permanent.  I do have good days when I'm productive but sometimes weeks go by without good days so I get frustrated.  Then this is followed by me feeling that I have become a lazy bum when I have done many great projects before.  I'm surviving my job with the bare minimum but I still get depressed  that I'm no longer "superman".  Question:  Have you experienced mental fog/forgetfulness/extreme distractions as part of your PAWS?  Since I took my meds for so long, I can't remember if this is actually my old self (ADHD) or simply PAWs just doing its thing?

    Hi @Civilengr2020, congrats on 5 months! 

    I did experience a LOT of mental fog, super low motivation and wasn’t able to concentrate months 1 - 9 (with a few good days here and there) I did the absolute minimum at work. I decided that I wasn’t going to feel bad about it because my recovery was and still is my number 1 priority.  Two things that helped me were accepting the situation, lowering my productivity expectations (as this is a temporary process), and taking advantage of the productive days/times to get as much done as I could. 

    I am still forgetful at times but nothing like before. It does get better but you need to give it at least a year. All of those symptoms you mention is just your brain trying to adjust without the drug. I have felt them all and I was so so discouraged thinking that’s how I was going to feel for the rest of my life but it wasn’t. I hit 13 months 2 days ago and I feel a million times better. Although not 100% just yet. 

    I try to stay super close to this forum and read posts from older members. That helped me realize that I wasn’t losing my  mind. Read up @Cassie posts. She’s no longer active but she shared a lot of useful information. 

    You got this! You’re almost half way through the worst. Keep going! 

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    On 7/23/2020 at 5:10 PM, EthericTraveler said:

    Jenny, thank you so much for sharing. This is hitting very close to home for me, especially your point #3. I am on day 40 and have been really hard on myself for my lack of productivity. The pandemic has caused me to lose my job, and most days I have barely any energy even to do my own dishes. I’m the type of guy that worked 60+ hour weeks, went to school and worked full time, I’m so used to getting things “done”, so when I’m not, it’s a challenge to not to go into this mindset of feeling worthless. You are right, I have to be realistic about what’s really happening, my brain is repairing itself, and it’s not productive to berate myself for not being productive.

    How do you feel now, compared to when you were taking the adderrall? 

    Hi @EthericTraveler, sorry to hear that you lost your job but congrats on day 40! The first month is not easy. 

    I’d say I feel much better now than when I was on Adderall. I’m a week away from 13 months. I no longer have cravings and my energy and productivity are much better. Unfortunately, the anhedonia is still pretty bad and I also get waives of depression. I try to stay very connected with the forum and read from other people’s experiences.  It gives me hope and helps me to keep going. I’m hopeful that things will get better at 18 and then at 24 months.  

    When I was on Adderall I thought I was being super productive and thought that I could not function without it. Looking back it was just the drug talking. All that waisted time on meaningless things could’ve been used in a more efficient way.  I used to work 60+ hour weeks like you and I’d take really high doses of Adderall. I lost interest and enjoyment for everyday life. All I wanted to do was work and be “fake productive”. Now that I’m trying to get my life back and the enjoyment for the little things it does not even cross my mind to go back on Adderall. I was done with living numb life. 

    This has been the hardest year of my life but I am NOT going back no matter what :) 

    Good luck!

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