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Posts posted by Greg

  1. From one addict to another, I'm glad you are seeing the light. You can spend a fortune on adderall, as I've experienced and it will never be enough. What's great is that you are aware of that and that you are working to stop it. I think a buddy system will be great to keep each other accountable. I've been four year plus clean and I could never have done it with the wonderful people on this site. Stay active, post and keep reading and you will have the strength to overcome.

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  2. Hey Chris, welcome to this site! Glad you found us. I can guarantee you that your post resonates so much with the people in this community. Being on so many addictive prescription drugs is an expensive habit - totally unsustainable as well. As addicts, we hurt a lot of people in our lives and we need to repair those relationships. We numbed ourselves with narcotics because we didn't like who we were. Your real personality cannot come through until you are off substances - and I pray you continue your quitting process and find the strength within you because it is a tough process with a lot of temptation to return to it. But when you make it through, you will repair those relationships, you will find yourself again and you will turn it all around. 

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  3. That's  a good one, Greg. Just started working through it these last couple weeks, actually.


    Its a great a book and i definitely recommend you work through it. I think a lot of people on this site are looking for non medicated ways to handle ADHD. Or as ZK calls it, a difference in cognitive ability.

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  4. I think you all know how i feel about ADHD. But I used to think I did have it and I have READ all the books on it including that series of Driven to Distraction, Answers to Distraction and Delivered from Distraction.  I don't believe they all offer advice of taking pills as the only solution. They give many tips for staying organized.


    This one I would say would be the type of book you are looking for - its called ADD Friendly Ways to Organize your life. It doesn't focus on medication at all.  I think people who are just disorganized can also benefit from it. It gives you simple ways to organize your life - tips that I still use today. Like if you always lose your keys, they give a great idea of leaving a box by your door for you to always drop your keys in as soon as you walk in the door so you always know where they are. I still use that tip today.



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  5. I take it For the energy it gives me for the workouts. I def don't take it for a buzz! It sort of has an appetite suppressing thing but .. Well I'm not sure if it does or not,

    I also will drink monster on top of everything...I think I get mild crashes from monster as well - if I have too much of it.

    Yeaaaah. I am sick of feeling like shit after each jack3d workout. I definitely am at the point where I think I should take it waaay less frequently if none at all.

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  6. ive been taking a workout supplement call jack3d. I've been taking it for awhile now so I know it's not addictive. But I notice that after I take it, it's powdered drink, that when I get back from running or workouts I feel really depressed for no reason. It has been a very familiar feeling. Today I finally realized what it reminded me of. The horrible adderall crash. I remember when the adderall wore off I would be so depressed and feel just awful and hopeless because the adderall was wearing off, I was so aware of when the crash was hitting me that my solunion to it was to sleep it off (or take more). Anyway, a powerful reminder of why I hate adderall with a passion, I can't believe I subjected myself to living like that all the time. The length of time I Felt awful when it wore off became more frequent and frequent the longer I was on it.

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  7. The wire is considered the best show on tv ever. I have heard amazing things about it and It is usually ranked 1 or 2 on all the top 10 lists. I would definitely give it a shot, I've tried to watch the wire and I find it so hard to get into it. I do plan to give it another shot, The new show 'How to get away with murder' was awesome last night. I'm completely hooked!

  8. i think when we take adderall our brain forgets how to produce dopamine on its own. Dopamine is an important part of our cognitive process. If we become less able to produce dopamine naturally we are harming our brains. I think quitting adderall is saving your brain. Sure your dopamine receptors will be shot at first but ultimately you are saving your brain.

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