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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Lol. I actually have an extra 2.2 miles I can lend you that I didn't count towards my total. I hope this isn't breaking rules but they're yours!!
  2. Time to catch up on game of thrones then bed!
  3. That is an awesome list! Thanks for sharing, your number three is my favorite -- everything is real, and not being seen through the haze of adderall. And what a haze it can be. Experiencing the world how it really is makes me trust my instincts and behavior so much more. I find it crazy that I thought adderall made me better when it was just making me deluded and cracked out and distracted with cravings.
  4. Check in Sunday guys I did 26.2 miles this week. I did an extra 12 this week and an extra 12 last week so I'm going to cash those in the upcoming weeks as I start my job tomorrow, If you haven't gotten to 12, you still got a couple hours!
  5. I'm not sure what post you're referring to but that sounds pretty frustrating. You kind of want to just rip it up or call their doctor for them right?. But ultimately they have to want to quit themselves and it's hard to watch them fall down the hole, knowing how deep that hole is.
  6. I didn't get who you meant by "she relapsed"?
  7. A million ways to die in the west - funny movie!
  8. Tinybuddha I can confirm this is true. I've written about my experiences encountering adderall on campus being a grad student and seeing it everywhere, like the time someone slipped flyers under everyone's door telling them to hang a white cloth on their doorknob if they wanted to buy adderall to my friend who just went to the hospital for overdosing on adderall. I can attest that I'm totally surrounded by it and that people on college campuses DO take it all the time, primarily as a study drug. I also have a friend who takes provigil or nuvigil (?) which is prescribed for narcolepsy and also is addictive and increases dopamine ... And he'll stay up for DAYS...and he shares the prescription (which is actually his moms prescription) with other students..It's pretty sad. And frustrating to see the state of adderall given what I've been thru on it but I'm just used to it now. I was slightly worried at first about how easily accessible it was to me...but I have zero desire for that poison after what I went thru on it.
  9. Agh. I just wrote a long response to this and accidentally deleted!!! Anyway I just wanted to say CONGRATZ Cassie I remember u developed a bad caffeine habit similar to the smoking adderall connection when u were on vyvance. Quitting caffeine must be a challenge but after quitting stims this will be a cakewalk.
  10. I'm sure you also got some people/customers that are just crazy and will never be happy no matter what. I see them in checkout lines and everywhere. That must be frustrating, But it's good you are setting goals to keep getting better!! I have no doubt you are awesome at what you do!
  11. This is such great post. I can't tell you how much I thought about adrenaline depletion while using. Needing adrenaline was asolutely unnecessary for those mundane tasks. In fact it was strange that we felt we needed to be eager beavers to do the most mundane things.It's nice to know we can produce adrenaline again. I never thought to appreciate that but yeah it's a great thing.
  12. Hey guys, I found that creating a ticker in the signature as ZK suggested as an idea, helps me with motivation. I put one in my signature. If you want to make a ticker for yourself, you can 1. click on my ticker which will take you to the site tickerfactory.com 2. customize your own ticker with your own quit date. 3. Then copy and paste the code into the signature area in your profile (where we usually put quotes).
  13. I just found a "ticker creator" online. you mean gameification badges for our profile pics?? Ill grab one of those..
  14. I think he means something like a "ticker" that shows our clean time like this
  15. ow, my wallet STINGS from work buying a work wardrobe! An investment in the future i guess.
  16. The clean time signature is a good motivational tool. And noobies could def benefit with a starting point...like information about PAWS, Cassie's "non linear post" etc etc...
  17. How about ' intelligent and beautiful' members?
  18. that works for me. What was the old method? Advanced member 100 posts? I never knew how one got advanced member status.
  19. I absolutely agree he didn't deserve that. Quit once, come back!
  20. I was on dosages like that. Things will only get so much worse unless you deal with this now. You have to cut off your doctor (s). That's the hardest step. But its the best way. And then begin the withdrawal process..or go to rehab and have it done there. Its definitely not too late but you have to be totally committed to kicking this or your addictive mind will overpower your rational mind.
  21. Ashley, you could totally 39.5 miles. We've been doing this for a while. Occasional, u too. And everyone else. I just did 13.1, lol. But I also walk little bit after every 4 miles. I also go at nice and leisurely running pace. I dont like the idea of running 13.1 under a pressure race type situation. Plus, it's so much harder for me to run outside (wind resistance??) But you're right, its something I should do or aim to do!!
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