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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Welcome to the forums. It's tough but know it's doable. It take power from inside you to free yourself and dedication...as justinW says join the 30 day challenge ASAP.
  2. I think the overly strong and opinionated personalities have been somewhat contained and put off to the side on their own project ....I could write a page about the teams performance today..the ridiculous power shifts,.. And so much ridiculousness...but to put a long story short..we found out we have to do a dry run This coming tues..one week earlier than we were planning for,..one girl at the 11th hour stepped up to the plate and stayed laser focus and managed to take control of the reigns (to the best she could do) in a productive way in spite of everything. She deserves a Nobel peace prize.
  3. Hey I think u should leverage your network... but also just send out 3 resumes a day, it takes only a couple minutes a day and it's brainless work. I found the three resumes a day thing more efficient then networking which was surprising. Most of my past jobs were through networking, reaching out to contacts, but I think in this day and age the 3 a day things works way better than years ago. Through the automated submission system -- it's like in this tech age you can "cover more ground" in your job search in less time.
  4. Lol ...I was like Charlie sheen...lol I'm going to change my screen name to charliesheen lol
  5. I am not back to preadderall state yet because I still can potentially face really bad withdrawal such as yesterday. Especially yesterday. I have normal motivation and drive though whereas when I quit I felt zero motivation and zero passion for anything. But Cassie May be right about that time frame and I am an exception.
  6. Okay...the team thing is getting better. We still fought and argued several times, we still ripped at each other's ideas...we still don't really know what we are doing.. we had a meeting today and I brought my laptop and just did work for an hour while they fought and tuned them out. Because I had given up and had no more energy to argue or express any opnions. The bottom line is that...we have at least come to some kind of consensus and I feel as if people are being less self centered...and overall I am much much happier about it. This is a million times better than where we have been at. The last couple days in fact we were on the verge of killing each other, and it's been exhausting to put it mildly, so I went from happy and gratfully employed to something else altogethert...I think and hope it gets brighter and this team gets better from here forward. We at least seem to agree on a central theme -- and if u want to look at the positives, none of us are lazy ..that's good at least..Im going to sleep better I think.
  7. Why am I addicted to farmville 2?
  8. Mike..you need to write the book on this!!!
  9. In this day an age..I guess a Yankee would be considered someone who is patriotic.
  10. I deleted that other post lol. It will only make me think about the situation more.
  11. Yes, that is one..zk. I'm finding more about it tomorrow.
  12. There are no followers on this team and that's a big problem. Nobody on this team seems to want to be TOLD what to do. Even if anyone wanted to be a team leader the personalities would make it difficult to do so.
  13. Actually..now that that I think about it..it seems we have broken into factions, lol. Seriously. I find that funny, but yes, it's the truth.
  14. It's unfortunate we have to learn the hard way. For a long time I thought to myself, why can everything be the way it was before I got into the adderall mess. I def relate. For me grad school was a good move...it's great that u have that option.
  15. Good job zk in staying smoke free. Is quitting smoking easier for you now that u stopped adderall? I'm wondering because for a lot of us it was easier.
  16. I don't like it that I have to go to sleep by 9;30!! I want to watch 24 tonight, but that is too late for me.
  17. When you take a lot, u get wired. It's like trying to talk to someone with 10 cups of coffee in you.
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