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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Sharknado 2 When will they release Killer Koala Bears?
  2. Sweetcarolinee that was an awesome post. Welcome to the site! I relapsed after the first time I tried to quit as well. I think u should feel really reassured that u can quit because so many people here have been in your shoes and never want to touch it again! Like sweetcarolinee The thought of ever touching adderall again is a nightmare to me. And if u keep pushing thru it will be the same for u.
  3. Awesome ZK! Quitting is paying off!
  4. I miss everyone too. Lil Tex and jon make appearances. MFA fell of the face of the earth.
  5. That excel line had me cracking up yesterday when I read it too. Hahaha
  6. I was at 250mgs a day, also buying. I suggest going to NA meetings ASAP. If I'm correct u are unable to stay awake on the job without adderall for your energy. That isn't sustainable. This is a reality u have to deal with.its important that u understand that this --what is happening now --is not sustainable. I can't emphasize that enough. What does your gut tell u u need to do?
  7. We miss u too Ashley you have not been around!!
  8. I am so tired I prob didn't explain right. I was just telling one of my old vyvance addiction storys. I was addicted to vyvance at one point. I tried to get my doctor to prescribe me more vyvance way before it was ready to be refilled. My doctor caught on and called an ambulance and had me sent to the addiction ward to be monitored for the day, on the way to the addiction ward I was taken via ambulance and all my vyvance pills were counted by the person in the ambulance. And I was questioned for all the missing pills. And I made up a story when in fact I had taken all the extra ones. It was a sad and humiliating experience.
  9. AmyQ follow ur own advice and tell him face to face so he really "gets it"... Can u do that? Please reply that u can and keep us updated.
  10. Adderall addiction is a performance de-hancer.
  11. Keep hanging in there ZK. U quit adderall. This is nothing, keep it up.
  12. I'm sorry u had to go through that. that's horrible. Holding it must have felt gross. I was put in ambulance and someone took my vyvance bottle away from me and I told her I didn't know how many pills were in there. Then she pulled them out and counted them and asked me where the missing pills were.
  13. It went well! I'm DONE with my second and final intern project!!!! It was super super stressful but it's over!! I think it went well. 9 more days of work left!
  14. Just recited three times from memory. It's in my head. If I'm too nervous, I tend to speed up or forget parts. I just need to relax. I'm afraid my forehead is going to get sweaty tomorrow in front of the room if I'm too nervous.
  15. 2nd Presentation tomorrow. - devoting today to just memorizing it so I don't freak out tomorrow. Also, After tomorrow I will never have to work with that team again! Yay!!!!
  16. stressed - still me sometimes off adderall, just 100X amplified on adderall.
  17. I went on antidepressants and just rode it out. Detox comes with depression, extreme hunger, exhaustion, no motivation, extreme anxiety, an inability to be still, and a certain feeling of unbearableness, plus intense cravings...like there is a painful gap in your brain that needs to be filled desperately. basically the extreme opposite feelings of when you are sped up on adderall and feeling happy in a lunatic way. I can't remember if I got blurry vision but I got a TON of anxiety from a psychological dependency and because I didn't have my adderall crutch that became more than crutch to me, it became life support to me, maybe your blurry vision has something to do with all the feelings and side effects that come with quitting.
  18. Summer + ice cream pair so well together.
  19. I get that spark too sometimes. For me, It is almost the same as being on speed but it is much more tame and fleeting , I have had moments where I was inspired to write and think and create and then I try to wind myself down. It reminds me too much of being on the drug that screwed up my life.
  20. I thought Cathy hated Mondays. Or maybe both Garfield and Cathy hate Mondays. Nm - its just Garfield
  21. Great job searching soul. Thanks for the update. Was wondering how you were doing. Glad to know you have stayed clean! Great job! Get one of those ticker things that we all have in our signatures.
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