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Everything posted by Greg

  1. alwaysawesome, have u done any running yet?
  2. This has been the worst slate of summer movies ever. I love films but this summer was astoundingly disappointing. Expendables 3 - 1 and a half stars. Mel Gibson was good as the villain. The fact that the whole cast are 90s action stars made it feel very outdated. I think jet li was photoshopped into the film using unused footage from the last Expendables, lol. You only see him for a few seconds shooting a gun. I found that hilarious because he is all over the posters. It was interesting to see Wesley snipes back on camera. Anyway, 1 and a half stars. Maybe 2. I then snuck into sharknado 2 and that was a lot of fun, it's so ridiculous and the special effects are so bad -- it's just awesome, lol.
  3. Ready for my am flight. Off to another film...in case u all were wondering why I am seeing so many films I have this monthly fee based movie pass http://m.moviepass.com/ So if I don't see enough movies, i start overpaying for movies. Im definitely canceling it after the exppendables 3 tonight. You have to see quite a few movies to make it worth it. Wait, ooh...sharknado 2 is playing with a special screening tonight! I've seen it but not on the big screen.
  4. I am feeling so pumped to join this club again. I got all my gym clothes and water bottles packed for Florida.
  5. It sounds like u wanted to be fired because u knew deep down u needed a break to deal with it. You're lucky you got 6 months severance and time to rest to kick this. If that's what you want ZK (and I'm not sure if that's what u want), you'll back in the 'stupid game' of corporate life when you choose to actively persue it again, I can so relate to the gap between how you felt you were performing and how you were actually performing. Adderall blinds to how we are really being perceived in the office. An adderall addict always feels like an invincible star employee If you were fired from all those, well an addiction definitely sounds like a logical reason behind that. I never liked to attribute my problems to addiction. I always blamed it on something else. But now that I have sobriety under my belt, my problems ALL came from addiction.
  6. Flushing it down the toilet is so ineffective. All u have to do is go get the prescription again. That's why cutting of the doctor is the best way. I distinctly remember when I starting taking aadderall to watch entertainment. I went to to see a broadway show and I was SO engrossed it. I started taking it to read for pleasure to watch movies etc...no longer to study. That was a big turning point in my addiction too. that sounds like me although I could go with generic not just brand. Wow--Andreas. Was adderall the cause of those strokes? ( high blood pressure)
  7. Teenage mutant ninja Turtles = so boring....but I can see how kids would love it.
  8. Okay, packed as much as I could today, took care of a lot of errands, and off to see another potentionally awful movie...since every movie I've seen has been horrible. Enjoying my last moments before I head back to school. Very excited to return to the 12 mile club.
  9. Just pick yourself back up asap. I was able to get 90 days clean with outpatient therapy and then I relasped for many years unfortunately. I lost more time and struggled more than i needed to struggle. So i dont know what its going to be like when you dust yourself off and pick yourself up - but maybe someone else can chime in. Definitely be sure to tell him. And keep being strong!
  10. Hey GTDRFB, I know it's tough to post relapses and I commend u for the courage. I would tell him, so he doesn't let be around your presence. What else can you do? You have dust yourself off and pick up where you left off. Tell him to keep it out of your site. Good luck, keep us posted.
  11. I went into psychosis at a large family gathering with cousins and aunts, uncles, and this became pretty concerning to everyone - my state of delusions, the voices I was hearing. I'm sure many of u were not as extreme as I was.
  12. Hercules was so mediocre. What is up with al these mediocre summer movies? Guardians of the galaxy was amazing. Period. If u see one, see that one.
  13. Back to school - ordering books, paying tuition, getting vaccination shots, packing, registering classes...and getting ready to rejoin the 12 miles club -- hardcore
  14. Actually Id still go see it. I'm in the minority, it got great reviews and did really well at the box office.
  15. Congratulations better read...it finally dawned on me that for me at least the biggest diff of being on adderall and off adderall is that on adderall, your mind is moving at a mile a minute...off adderall your mind is more calm and quiet.
  16. Purge 2 = god awful What terrible summer movies releases. The only one I LOVED so far was guardians of the galaxy.
  17. People warned me Lucy would be a terrible movie and they were right. Well, not terrible...but..not great. Into the storm - much much better than I was expecting.
  18. http://www.theverge.com/2012/7/26/3184496/hacked-brain-adderall-cautionary-tale From the verge article -- "At no point did the alarm bells sound quite so clearly as the first time I couldn't find any Adderall. A few months back, during a well-documented shortage with possibly nefarious roots in Israel and China, there just wasn't anyone in my neighborhood that stocked the stuff anymore. I hit the gMap hard and called every pharmacy in increasingly wider circles from my home until I eventually found a Walmart 45 minutes away, in Duarte, where it was mercifully in stock. A distant memory of freshman psychology fluttered into my consciousness: for many alcoholics, the mere scent of booze is enough to induce a drunken state. I can't remember what gave me the bigger amphetamine rush, hearing the pharmacist other end saying "yeah, we've got some left," or the taste of a saccharine pink pill on my tongue as soon as I hit the parking lot. I had finally met my first addiction, and it lived in a Walmart parking lot, in the disheveled cart collector, without Katy Perry."
  19. I was curious how many people had job problems directly related to adderall. Since it is a recurring theme. For me, I lost my job/career as a direct result of adderall induced psychosis. Anyone else?
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