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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Praying application gets approved for an apartment rental following an adderall psychosis destroyed credit history...!
  2. Moving to new city Apartment hunting Lots and lots of Anxiety
  3. Awesome job heather! Look at you,.YOU DID IT. you preserved through it. what a great day for you!! A day that was well earned.
  4. Well this place is a great place to start, you'll be in the company of a lot of people who understand adderall and prescription amphetamines, I didn't know of all the other people who were suffering the same problem until I came across this awesome forum.
  5. Big exciting life changes ahead =but also anxiety that comes with
  6. TV binge watching lying on the couch
  7. That was DEF me on adderall haha...tons of flash in the pan ideas that went NOWHERE
  8. I am worried about game of thrones not having enough material for next season...they've already gone through all of the books. And no idea when the next one is coming out.
  9. Thank you for sharing that. I am familiar with the devastating effects of Ritalin...that was the first drug I got addicted too before switching to adderall. Both are equally as evil. You have the wisdom see what your father went through and not make the same mistake. I don't have kids, but I distinctly remember the feeling of being cracked up on Ritalin around my nephews...and it was horrible for them and horrible for me. They saw me get put into ambulance for psychosis behavior...they saw my psychosis and finally after years I explained to them what happened to me... I'm sorry this happened to you but after everything you've seen I am sure you feel like there is no way you would ever want to consider going down the same course.
  10. Really? That good? I know they ordered a second season. I've tried to get into other Netflix shows..hemlock grove (horrible) I can't get into Marco Polo or daredevil after repeated attempts. I'm binge watching criminal minds...whenever I can't find anything to watch I go back to that show...Right now my new show is WayWard Pines..really suspenseful mystery story about a man living in a town he cannot escape.
  11. I just saw this great review for it http://deadline.com/2015/05/halt-and-catch-fire-season-two-review-amc-digital-1201433157/
  12. Agreed. This is a very common side effect of amphetamines. Grinding of the teeth and tension in the jaw, neck and head from the amphetamines. My mouth was a mess from all the teeth grinding and tension which slowly went away after I quit. Sometimes when I start to crave adderall or think about the amphetamine high I suddenly start To Nash and grind my teeth...it's an automatic response.
  13. That is awesome! I think I saw part of the first episode..let us know what scene you are in in the finale!
  14. saw this and wanted to pass it along https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mCrZS_9SIe4
  15. Welcome to the boards. It's great that you've recognized that this is an issue and now it's great that you are taking action, you said u quit last month right? Have you stayed off since? In the meantime try to go easy on yourself and maybe explain the situation to your wife and maybe that will take the pressure off at home. And at work just do your job but no need to be a superstar or anything, bc that will only drive you to want to take more. Quitting is the most important thing. Being on an amphetamines is not a sustainable lifestyle, once you've reached the point where you feel can't live without it. Make sure you make this a priority bc if you don't have a sober foundation everything can come crumbling down. Hang in there!
  16. Maybe try the "event" ticker instead of the exercise ticker so it doesn't show '358 days to go'
  17. I used..I can't remember..try playing around with them!Edit - I remember now I used the "event" ticker
  18. Hey, congrats on your nine months of clean time, I went on an antidepressant as soon as I quit, and it helped a lot. Now I take it as an insurance policy kind of. I don't know if I'm depressed or need it anymore, but antidepressants are not addictive...they don't mess with your dopamine which is what most addictive drugs mess with in one form or another. I've been on antidepressant Effexor for four years and have zero addiction to it, and even forget to take it a lot, a lot of members have had success with Wellbutrin. I don't think you should be scared to take another drug. But it is really up to you...I know a lot of people who are against taking pills, period. and want to cure things more holistically with natural supplements. But either way congrats on getting into grad school and finding a more fulling Career opportunity!
  19. Hey, I also went cold turkey and I really recommend cold turkey for quitting adderall. I can't give you advice for weaning off. I was never able to do it. When you move to a different environment without adderall it is really scary but also its very rewarding in the long run. It's like pushing someone into the water and forcing them to swim to stay afloat...and eventually you can swim. It's terrifying at first, but I promise in the long run it will pay off. Stay strong. You are building new cognitive muscle to help you cope with new challenges in a new environment. And you have to start somewhere.
  20. Suggestions? Honing in on Europe if I can afford it.
  21. I went through that...the insomnia is bad, I used my modified version of the Ashton taper method and it really helped me avoid the withdrawal symptoms. I just started taking a quarter less and slowly tapered off..But since you are five months out I'm sure you are over the hump of it. Keep it up!
  22. Can you imagine how awful it would be to have to start over after getting through these past 6 months clean? Don't even think about it. I had to do a lot of writing without adderall and it was really strange at first but eventually I got used to it and things went back to normal. Keep in mind this is all normal as your brain reacclimates. Hang in there! And go to tickerfactory.com and create a sobriety ticker so you can take pride in what you have accomplished -- 6 months clean!
  23. I need to check out bloodlines. Both you and Cassie liked it a lot.. I just started wayward pines which is about a creepy town. I recommend that one but they are only two episodes into the series
  24. Someone I know who has a blog on tv shows gave me this binge list. Check these out. I'm not sure which ones are on Netflix specifically but it looks like a good list! Breaking Bad Chosen (Crackle) Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee Dexter Downton Abbey Everwood Freaks and Geeks Friday Night Lights Game of Thrones The Good Wife Homeland House of Cards Mad Men Masters of Sex Orange is the New Black Orphan Black Parenthood Scandal Sons of Anarchy Strike Back The Sopranos Weeds West Wing The Wire
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