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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Youre being a warrior right now and you should be really proud of yourself for that! :D
  2. Hang in there Cat. You are right, this will get so much better in the future.
  3. Could you imagine racking up a criminal record over this dumb pill? What's important is that you DIDNT DO IT. Cravings can make a person totally irrational...the next time you feel tempted like that remember to stop, drop and roll .. Also one pill is too many and a thousand is never enough.
  4. Hey Maude, that is fantastic news. You've taken a big step. Keep up the good work!!!!
  5. candy crush ..and also business school tuition debt is EVIL
  6. Its interesting this thread came up...I also had extreme neck tension and shoulder tension post quitting...I got a neck and shoulder massager from sharper image or brookstone..looked something like this http://www.sharperimage.com/si/view/product/Heated+Vibration+Neck+Massager+with+6+Soothing+Sounds/202446 And I bought a package of sessions with masseause at the local mall, and had them massage specifically my neck area...and shoulder area...
  7. GrumpyCat congratulations on resisting what was a really, really, REALLY close call. I was thinking the other day that an adderall slip is not at all similar to something like a slip up on a weight loss diet...where you accidentally overindulge but you forgive yourself and move on. An adderall slip up is really, really scary. I hope knowing that you were able to back out has proven to yourself that you can resist, no matter how hard it gets, and because of that you no longer will get to this point where you get this close. This site is definitely a lifesaver. When I was first quitting and had those long cravings I would instantly think of the fire safety technique "Stop, drop and roll"....because -in my mind - I felt I was in a situation analogous to being lit on fire...and i never felt like i was being overdramatic or anything bc One pill relapse could destroy everything. hope this analogy can work for you. http://www.cprsavinglives.com/blog/assets/0_0_0_0_424_230_csupload_58355032_large.jpg?u=635062993586438221 Be strong, stay strong! Keep it up!
  8. Grumpycat, 4 months. you are doing incredible. You got this!!!!
  9. Oh god that brain fog...it feels like shell shock...This happens to EVERYONE quitting adderall. I was brain foggy for a long, long, long, looooong time...Just focus on your goal and believe in yourself that you can do this. Good job on day 5.
  10. I always prefer imax 3d over regular big screen, I did like it even more the second time so I think the 3D had something to do so that!
  11. Loved it! I went to see it AGAIN..In IMAX 3D..
  12. game of thrones!! Did that all just go down?
  13. interesting...but its so funny looking. i dont think i could ever wear that in public
  14. 1 - Stable mental health 2- No longer being paranoid that I would caught by a doctor or pharmacist for 'doctor shopping' for pills 3 - No longer scheduling my life around when I would run out of adderall 4- The ability to work a stable job again 5 - No longer hurting and destroying relationships by my adderall behavior 6- No more relying on adderall as my sole source of energy 7- No more false perception of being invincible 8 - no more damage being done to my dopamine pathways in my brain 9 - No more of those sleepless nights, empty stomach, surfing web for hours 10- I trust myself to not make irrational adderall induced decisions that could mess up my life .
  15. so today I didnt feel rested in the morning and I didn't have much to eat all day because I was so busy doing errands and suddenly like an hour or two ago (evening time) I felt so CRUDDY/crappy...Every thought that came through my head felt stupid or insecure or horrible.. I felt depressed. I was filled with anxiety over things that didn't warrant me feeling anxiety over. I felt really cruddy Then I realized that I just needed to accept the fact that I was feeling cruddy because there was not much in my stomach and I was tired. Suddenly, I was reminded of Adderall crashes ..the surplus of dopamine leaving my neural pathways as the adderall was wearing off,,, it reminded me of , having crashes several times a day and feeling so incredibly cruddy all the time. on adderall feeling cruddy was a part of my life that I had to learn to live with. On a DAILY basis and SEVERAL TIMES a DAY. On a DAILY.BASIS.!!!! No one should ever let themselves be at the reigns of that feeling of cruddiness, especially constantly and throughout the day. NO ONE. but adderall and all prescription amphetamines invite that into your life. Yes, I am feeling cruddy, but I'm going to eat something and sleep, distract myself with some tv and probably I feel a little better. But this is a natural normal cruddiness that people face.. It's not induced by a chemical stimulant. On adderall this woild happen several times day, and much more intensely, and it would be completely out of my control. And it would revolve around artificial dopamine, Thank goodness adderall is out of my life.
  16. Great idea..I'm trying to get into Xbox 360...I have a ton of games I got from free games with gold that I'm looking forward to trying out.
  17. Go see Jurassic world!!! Really fun!
  18. Hooray, My lease application for my top choice apartment was approved!!! After sleepless nights of worry I officially will move in on August 11...
  19. A full day of apartment touring tomorrow...one per hour beginning at 8:30 - 6:30 with a one hour break for lunch...I think I have honed in one I wanted though...still have to submit the application, fingers crossed
  20. I just googled Tmj...and that is something I have. I just never knew it was called tmj...so thanks for pointing that out. Tmj happens when I open my mouth too wide, like yawning and then I get severe pain in my jaw muscles. what you are describing does not sound like Tmj at all. Because Tmj is accompanied by great pain (a temporary pain) but it's not a big deal to me...it happens sometimes and I hate it but more annoyance than detriment. I recommend you do some googling to find out more about what your diagnosis is. Everything is on the web now. I'm sure with enough googling u can find exactly what is going on with you.
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