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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Zerokewl, i Finally got through game of thrones. It was funny, I was half watching half sleeping and then suddenly it seemed a major character I was rooting for was going to die and I became super alert and super concentrated for about a minute, and when I realized he wasn't going to die, I went back to my half asleep half watching state of mind. That is a testament to how good this show is and how "invested" I am in the characters. I am bummed they did not address Tyrions storyline.
  2. World Cup, Stanley cup, NBA finals
  3. Fourth attempt to get thru game of thrones without falling asleep. Hahahaha. I have to go to bed by at least 11:30pm if I want 6 hours of sleep but I prefer 7 or 8 hours of sleep. Dang commute!
  4. Yeah I think a lot of the longtime members remember this. I did NOTHING for two years except study for a school entrance exam. The entrance exam made me feel like at least I was doing a little something...which I really needed to feel. But there was no pressure involved with doing that. On a lot of days I felt so worthless ... and I was SO worried about how NOT Doing anything would impact my future, how it would impact my resume..but The strategy paid off. I feel I'm I'm a better spot now than I was ever before when I was taking adderall because of those two years of foundation building.
  5. I really hear you on the whole thing about feeling grateful for where we are. We were adderall addicts and now we are gaining confidence after taking it easy on ourselves and it is now paying off.For everyone reading this, and just quitting, I've learned that taking it really easy on yourself is laying down a foundation for a stable future. Being hard on yourself after you quit is like setting up your house to right away come crumbling down.
  6. Ashley I love it so much!! I love going into work. I get along real well with the other interns. I really like my team. I feel grateful to be here. My commute is tough but I don't mind it at all because I feel so grateful to have this job . after everything that has happened to me with adderall..after not working for two years..the gap on my resume,,,after being fired in humiliated fashion for going into psychosis....I lost so much confidence in myself and my ability to convince anyone I was capable of being hired. Anyway it's only been 6 days,.,maybe in a couple weeks I will be saying I hate it here! Lol.
  7. When I quit I didn't work for two years. I just dedicated that time to recovering, I gained weight and I just focused on recovery day like I was in rehab only I was doing my stint in rehab at home. I know it's not easy to do that but I felt I really needed to do that to successfully quit because I had relapsed in the past. I'm back on my feet now but I still feel the residual effects of quitting adderall so many years later if that gives you more motivation to quit now.. When you are quitting keep a REALISTIC perspective on what you should expect from yourself. You chemically altered your brain. It has to recover.
  8. Sleep deprivation, the last two days I couldn't even stay wake through game of thrones. Lol..I will try again tonight.
  9. Ashley, I'm so happy to read your Post!!!! I'm too exhausted to write anything right now. And I have to get up at 5:20am (I know!) but I will write more later!
  10. After running like this for a year it's def not too late to get it back. It'll just take a couple runs like 1 or 2 more, I'm cashing in on my miles from last week!
  11. Quit once I messaged you already but it's great to see you back!!
  12. Edge of tomorrow - much better than I expected!!
  13. Quit once - if u r reading this , I just want to remind u the last time I disappeared for a few months you had thought I'd got into an accident and died! Let us know that u r alive.
  14. Yeah, they are totally different. Smoking is like peanuts compared to quitting adderall. But smoking is super tough too. Hang in there zerokewl. It's so worth it.
  15. I think you should do the problems over and over again until you're confidant. You still have a lot of time to prepare.
  16. More to add... Dry mouth = bad breath!! I forgot about that. Feeling invincible at work not reflecting well on coworkers or your team Insanely passionate or enthusiastic about work (even the most mundane tasks) not reflecting well on coworkers Intensely Thinking about work after the work day is over, Really Poor soft skills
  17. There are so many reasons above that have me really nodding my head ...like overly aggressive..too many to list.. -Too much nervous energy and nervous energy used unproductively -information overload + nervous energy =Confusion -As adderall wears off.distracted behavior -overly persistent on one task when many tasks need to be done -unreliable
  18. http://pilladvised.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/adhd.jpg
  19. I just thought I'd create a list of why adderall and work don't mix. Feel free to add. 1 compelled to smoke at inopportune times 2. Taking too much during the day and not being able to sleep that night and waking early the next day unrested,,,and repeating that trend over and over. 3 pulse pounding anxious behavior (in front of the boss and coworkers) 4. Messed up sleep cycles,
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