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Everything posted by Greg

  1. i think i want to start watching Silicon Valley. It was renewed for a second season and its supposed to be really true to life. But also so many people have told me to start watching Newsroom. Maybe I will watch both, lol.
  2. dont want to run. but must go run.
  3. Last month with the job search everything I wasn't able to bring myself to do the taper. This month I have been sticking to 1.5 to 2 mgs. a day. If I go below that it is pretty awful. I hate xanax withdrawal. I will not go so far to say it is anything near as bad as adderall withdrawal for me, but its definitely not comfortable! Right now I am only taking that dosage to stave off withdrawal symptoms. It really sucks. Thanks for checking up, I was meaning to update. I hope to be rid of this soon.
  4. Demi, if u ask anyone on this site. Cutting off your doctor is terrifying but it is the right way to get free from adderall.
  5. Im so sorry to hear that SweetCarolinee. 91 is a long age and thats remarkable how she beat the odds by such a long time. My grandmother also passed away in her 90s. And it was such a really sad time for everyone, but yes your grandmother is no longer in pain and you can take solace in that. My heart goes out to you and your family during this time. Im really sorry to hear this sad news.
  6. great job shreddedtea, you're well on your way.
  7. I bet so. One day if I can find the time, I'd like to read the books and get even more details from thestory.
  8. Freaking out is totally normal. it's like suddenly being thrown into the water, but eventually u begin to swim.
  9. Interactive map http://quartermaester.info/
  10. Game of Thrones is great. A bunch of people in my building, including myself, crowd around a tv to watch it on Sunday nights. ALL of them already know who killed you know who except for me. I refuse to let that be spoiled. Im the only one who likes surprises. I have to check out Silicon Valley.
  11. that's awesome news. I think the collective wisdom here is that is really the RIGHT way to do things. Don't doubt your decison. well done. Be strong now and keep checking in. You're on your way to living free.
  12. Ashley C'mon. You can make it to 12 this week!!!! And good job with getting used to the work hours. I know it's been tough. How is the job going?? I ran three miles outside today and I had to walk a lap between each mile, even though it was perfect running weather. 3 miles down, 9 to go.
  13. I thought this was an interesting article on the front page of USA Today about doctors getting addticted prescription pills. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/04/15/doctors-addicted-drugs-health-care-diversion/7588401/
  14. Check in Sunday all- Great job Occasional!!! I made it to 12 this week. I cant run as much outside and Im not sure why. I think Ashley made me think this way, lol.(kidding Ashley!) If im crunched for time and I need my 12, I head straight to the treadmill because i know that's where i will realistically get it done. If i have tons of time, then I can do it around the track.. The strategy you guys are doing though makes a lot of sense. KEEP IT UP!!! (Now Im about to consume all the calories i burned + more at The Cheesecake Factory tonight!)
  15. good job Cat. I cranked out 10 today.
  16. Ashley - get back on the horse already!!! Great work Occasional!! Lil Tex, that's an interesting story. I never heard of Yasso 800's so i looked it up. Interesting stuff. http://www.runnersworld.com/race-training/yasso-800s I can't believe he has run in 200 marathons. that's insane!!!!!
  17. 3 days straight was pretty much the norm for me too. And Netflix was definitely part of my regimen for quitting. For series..Here are some good shows on Netflix Breaking Bad.. i thought it started out slow, but became excellent. Walking Dead The Following - the one with Kevin Bacon. This is my favorite show of the moment. House of Cards was Great. So was Orange is the New Black. I hear Dexter is also great and also Scandal.
  18. check in day - 9 for me today, makes 9 for the week.
  19. thanks. I will need to print this out and study it.
  20. Lol, I watched this video at least twice in class. Both times for management classes.
  21. SweetCaroline I think u need NEW SHOES. I had terrible running problems with my feet, my knees all that. I iced my knees every night and my feet. And I wore knee braces. And I didnt know what was wrong until i realized it was my shoes. They have to be replaced. I splurged a real good pair and all my problems went away like that.
  22. uh! u r noticing my lack of progress updates??
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