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Posts posted by Greg

  1. When I have to do an Excel or database report that I don't know how to do, I have someone show me and record the screencast. That way they only have to show me once and I don't need to remember - I can just watch the video of it next time.

    OMG! i wish i got this advice sooner. That is such an incredibly good idea!!!!!!!!!!!


    What do you use for your screencast? 

  2. Sounds like a character building opportunity. Excel or any issues are all about approaching the problems many different ways. 



    You are right. This is a skill building opportunity. Im definitely outside my confort zone. And I am being challenged to work outside my comfort zone and build new skills which will be extremely beneficial in long run. I wish i could sustain this great outlook throughout the day to day - lol. It's hard though. 

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  3. Confused.

    How do I act "operatically without singing"? Seriously, is that a thing? LOL, I rocked it last night, but the director wants me to do more...^^^ Not sure what he means, but I am going to go larger than life and see how it goes. Call time is 5 pm every Thursday-Friday in October. So much awesome!

    This makes me smile! I'm happy you are doing what you love! Keep rocking it!

    Operatically synonym for dramatically?

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  4. Sounds like a shitty company culture if people aren't willing to help each other. Maybe you can practice Excel a little on the weekends and look for new jobs on the side.

    The corporate culture is all over the place with such a big company! Remember last summer it was all about politics. Now in a different division it's less about politics and more about yelling at you and giving shit if you make mistakes. And asking for things that require a high level of intelligence.,,and that's what originally drew me to adderall. Trying to be more intelligent ..I thought adderall was the way....and...ugh now I'm drinking and depressed and giving myself a night off to watch tv and sleep :-( I don't want to face any more music tonight

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  5. Depressed. I turned in careless work and got yelled by my boss. But I'm being told to do excel stuff that is way too advanced for me even if I studied, it's too advanced. If I felt I could read a book and learn I would, ... But I will give it a shot. I'm drinking and depressed and I told my boss that I'm intermediate excel level and I wanted to set the expectations, and I will give this awful task a shot. Covered myself the best that I could,

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  6. Thanks for checking in . My job is very demanding and I feel like my mental health is not good -- I keep trying to frame this in a positive way. It me the only thing that can make me feel better. I'm tackling a extremely hard project but I am also elevating my skill set. I'm being challenged in an area I am weak in and I hope that Makes me more well rounded employee. WOW, just writing that made me feel better lol I'm so glad u asked

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  7. Keep in mind Benzedrine inalers are highly addictive and just as bad as all the other drugs: adderall, vyvance, Ritalin, Dexedrine..I am shocked that Benzedrine is still available for sale!

    Benzedrine was basically "the adderall of the 1960s "

    This is a mess. We've all been there and know what it's like. I was also downing scripts and goon to multiple doctors and had a mental break and also breaking down every day. This is a complete mess. Period. Rehab is a very good way out of it...

  8. i definitely hear you on this Doge. I feel the same way. It CAN ruin the whole evening in a best case scenerio. And worse case days and days...i hate it. 


    It doesnt ruin with the same duration as before but its still there for me...I dont know if i should watch that show if its triggering this...


    I saw requiem and read the book and found that she was taking dexedrine...thats what caused her mental break.


    I would say dont watch limitless the show.  It could be very triggery....

  9. I didn't find the movie all that great, however the premise was really cool (I watched it before I had ever even heard of adderall).  I feel like watching the show would probably be a trigger for me, due to exactly what you described - only showing the unrealistic romantic view of the pills.


    yeah I was about to say that this show could be triggery...and if you are just quitting or in a borderline place to stay away....


    it did give me some withdrawal pangs. I feel like i could handle it though..and i was definitely 'hate-watching' it if there's any way to describe that.


    As a show, The premise is dumb though - he is the only one in the world who is immune to the side effects of NZT, So the FBI enlists him to start taking pills and help them solve crimes and catch bad guys.

  10. I just watched the TV show based on the movie which is already up online on the cbs website. And just in general, i thought the quality of the show, the writing all that stunk...


    For those not familiar with limitless, it's about a guy who takes a pill called NZT-48 and gains "adderall inspired" abilities..


    it was definitely showing the ideal version of our adderall selves that we envisioned ourselves to be...but were not really at all as we've come to discuss on the forums...but i found myself laughing through it because adderall doesn't do any of those things depicted on the show --- but we truly felt like it did when we were taking it. 


    The real show about adderall would be very, very boring... 

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