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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Couple informational interviews today. I tracked down my former marketing professor. And found a guy who worked at Kraft Foods Marketing to help me prep for my day of marketing interviews on Friday. I also scheduled an interview prep session with marketing professor from last semester for Thursday. As for school, I have been studying like crazy so my grades dont slip anymore!!! I got one of my worst grades so far since Ive been here!!. I have an exam Thursday that I plan to study from now until 1am - I will not fail it. The exam is the day before i fly out for the interviews. I got another interview scheduled for Monday for a marketing/finance internship. So at least if the Friday one doesnt pan out I have another chance. I want to go in being relaxed and confidant friday though!
  2. Ashley, congratulations on two years~and putting more distance from yourself and that evil drug!!! I can't believe two years has passed already. I am excited for hearing about this new stage in your life and I know things will only get better from here!!
  3. Justin, Im not going to argue with that. My grades have taken a serious bludgeoning.
  4. Justin it is never to early to start looking. There is so much to learn about the job finding process I have found.
  5. Good luck tomorrow sweetcarolinee!!
  6. Just checking in. My full day of interviews is on Friday and I'm so nervous already. I am fully prepared for it not working out for me , it's very competitive program for mbas, and I have plans be drinking my sorrows away when I don't hear back after my interviews. I had an informational interview today and got a lead on a possible position for the summer which I think would be interesting. I also set up an info interview Tuesday with someone who is doing exactly what I want to get into, so I hope to get some good advice and leads. I have basically a month left to get an internship. Th Friday interview is probably my last shot, because I'm not getting anymore interviews despite applying. And the number of internship openings is quickly dwindling down. but everyone is saying my search is good experience for the REAL job search which I plan to begin very very early. Unlike the internship search which I started pretty late in the process. I am thinking when I have time maybe over the summer of tinkering with my resume to see if I can make myself look a little better on paper. I also plan to try to read interview books and stuff this week. Ashley do u start soon?
  7. Woohoooo!!! Ashley by the time you have worked there for two or three years I will STILL ABE POSTING ON THIS THREAD trying to get something.I am very proud of u!! This is an excellent start for a brand new career path! I look forward to hearing how it goes!!
  8. It will be either next monday or next friday. so I can relax a little this week. edit - its Friday April 4th. I fly out at 6am, and come back that night at 10pm.
  9. its just for the summer. So ill either find a place to stay or stay at home which is about a 40 minute commute away. Id probably stay at home. But we'll see if I get it...lol.
  10. I made it to round three! They are flying me in from FL for a full day of interviews. They said my second interview went really well. Even if i dont get it, its a confidence booster that I was able to at least make it to the third round.
  11. Me too. Big fat zero . Great job occasional for rocking it this week!!!
  12. I cannot see u just relapsing without recognizing the warning signs and posting here for support if you begin to notice the job may push u to a relapse. If we get to that bridge then you can just leave the job and find something new and take preventative measures against any potential relapse. I think this an excellent transition for u. Also are you working for the state government because I've heard state govt jobs have really good health insurance, pensions plans and stability. THE ONLY THING is that you got two offers in less than three weeks which is totally remarkable and I am curious to see if u could land several more and then have your pick of several jobs to choose from which is always the ideal situation. Maybe a different one would pay more and interest u more? 2 offers in Less than three weeks lol. You are awesome. You need to write a book on interviewing so I can read it!
  13. Sebastian I have been on Effexor since I quit and it's no big deal. Anti depressants are totally unaddictive or anything like that I understand where u r coming from about not wanting to take anything. Just want to give you a different perspective on them.
  14. I am going to save them as I continue my taper.
  15. Hey guys, Just a quick update. I got my new prescription today and I broke them all in half to continue my 50% taper. Withdrawal symptoms are much better now.
  16. I feel like I'm on slippery slope but no way does this come nearly as bad as quitting adderall. I was both psychologically addicted to adderall and physically addicted to adderall. With benzos I think I am physically addicted only. I think the psychological part of the addiction is the hardest thing about quitting adderall. Adderall took control of my mind. I lost the belief in myself that I could do anything without adderall. Benzos have not done that to me yet. I think that's one of the reasons it's so different. On Sunday I get my new prescription and I intend to continue my 50% taper. I will break them all in half and update you guys when I do so.
  17. Ashley sorry I didn't mean to move the conversation to my interview! If you take this job it is not like you have to stay there if you don't like it. You can always keep looking as the others mentioned. Is your main reservation simply that you are afraid working in triggery areas?
  18. He just shot me over an email with the subject line "pleasure to speak to you" saying it was great chatting. I shot back an email with the link. I hope it doesn't get spammed out!!! Anyway, he says to keep him in the loop as I move through the interview process. (Maybe he will pass me into a third round - ugh THIRD round???) Or maybe just being a nice guy. I dont know. He also said something like 90% of the people he passes through in interviews end up getting into the program. Thats why recruiting always asks him to do phone interviews. Even if I make it to the next round. I will end up in that 10% lol.
  19. I just had my second round interview - I think it went well. We talked about college basketball and NCAA brackets the whole time. I've never had an interview like that. And then he said to email him anytime and if i had questions...and then at the end he said that this was "a great conversation and we'll move it along". "And he said...when you start make sure you take the opportunity to network etc..." And then he said something about sending him this website that I mentioned that I use to keep myself organized. Ugh. I am like overanalyzing everything he said. What does that mean?????? good sign?? This would be a dream internship for me.
  20. I think I want to change my name from InRecovery to dangling_off_the_edge_of_cliff.
  21. I just wanted to update - I've been sticking to a roughly 50 percent taper. Its been getting much better. Today I actually felt so much better I decided not to take any xanax but a few hours into the day, withdrawal set in which is a painful reminder that Im not out of the clear. My appetite is definitely back. And when i wake up in the morning I want to go back to sleep (that is actually a good sign because it means the insomnia has been dissipating) I still have trouble falling asleep at night. But overall, it is much better than it was a week ago. Thanks everyone for your support Unlike adderall, cutting back on the xanax has been much easier because i feel like i have control whether i take it or not but with adderall, I felt completely powerless over that pill. I can see how a xanax addiction could lead down the same road though.
  22. Hey Ashley, if you truly have a passion for it, this would be something strongly to consider because you will be doing it day after day and if you are interested in your work u will be happy there. Did you like the people you interviewed with? I think you are strong enough to avoid a relapse and are wise enough to post here if you feel yourself headed that way like I did just recently. Will you always be visiting these 'triggery areas' on your job? You are right about you shouldn't let adderall hold you back. Thoughts?
  23. I think they can easily do so. I think its a good thing you double checked to be safe.Edit - do u have a linkedin profile? I have heard it is good to have one so if employers check on you they know you are tech savvy enough to use social media.
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