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Everything posted by Greg

  1. I frequently attended both AA and NA and had an AA sponsor and NA sponsor whom I called every day. I stopped going after a while but I found them to be no different. Addiction is addiction and at the core it's the same with all substance whether it's alcohol, prescription pills or street drugs.
  2. I don't these were the responses occasional1 was expecting, LOL
  3. I also found this video to be helpful in understanding PAWS http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4ynAgvHTy5k
  4. You can do it Ruben. It's hard, and can seem impossible at first but look around and see how many people here have been able to do it. You can as well.
  5. That is the same with me except with PAWS. I go through really really rough patches especially recently but try to avoid posting here because I don't want to scare new people into thinking they are going to be like me. It takes a long time to recover but how long is different for everyone.
  6. I have found this to be a good explanation of PAWS. http://addictionsandrecovery.org/post-acute-withdrawal.htm I did quite a number on myself in my adderall binging days (I was mostly snorting adderall too and was over 250mgs a day sometimes more) so even years later after quitting my PAWS gets really bad and intense. Especially when I am under stress and haven't slept enough. But I doubt yours would last as long as mine has. the length of PAWS is different for everyone.
  7. You guys are going to hate me. I am in Florida and it is like 80 degrees sunny and beautiful. Palm trees lined around the track. There is also a beautiful crystal blue lakeside that goes on for miles that I run by in the sunny weather. Should I post a picture?? :)
  8. I actually came across some about a year ago and I just freaked out and threw it out like a dead rodent. I've been pretty stressed out recently. recently I've been fantasizing about being on it a lot, but I know would never ever take it again. I could never. You are not alone. Keep it up, staying clean.!
  9. Welcome to the forums. I was addicted to Ritalin and Concetta as well. I think you are making an intelligent decision. And your thoughts are logical. No, you don't want to be on the his for the rest of your life. You definitely don't want hypertension. Your motivation will come back more and more the longer you are away from it. So keep with it and be strong!
  10. Quit once..this is so true. It makes us excited and giddy about everything. Whenever I am talking to my mom, and I'm in a good mood or excited about something she sometimes gets suspicious and fears I have started taking adderall again. This is the same with my sister. When I get too excited it makes them worried. Understandable.
  11. Greg


    Lol..this reminds me... Have u seen the film August osage county? Meryl streeps character iS severely addicted to dozens of prescription pills. Julia Roberts, her daughter, gets totally fed up, tackles her to the ground, grabs the pill bottles out of her hand, flushes them down the toilet...then drags her mother to the prescribing doctor, throws the pill bottles at him at threatens to sue him if he gives her mother another pill. Of course this scene made me think of all of us, A lot of us here need that to happen, or needed that to happen. Actually if u see the movie poster, this is the exact scene where she wrestles her mom to the ground to get her pills http://content9.flixster.com/movie/11/17/41/11174159_800.jpg
  12. Rapid pulse, zoned out, heart palpitations, anxiety, headaches, high blood pressure, eye twitching, clenched jaw, tense all over, and everything that comes with being overtired.
  13. Good job you all! I got in zero miles this week. I caught a cold and have been overstressed with all my classes. I took the easy classes last semester and all the hard ones are this semester...the PAWS has been really, really bad. Also, at work I had a nightmare of a boss come in, who was -- a total nightmare and made my life miserable. Really, Really bad. But her bosses couldn't take her anymore and she was fired! Thank goodness. So some things are improving. Well hopefully Ill get in miles this week! (Yes, Occasional, we all need to do a 10K together absolutely!!)
  14. Great job occasional!! I love checking in when I've made it too. Lol. 19 for me! 4 were outside.
  15. ugh. im checking in with unimpressive ZERO. I just flew back to school today. And time to get back into the routine!
  16. Ashley, glad you shared those pics! You are so much more alive in the one on the right!!
  17. Awesome Ashley!!!!! Nice job Zerokewl. I got 19 this week.
  18. there's no question that she needs to be cut off, but you dont have to be so direct with her that you got her cut off. You and the family can be vague about how it unraveled. It actually took me a year or two before my family told me how i was cut off. I thought my doctor simply 'caught on' to me and thats how i got cut off. i really think that was smart of them - lol. Because I was very angry to put it lightly and my feelings were all over the place when i was cut off. I was beyond irrational but could only see that in hindsight. But it is would be up to you guys to decide how to approach it. Bottom line is - being cut off is what she needs. She won't be happy about it but she has to go through the process of going through hell detox if she wants to become well again. edit - I have been clean for a while, and my life is coming back together. But it was actually very recently that my sister told me that my AUNT is the one who orchestrated this whole thing (and my aunt now knows that I know she was helping behind the scenes) about getting me cut off and then my sister suggested to me that I should express to her my appreciation the next time i get a chance to see her because we have never discussed it which i definitely plan to do.
  19. Ashley I hate it when that happens! That has happened to me a couple times. Or when I leave my earphones at home. Ugh.
  20. Check in Sunday everyone! ( it is amazing how easy it is to gain 10 pounds, but how hard it is to lose 10 lbs )
  21. I just want to add that people in psychosis can be very convincing in their psychosis because they were seemingly normal people before they went crazy ..and u probably don't expect them to suddenly turn crazy. This medication can do that.. But don't allow yourself to believe any of it or any of the things that are said. Her mind has been poisoned by too much stimulation from her pills. Please keep us posted.
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