Haha, there are definitely worse things to be addicted to!
@hyper_critical is my Twitter handle, which I started last November ( The fund I worked at used elements of complex systems analysis, which includes the study of critical states. "Hyper-critical" was our take on where certain volatility markets were when I set it up, and happened to be a reflection of where I was at in my addiction. When I go back and read tweets from last November-April, boy is the mania evident...
Thanks for your supportive words. I'm feeling pretty good day-to-day. My self-care is improving, and I feel like I'm approaching the point where I can start thinking about what I want to do next professionally.
I'm not sure what I'm looking for from this community, to be honest. Right now, identification is an enormous benefit to me. Sometimes I feel like the people in recovery I interact with and my treatment team, not many of whom have a lot of experience with primarily Adderall addiction, don't really get where I'm coming from and what my problems are. I still get an enormous amount out of them, and more often than not when I become frustrated it's because I'm choosing to "identify out," but most people on here seem to truly "get it." And hopefully I can help a newcomer by sharing some of my experience and insight.