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Everything posted by SweetCarolinee

  1. Hi there! Welcome to the boards. I have always had anxiety my whole life but after being on Adderall, not only did my anxiety worsen, I began to have depression for the first time in my life, panic attacks and became pretty dependent on alcohol during those 7 years I was on the ADHD meds. I have also been on anti-depressants on and off every now and then since starting the Adderall -- never b4 taking it. I've been off Adderall for almost 10 months now and my depression is completely gone, I still have some anxiety from time to time and it is bad around my shark week and the day after I drink heavy but besides that, life is pretty good. Just give it time. I also suggest cognitive therapy for anxiety, addiction and/or depression treatment because it doesn't just mask the problem like meds or booze. This kind of therapy, actually gets to the root/core of the problems and solves it. It's about changing your thinking patterns and thought processes to help change your actions and to overcome what your struggling with. Just putting it out there. Good luck to you and just give it time. We are here for you if you need anything! Love, Caroline
  2. Just keep going and don't look back. Everyone feel's like shit getting off Adderall. You need to push threw the pain --in order to make a break through. It sucks but just suck it up, you are stronger than you think and you will be stronger on the other side and glad you did this. It's hard, I'm not gonna lie but worth it. You owe it to yourself. You deserve better. I wish I had gotten off the stuff earlier than I did. I was on it for 7 years as well. If I can do it, you can. Trust me. Now I have been clean for so long, my anxiety is so lowered. It's amazing and my depression is gone, unless I drink a lot! I feel pretty great for the most part. Still need a lot of sleep but it's good for me! Hang in there and we are here for you if you need anything. Sending you my love, Caroline
  3. Hi Greg, I'm Caroline... a pleasure to meet you! :)
  4. Love this Ashely! That I can survive without Adderall. Life goes on. I am stronger than I thought. Life is good without it and hopefully will keep on getting better and better. It's also really nice to have a group of awesome people whom you've never meet - who are there for you and have been threw similar experiences and situations. Also, I don't miss it as much as I thought I was.
  5. then go to class at 8am for 2 and a half hours and then another class at 11 lol
  6. GDTRFB and mila490 -- you all are killin' it, I'm so happy for you two. Keep going, we are rooting you guys on
  7. Haha ZeroKewl -- the struggle is real!! It was some cheap shit for sure because I felt it today, bad. I had to post-pone my oil change to 2 hours later this morning.
  8. I fucked up and drank some champagne last night at work, someone bought me it and I didn't want to be rude and it was a deal going on, buy one get one free... so that lead to another and now I'm hungover. I'm not trying to stop drinking forever, I'm just trying to cut down to only drink once or twice a week and a few drinks when.
  9. I walked 3 miles and jogged 3 miles. Also, haven't drank since Tuesday and started using MyFitnessPal again to try to track my daily food intake!
  10. It's hard LilTex. I feel ya. I'm glad you thought this through, came here and didn't make any irrational decisions. Thank you for your post and your honestly. Maybe it's the harvest moon that was Monday or something because yesterday and the night b4, since quitting I have never thought about or craved Adderall so much and it sucks and was very confusing. I'm not sure if it was because I'm on my 'shark week' and have been very emotional and tired or what but it really sucked and like everyone said, I think I was romanticizing Adderall in my head and only remembering the good it brought and not the bad or negative side effects. Also, I was on pinterest (dangerous) and I follow a lot of my favorite and similar designers in my field around my age. I noticed all their new designs and how awesome they looked and was immediately jealous. With my full time job now, I don't have enough time to just create paintings, patterns, pillows and designs like I used too or work on Etsy as much, which sucks. Don't even get me started on the weight loss. It's hard balancing life in general and I was just thinking "If I had Adderall -- I could do my full time job and design my own stuff on the side and never sleep plus lose weight" but I would also, be crazy, depressed, become a ranging alchy, possibly get fired, fuck up my relationship and the list goes on…… It's hard and sometimes sucks but we will get threw it! I think I feel too good, mentally to go back on it. I just need to learn some self control and make myself workout more. Today was the first time I went on a run since Aug. 8th.
  11. Thank you guys so much for the support, prayers, kind words and positivity. She did really well and is back home now. Has stables in her head and very foggy feeling and on pain meds but she and my family will get threw. I'm so happy and feel somewhat relief. It could have been so much worse. It was a very scary thing and happened completely out of blue and shocked me and my family. This just goes to show, you can't take anything for granted, especially your health and always be thankful for everything and everyone you have in life.
  12. I think you 2 are just experiencing some of the many shitty side effects of Adderall. Get off that shit and everything will fall into place and go back to normal in time. Sending you both my love!
  13. Awesome! Keep up the good work, you should join the 30 day challenge where you check in everyday!
  14. This post is awesome. Thank you so much for sharing and congrats on 3 months, that is amazing and it sounds like your doing great! Thanks for all the healthy tips and thank you for sharing with us what has worked for you to help you quit! Welcome to Quitting Adderall!
  15. Hey guys, I hope you all had a nice Labor Day. I found out yesterday by my Dad that the evening before (Sunday) while my parents were unloading the groceries from the car, my mom had a seizure and my dad found her passed out on the garage floor. He took her to the hospital right away and they discovered a growth/tumor in her brain. Above one of her ears. It is called Meningioma and is surrounded by calcium. The good news is (knock on wood) that these kind of tumors are usually 90% not cancerous so let's hope so. She will be having surgery to remove it tomorrow. If you guys would be so kind, please pray for her and that her surgery goes well and the tumor comes back not cancerous. I am kind of a wreak right now and trying not to lose my shit. I know things can be so worse but it just really stinks. My mom and my family means everything to me and this is so hard and scary right now. I'm trying to keep everything together, I have to go to work in a few hours but I am super worried and trying not to think about it all the time or I will cry. It just makes me so mad because she is so healthy. She has never smoked anything in her life, eats super healthy, she eats salad everyday. She is very active, doesn't and has never taken mediation and she has a few beers or glasses a wine once a week and only in moderation. I just hope to God everything is going to be okay. Health is so important and some things are out of our control. It makes me feel so guilty how I have been drinking and unhealthy lately. Thanks for being there and listening and thanks for any prayers in advance. It means so much to me.
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