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Everything posted by SweetCarolinee
I drink coconut milk and almond milk… so freaking good! I switch it up with the seasons, coconut milk in spring and summer and almond in fall and winter. I love hot coco with coconut milk. I also love making coconut rice. Just cook the rice in coconut milk rather than water, so tasty Hope everyone is having a great day!
Thank you so much Jon! I'm trying here lol I've read a lot of your posts and thank you for everything and everyone else on here! This site has been a huge help the last couple of days. I've been reading it on my phone while on the road (wasn't the driver, of course). But now I have my laptop so I can join the chat and the fight. I know, it really stinks I got hooked on adderall. It was a mix between starting college and wanting to be perfect, etc. and blah blah blah. When the pill came into my life, it was love at first pop lol My entire life before college, I was never on anything... well nothing that bad, my mom wouldn't let us but once I went to college and tried "a" for the first time, I conveined my mom to let me get tested for ADD so I could get it. I went to an art/design school and it helped so much at first but then just got addicting and so bad and I've been too scared to quit - until 9 days ago. But I have no regrets, the only regret I have looking back is not stopping sooner. I'm 25 now and it's time for me to put my big girl panties on. For real. Thank you for the congratulations! I feel so proud of myself and it's only been 9 days. Today is the best I've felt since quitting and I honestly think it is because I've been the healthiest today. I took the Hemp Oil and Grape Seed Extract pills and I drank a large coffee and a Raw Rombucha tea, ate the healthiest I have since quitting and got a lot of sleep. My brain fog has lifted for a little. I hope this lasts! I really do think what you eat and put into your body has a huge influence on how you feel and how you live -- like the saying "you are what you eat." I've felt like sh!t the last 9 days but I've also been eating like it and putting no healthy nutritional value into my body or supplements or doing any physical activity and I think that is going to make all the difference in the world for me and my recovery. I need to eat healthy and workout, regardless how sleepy or hungry I am. I've never heard of Stops Acid Reflux -- interesting! I will definitely research it. I do a lot of research on the internet if you couldn't tell haha It sounds great thow and if it's working for you, keep doing it! You should definitely try the organic coconut oil, you can get refined and unrefined. The difference is the process of how the coconut meat was made into the oil. Also one tastes like coconuts and the other taste is a more plain, mild oil taste. "One of the distinguishing differences between refined and unrefined coconut oil is the taste. Because refined coconut oil is deodorized, it loses its signature coconut flavor and has no discernible taste or smell. However, unrefined oil carries a mild coconut flavor and aroma (source: http://www.ehow.com/about_5392760_refined-vs-unrefined-coconut-oil.html)." I've tried both and it really just depends on your personal opinion of the favor of coconut. To start, I would probably go with the flavorless one. The oil melts at 76 degrees and turns to liquid but if it's kept in the fridge or your house is cold, it hardens and turns solid. You can use it both ways and it has a 2 year shelf time, I believe. You can use it for cooking, baking, as butter, in tea or coffee, as sweeter, etc. Also on skin, hair, and as deodorant! Talk about many uses. It does take a while to get used too, I'm not gonna lie. It's kinda thick and not as good as olive oil (tasting wise - I think) but it's worth a shot. Once I found out it helps with mood and depression, I was eating it by the spoonful, which is never healthy or normal ha You can also get the spray oil form like pam from Trader Joes or I'm sure other places have it, to start. It apparently even helps with Alzheimer's and to prevent it and improve memory, which I definitely need! What is so amazing about it, is our bodies use and burn it as energy, unlike all the other oils -- which our bodies store as fat, I believe that is why athletes use it and one of the reasons I started using it. Along with the preventing depression and helping with memory loss. Heres more reasons to try it: http://www.anniesremedy.com/herb_detail347.php?gc=b347 I haven't had the motivation to workout yet or really be healthy yet. The hunger is still out of control, like I can't control it and I don't have enough energy to go for a jog. What I think I will have to go is force myself to go on one tomorrow. Like Nike, I'm gonna have to "just do it!" It's gonna be key for my recovery, to be healthy and workout or I know I will go back to my naughty ways -- which I can't let myself. Please excuse my bad writing and spelling skills. I'm ADHD and dyslexic. My bf loves the FF, he recommends it and takes it for work.
8 Stages of Amphetamine Use/Abuse
SweetCarolinee replied to Motivation_Follows_Action's topic in Announcements
WOW! This is such an eye-opener! Thank you for posting this. I was definitely in Stage 7a/b before. I was in stage 7A I believe, right before I chose to quit for good. I'm only 9 days clean so far and it's been hard but stuff like this is great motativation to never want to go back... I can relate to the "being so angry at the world and blaming all the people around you for feeling like this...feeling like shit" part so much. I was stuck in that state of mind for like the last 6 months to a year of my life and didn't know why. But I knew why the entire time. Too scared to stop, too scared to get fat and lazy and lack of motivation but enough is enough already. I pick no more stuffering. I want to love and life again. My OCD negative thoughts, anixiety, and depression were getting so bad, my doc put me on zoloft and I've never been depressed before in my life nor is it in my family history. I honestly blame myself and the adderall for it. Hopefully I can get off the zoloft soon too. Thanks again!- 35 replies
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- stages of abuse
- brain damage
- (and 6 more)
How to help someone suffering from stimulant psychosis?
SweetCarolinee replied to looking4help's topic in General Discussion
Hi, I definitely think your friend has a serious problem with adderall and it is the adderall making her crazy and thinking she's being followed and house bugged, etc. I have heard similar stories to your friends. Also, when I was on a lot of it, I heard voices and saw things all the time. Or thought I saw and heard things. Also on adderall, sounds and lights are so much louder and brighter, its crazy. And I was so paranoid on that stuff and the anxiety and OCD negative thoughts were getting so bad, that is why I quit taking it for good. I'm only 9 days in from quitting. She needs to get off of it as soon as possible and start healing -- her mind, body, and soul, if you ask me. I think you definitely need to tell her family about her problem with adderall and tell them everything you told us. Also they should maybe contact her doctor and try to get the doctor to not give her anymore adderall because shes abusing it. They should probably recommend a detox/rehab center as well. She may hate you at first for this but you are saving her life, seriously. And she will thank you later/after, on the other side when she is clean and back to normal. You should maybe do some research and print out some stories similar to hers and show her. Maybe that will help make her realize it's the addy but to be honest and I was that chick on adderall once, liker her and she still won't believe it probably because she loves the adderall too much and is clearly addicted -- but it still can't hurt. You have to be strong and she needs to stop being enabled. You guys have to cut her source for adderall but at the same time, she has to want to change for her, not anyone else or she will relapse. You sound like such a great friend. You should be proud of yourself. You could always tell her the FBI contacted you about her and they know about her Adderall. Maybe that will get her to stop….. Maybe not. Goodluck! -
My boyfriend who also has ADD takes "Focus Factor" as well, its by Factor Nutrition Labs. It has Vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D, E in it, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, Biotin, Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium, Iron, Calcium and more. Just to name a few. It seems a lot of vitamins and minerals. It is "clinically shown to improve memory, concentration, and focus."
Howdy folks, I'm Caroline. This is my first post on the site (love it) and 9th day adderall/vyvanse free so I'm literally at the beginning of my long journey and it hasn't been easy so far. I am not used to doing nothing, wanting to do nothing, lack of motivation, wanting to eat and sleep 24/7 AT ALL and I'm scared shitless I'm gonna get fat. I'm also not used to this crazy brain fog, which really sucks. But today has been my best day since quitting the stuff for good (hopefully and knock on wood!). I took addy and then vyvanse for the last 6 years of my life. And I was crazy. Looking back, I'm sometimes surprized I'm still alive and I thank God for that everyday. Right now, I would much rather be happy and have ADHD then be crazy and sad taking that crazy shit. I've been reading this site like crazy the past few days and it has really helped me so much -- thank you Mike and all you amazing people posting and sharing your stories. You've all been more helpful then you'll ever know and so inspiring to me. I appreciate it so much. I have been collecting information (in my notebook app or taking a screen shot of the convo on my phone) from people on this site/their comments and doing my own research and I wanted to share what I have found with you guys -- to help with focusing, etc. and overall health and wellness. I haven't experienced everything on this list but some. Hope this helps! I've always been kind of a health nut anyways and I'm into natural supplements and herbal healing so it's so heartbreaking I turned to a chemical that completely controlled my life. Now it's time to get control and get my life and mind back; pre-adderall. TO HELP WITH FOCUSING AFTER THE "A" WORD: 1. Of course, exercising and working out is key and eating a whole and healthy balanced diet (the more organic, the fresher and rawer or non-processed, the better) -- "Brain foods" are ginseng, berries, fish, super foods, and caffeine. Breakfast is super important and you should look at it as "fueling" your Brain and the beginning of your day, the best "brain" breakfast includes "high-fiber whole grains, dairy, and fruits," according to WebMD. A daily dose of nuts and (real dark) chocolate is recommended and fish twice weekly. Chocolate "contains natural stimulants like caffeine, which can enhance focus." And lots and lots of water! If your not a water drinker, add fresh fruit or cucumber to it to favor it and make it better tasting and more interesting or drink sparkling. 2. Getting enough sleep. At least 8 hours. If you can't sleep, take Melatonin. 3. One person suggested "Alpha Brain" supplements from Onnit.com (or you can get them from Amazon) for focus. 4. Someone suggested "cayenne pepper extract" and "ginseng" and they said they "noticed a different." 5. One person suggested "Bikram Yoga" - which I believe is hot yoga and they said to try the "30 day challenge - 30 classes in 30 days" (which I'm gonna try when I get more on my feet). They said "Bikram is designed to release those toxins stored in the fat and heal the body from the inside. As you burn fat in class, you get high from whatever was stored in your fat cells. Eventually, your drug-abuse toxins are gone and you retain control of your mind and body… all while losing weight and feeling better about yourself." This will definitely help with focusing as well. 6. Meditation 7. Quit-once -- I wrote down what you said about "improvement" in your "memory and cognition" with "Lions Mane Mushroom, Fish Oil, and Tyrosine." Thank you! 8. Hemp Oil pills (and/or the oil to cook with) and Grape Seed Extract (drops or pills): I just got both and already feel a difference! Research both and you will be BLOWN away by the benefits... 9. Research "Cbd" oil (cannabidiol) (drops) for overall WELLNESS… I just watched a show on it last night and was so impressed and I just ordered some. It's from the hemp plant and is supposed to even cure cancer, say what? 10. Tea - black, green, and oolong tea: tons of articles on how these three teas can help you focus and concentration, research it. Drink a few cups a day. Mix it with a different, better favor tea bag like mint or lemon ginger, thats what I do. Or make ice tea. Add lemon or honey. 11. I am a huge fan of Organic Raw Rombucha by GT (the tea drink, you can get at Whole Foods or health food stores). Yes, it is $3 something a bottle but I love this stuff, it is SO good for you and gives you energy. I get a natural boost of energy after drinking one and I swear it puts me in a better mood and helps with hangovers. 12. Fresh juices, I know gross but the benefits outweigh the gross taste. There is actually a deal on Groupon right now for a juicer for only $56, that's a really good deal! 13. Apple Cider Vinegar. Take a shot of it a few times a day. It is as healthy as anything, if not more healthy than the Organic Raw Rombucha Tea and is way cheaper to buy a bottle. Mix some water in the shot or make a drink with it in it to mask the taste with water, honey, and lemon. You can also use this as a natural toner for your skin. They have these as pills as well. My stomach always hurts when I take shots of this but it is for overall wellness. It also helps with not being hungry. 14. The B's: B6 and B12. 15. Coconut oil -- the oil or pills. Has tons of health and mood benefits. Athletes use it. Buy two bottles: use one to cook and the other for your hair and body. Here is some of the benefits: "1. The kind of fatty acids in coconut oil activate your thyroid, actually speeding up your metabolism 2. It has capyrillic acid, which helps fight candida, a bacteria that can build internally 3. It lowers cholesterol 4. It stops insulin from spiking which makes it great for diabetics 5. Its fat does not go into the blood stream, but directly into the liver, so instead storing the fat, your body uses it for energy. There is also evidence that it supports your immune system, and fights cancer and heart disease. (Source: http://fitinitin.com/2013/06/12/food-focus-coconut-oil/)" 16. Seeds/nuts -- I recommend chia and flex seeds 17. "Eight Natural Ways to Improve Focus Without Prescription Drugs" article < http://ezinearticles.com/?Eight-Natural-Ways-to-Improve-Focus-Without-Prescription-Drugs&id=4846158 I'm really bad at spelling so everyone please forgive my misspelled words. That is all I have for now. I hope this helps. Wow, I can't believe I made THIS list WITHOUT adderall… can you all believe it? First list without the "a" word. Wootwoot. I hope it wasn't too confusing. Today I feel great for the first time since quitting but well see. Tomorrow is a new day but I hope a lovely one. All my love. Cheers, Caroline And everyone on this site needs to give themselves more credit! Hip hip hooray to all of you and your achievements