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Everything posted by SweetCarolinee

  1. Hey Frank and welcome. I'm not sure if I have spoken to you in any of the chats yet. I was on the meds for 7 years as well and 70-something days clean now. After reading this convo, you keep comparing yourself to how you were and what you did while on Adderall and if you want to stay clean -- you can't keep doing that. You need to look at Adderall has the devil it is and not as what made you do all these wonderful things. Fuck, I graduated college and started a business on Adderall but I don't ever want to take that shit ever again. And I would have been just as successful, maybe even more without it. I think that's only natural to be feeling how you do. I'm not gonna lie, I still miss it. Actually I don't miss it, I miss the motivation and the ever lasting energy but I don't miss the depression, anxiety and drinking. Don't let your feelings of missing it get in the way of your quit and recovery. It's not worth it. And you got to stop making excuses to why you should take it. That's not helping! We're both still in early recovery so we gotta stay on the bright side here and focus on that and healing. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. It's not the end of the world, it's just the beginning. At the end of the day, you have to want to quit for you or it's probably not going to be successful. And you can look at your quit and this experience as shit or try to make the best of it. I'm learning I'm definitely stronger than I think and thought. I read one of your posts early about how easy it is to just pop a pill and I have those same thoughts everyday but I don't know, I just refuse to go back to that place because yeah, I got a lot done but it was a dark and depressive time and I no longer want to be a pills bitch. I want to be in control of my mind, body and feelings. You have probably been using Adderall to have alone time and to escape. A lot of people take Adderall to escape because it really does hide/numb emotions in some and efforts ones view of reality. It can make life like a out of body experience. Adderall will not heal all your problems, it just temporally sweeps them under the rug. I suggest possibly talking to someone to help your situation if your opened it. We're in the same boat and we can totally do this!
  2. Cerocero, welcome my friend and congrats on the start of a healthy, happy and adderall free lifestyle! I am a creative type too. 70-something days clean. Was on ADHD meds for the last 7 years. I went to art and design school and all that jazz. I was scared shitless of not being able to be creative and do what I did on Adderall but I am painting, drawing, making repeat patterns, and started to do shit for my Etsy shop again and I honestly think they are looking better than ever. I'm not having a problem with creativity, I'm having more so of a problem with motivation. I'm clearly just not as "motivated" without the meds but I don't think it was natural when I was. I've been getting more work done than normal the last few days with the help of coffee and forcing myself. I just suck it up and do it, do what I got to do. I thought doing stuff (w.o Adderall) would take me way longer but I think it takes me about the same amount of time because of how distracted and side tracked I would get while on the pills. Don't let the excuse of not being able to do something or be as creative if your not on Adderall get in the way of you quitting because it's only natural to think of excuses to stay on or keep taking the pills. They put a spell on you. You can do anything and everything you did on Adderall on your own, you just have to suck it up and try. Your really early into recovery so you just need to focus on healing and getting enough sleep. Don't get ahead of yourself. Your brain needs to readjust and get used to being without the meds. I suggest when you have enough strength, add some fitness or mediation to your route, if you don't do that already. I wasn't able to workout the first 2 weeks of quitting but now I go to yoga 4-5 days a week and I'm loving it. Turn this negative experience into a positive one, I think writing a song about struggle or addiction is a great way to channel your energy. Look at Tom Petty's "Last Dance for Mary Jane." Your going to be a great song writer, I can feel it.
  3. Hey there, Congrats on starting your new healthy lifestyle, being Adderall Free! Good for you and we are here for you every step of the way. I haven’t taken Wellbutrin so I can’t really answer your question but I think exercise, yoga and/or mediation may help. If it doesn’t help with withdrawals, it will help with mood and overall starting a new, healthy positive lifestyle – if it’s something you aren’t currently doing. I found no time or need to exercise on Adderall but that’s just me. Definitely eating right will help too and certain supplements help as well. Also, drink lots and lots of water. People don’t realize how important it is to drink enough water. I’m only around 70-something days clean but I don’t think I would have been able to do it without this site, the people on it or my new love, yoga. But I know fitting in fitness or yoga to an already very busy lifestyle can be very hard, if not impossible. To be honest (and I’m not saying this to scare you), there is no magical pill or solution or method to really skip out on the withdrawal symptoms. It is a very uncomfortable time, full of ups and down and is a struggle but I think you need to feel those feelings – in order to not, hopefully go back to your old ways. One of the main reasons why I don’t think about taking it again… even if it’s just “once†is because I don’t want to restart this “quitting process†or go through what I’ve already done/gone through again because it’s been hard as shit. And I always say this but it’s so worth it. Looking back, I can’t believe I was on it for so long, I literally let myself be controlled by a drug for 7 years and that is no way to live. Good luck with everything and you got this!
  4. Awesome LILTEX, I'm gonna be rooting you on!! Don't let fear hold you back my friend. Hugs & have a great weekend!!!
  5. Also, what suggestions/methods have you tried in the past to quit that didn't work for you? You have to try to possibly come up with new/other methods to be successful and for good this time!
  6. Welcome PositiveFuture! So glad you found this site and your here. Also glad you want to quit, hell yeah! I've been Adderall/Vyvanse free for a little over 2 months with a lot of help from this site/the amazing people on it. I was on Adderall for 5 years and than Vyvanse the last 2 and it's been a hell of a ride so far but so worth it and it's only just begun. My only regret is NOT quitting sooner. My doc put me on Lexpro after 3 years being on Adderall because I started to be depressed and have panic attacks and I would start crying but I literally had NO reason to be sad. For the first time in my life I became depressed and it doesn't run in my family. I knew it was the pills so I stopped taking the Adderall and just took the Lexpro for about a month and I did feel better but did terribly in college so I stopped the Lexpro and started the Adderall again. In the Fall, I got very depressed again while on Vyvanse and got put on Zoloft and I took them together up until Dec. 28th, 2013 when I quit the Vyvanse for good (but I am currently still on the Zoloft). And I want to be for at least 6 months from what my doctor suggests. All in all, if I haven't started talking Adderall I don't think I would ever have had to start any anti-depressant meds AT ALL. And I also thought I was bi-polar on Adderall and I thought I had every other sickness/disease. I think Adderall brings out the hypochondriac in all of us. At least it did in me. Now I don't think that as much nor do I think I'm bi-polar. My new psychiatrist thinks either the Adderall or Vyvanse or maybe both or because I drank a lot while on them made me start having OCD thinking and sometimes very negative. I feel so much better now, not being on Adderall and only on Zoloft. Sooner than later, I want to be off the Zoe as well. Sorry, this may sound so confusing. I suggest quitting ASAP, the sooner, the better because it's just going to get worse and harder, the longer you wait. It seems like now is the perfect time and we are here for you for any help/support that you need!
  7. Thanks for responding everyone Haha I'm not expecting to feel high….. If I wanted to feel high I would go smoke a blunt. I'm expecting to maybe notice a slight difference in my energy? But maybe I'm wrong and thats not how B12 vitamins work or are supposed to. I'm clearly not a doctor. Maybe the real reason to this post is me just wanting to feel clear headed again and not be so damn tired all the time. The first 2-3 hours I'm awake my mind is a funky cloud of foggy. And I just want a sharp, clear creative mind again but I know hopefully in time. I'm so impatience. What got me thinking about this is after reading peoples reactions to getting b12 shots and how they feel so much of a difference, more energy, improvement in mood, etc. So I guess I'm on a quest to find different alternative ways and methods of getting natural energy/energy boosts besides caffeine.
  8. Nice job Luckducky and Michael, you both are doing great! Keep up the good work. Lucky - you will find what brings you joy (besides your family and the a) in time. It just takes a while to getting used to life without it and everything has to readjust. Just being without adderall for as long as I have (which isn't very long at all lol) brings me joy but hey, every day and step counts. I make little goals everyday for myself (like a checklist) - sometimes my goal is to just go to yoga and try my hardest in it and get some designing/art done or something for the Etsy shop. And everyday when I finish the yoga class, I literally feel like I won the olympics. I try to remind myself a lot, of how I acted or looked like or what I did on the Adderall and that helps a little with not wanting to be back on it. And that now I am a little more in control of my body, mind, and happiness, I feel so empowered and I genuinely love life again and enjoy the simple, little things and so will you! Jon, your hiking and grabbing dinner days sound fun I love a good hike.
  9. Hey again! Sorry today I'm just full of topics. Today is FAT TUESDAY, happy fat tuesday everybody! And tomorrow is ASH WEDNESDAY -- if you celebrate this (and even if you don't) - what are ya'll planning to give up for it)? Besides Adderall... I'm gonna give up booze, beer and wine. Which I started a week ago.
  10. Hey gang, I was wondering if any of you take B12 (I know its a very common supplement to take) - probably most of you have it. I take it and have taken it for years and always feel nothing from it. I have done a little research on the topic and apparently B12 vitamins aren't as affective as everyone would wish and I kinda feel like it's pointless to even take this. I was thinking about going to get the shot of it but how long does it last? And how much does it cost? And going to the doctor how offend? So I found a B12 spray from Amazon called "B12 Boost" by SprayVit and like mint spray, you spray it on your tongue. I just got it today and I'm gonna try to out tomorrow and let y'all know what I think and if I feel a difference or a "boost." It is "supposed" to be even more effective than the shot - so they say. We'll see. A little over 2 months clean: I've been feeling really good lately, just a little spacey and sleepy still. I wrote my first poem last night (first poem without adderall). I have gone down to 10 hours of sleep instead of 12, sometimes. It's so odd because I have NEVER slept this much in my life and hate just not getting shit done like bam bam bam but I feel SO much better and happier without it. I'm getting a little bit of my hyperness back and ADHD pretty bad but I would rather have it be this way. And I'm excited about the future. No going back!
  11. This is so great Cassie. Thank you so much for sharing. This is amazing and I couldn't agree with you more In college, I took an art history class based on religion and our teacher made us mediate as a class, every class and it was awesome. I can't remember but I think it was for 15mins. I really enjoyed it but I was on a lot of Adderall then so I couldn't just silent my mind but now I can. While I'm in yoga, I feel like I am mediating the entire class (while doing hard intense cardio yoga moves in 105 degrees), my mind is blank and at peace. Just in the present, focusing on the moment and task at hand… the next yoga move or the current one. I'm listening to the instructor, focusing on my posture and breathing. During Bikram, you must breath threw your nose the entire time because you can control your breathing better and not get so out of breath. "Yoga has traditionally taught that breathing through the nose better maintains the correct balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood." And apparently, it clears the toxins out of your body better than breathing threw your mouth can. I just find this stuff so interesting but by breathing threw my nose I really do notice a difference. I never want to be out of control of my body and mind like I was on Adderall. I now am starting to get control back and it feels so good and empowering. I want to never live like that again (how I was and did on Adderall). I'm so glad I quit when I did and my only regret is that I wish I had done it sooner.
  12. HAHAHAH I can relate to you too so much with the writting, literally thought I wrote masterpieces and hit songs on Adderall... um I don't know so. And shit took me SO long to write. It took me forever to write bullshit. I once wrote a 20 page research paper that only needed to be 8 pages.
  13. You guys are KICKIN' ass, seriously! I need to get on ya'lls level. I need to "buy" and download Word to edit mine and I really don't want too but need too lol
  14. Great job guys!!! I need to join in on this also, just have to update my resume first...
  15. Thank you so much Justin. Day: 60, 61, and 62 - SUCCESS! I guess I can stop being on this thread now lol I'm back home and gonna try up yoga again tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing very well!!
  16. monday - 2 hour hike tuesday - didn't do shit - drove to the east coast to visit the grandfolks wednesday - nada thursday - nada friday - ran 2.5 miles saturday - ran 5.4 miles sunday - hungover I didn't do so great this week. But I was visiting my grandfolk and then went to my bf lakehouse. Once I get home from FL, Wednesday I will start my yoga back up and try to keep running! I really wanna do the Tough Mudder!
  17. I smell a punk concert in the air, filled with mosh pits, chuck tailors, coffee grinds, and making out. She may like you too but like you, is too scared to say anything. Remember, all the dudes her age are probably just pervs and want… you know. So you have the upper hand. My bf is 5 years older than me. When the time is right, I think you should go for it and ask her out!!!!! Or tell her your headed later to a local punk show and ask her if she wants to meet ya there… or you could be like "I have an extra ticket…" my friend bailed, are you interested? Seriously, life is too fuckin' short, my friend. And if she saids "no" and shit gets awkward, go to the coffee shop on the days she's off or stay friends. Okay sorry, I will stop playing cupid now. I just love love and think life is too short to not go after what you want, because you never know and it never hurts trying (well, maybe a little). You'll be in the same place you were before you went for it.
  18. Hey guys! SO sorry I've been MIA… I'm still in FL (Gulf coast) and on Tue. I rented a car and drove to the east coast to visit my grandparents who are in their early 90s… And my grandmother has been battling breast cancer for almost 13 years so it is always great to see them and spend time with them. And they didn't have internet, which is good though so I have no distractions while spending time with them. When I got back a few days later, my bf threw all my shit into his car and we drove to his parents lake house (in central FL) that also has no internet, phone service or cable so it's like camping but with a roof over our head, electric, running water, a kitchen, bathroom, and warm bed. It's like the best of both worlds so that is what I have been up too lately! I've gotten some great hikes and runs in. I have been eating a little naughtier than I like - my bf is able to eat whatever he wants and never gain weight so he can sometimes be a bad influence on what we eat but oh well, I'm gonna sweat it all out in yoga when I get back this Wednesday. Hope everyone is doing well, I've missed ya all. Guys I'm on day 59 today! Jay: I am so glad your on the 60 day challange, your killin' it buddy, great work!! Have you guys had the baby yet!?
  19. Everyone here is doing so great! Keep up the AWESOME work, I am so excited for and proud of everyone - just keeping thinking postive and pushing toward. I know we all can do it! We are getting one step closer to happiness and our goals.
  20. monday - bikram yoga (1 & 1/2hr.) tuesday - rest day wednesday - bikram yoga (1 & 1/2hr.) thursday - rest day friday - rest day - traveled to FL and celebrated Valentines day with the boy, bubbly and chocolate saturday - ran 4.21 miles sunday (today) - 1 hour hike w/ macmac (pup) and against the current ocean kayaking I wanted to post a pic of my dog on the hike but I couldn't figure out how to post a picture... can someone please fill me in lol I feel like an idiot.
  21. Thanks so much LuckyDucky - I'm so glad you found this site! And I definitely need to do that ZeroKewl, thanks for the heads up. Day: 50 and 51: HOLLLAA!!! This is crazy!
  22. Yeah and makes you super tired all the time because you never sleep. On Adderall, people look "cracked out" and like smoking ciggs, I truly believe it ages you faster than normal.
  23. Thanks everyone so much for the kind words! You all are the greatest. Ashley - Thanks for the kind words! Money is really tight for me right now too but if you ever have your eye on something in my shop, tell me and I will for sure give you a friend discounted price! Jon - haha thanks so much I enjoy that movie, haven't seen it in forever though! ZeroKewl - I think the American Shameless - it's so good. I was up til 4am watching it last night and had to wake up at 8am :/ Hope everyone is having a great, romantic VALENTINES day Sending ya all my love. I made it to sunny FL a few hours ago, so happy… I got out of that snow. Day 48 and 49: check and check!
  24. I have discovered a new TV show I love though, Shameless, have any of you seen it?
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