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Everything posted by SweetCarolinee

  1. I think I actually have these in pill form from GMC or Vitamin World. Yes, I know… I am like the "vitamin" lady instead of the cat lady lol They may be different from what your talking about because I didn't get them over the counter or anything but around a year ago, I was at the mall with my boyfriend and I was really hungover (story of my life… well not anymore). I told the guy who worked there and he suggested them. He said they were like eating really "burnt (like completely black) toast" which is good for detoxing but on the bottle, it saids something about gas. Like helping people have gas, which is odd but makes sense. I guess it's supposed to shock your system and make you sweat or #2 the toxins out… I did try them once, that one time and didn't really notice a difference. I didn't feel any less unhungover but I was probably on Adderall that day anyways, to be honest. I honestly suggest Bikram yoga a million times over this. And what zerokewl said. I've been sweatin all the toxins out lately and loving it. Besides the sleepiness and soreness, I feel so much better and I've only been doing it for 2 weeks (not every day) and I've noticed I'm toner (even in my upper arms) and feel better about myself, inside and out. I feel stronger and happier overall! You should try it!
  2. I have never been to New Orleans but I have dreamed about it and I have friends there. It is on my bucket list and I will be there hopefully within the next 2 years for hopefully mardi gras or voodoo fest! I used to live and went to college in Savannah, GA and I heard New Orleans is just like it but different at the same time!
  3. You are too cute for words Robin! Thank you so much
  4. That's great Luckyducky, good for you, you'll get threw it! And I gotta check out that article you all were talking about, seems really interesting. Oyvey, I hope you feel better. I know nothing we can say will make you feel better right now but know, this will pass. I, myself am on zoloft right now. If I had it my way, I wouldn't be... I wouldn't be on anything but the depression got so bad and I've been feeling a lot better on it and wish I got on it sooner actually.
  5. Thanks lovely FW! I feel so lonely at the "60 day challange." Everyone is either past or will hopefully be here soon! I wasn't able to get on here yesterday. I was kinda having an off day, I didn't use or anything. I was just super sleepy and didn't get to work out or anything... I did today though. I've been really sleepy this week, IDK if it's because I went so hard last week (at working out, pushing myself, etc.) or because I've been sleeping 12 hours a night - which I know is really bad. Sleeping too much is just as bad as sleeping too little but I feel like I'm literally catching up on 7 years of lost sleep here. Day: 34 & 35: done and done, yay! And I got yoga in today TFIG, hope EVERYONE has an AMAZING weekend!!!!
  6. Ashley! That's amazing about the races!!! You go girl, seriously, YOUR killin' it You should look up the Color Run, I heard it's really cool and fun. I wanna do more races, it's just too darn cold right now!
  7. I agree with what everyone has said, well most of it! Same with me. - After pulling an all nighter on addreall, the next day (without sleep) I felt like I ran a freaking marathon, like my entire body was SO sore everywhere and I did not work out. Sometimes I did intense cleaning and moving furniture (bottom apartment loved us) but never would work out - it was the craziest thing. - On Adderall, I would bleed a lot more and always have bruises all over my body from God knows what. - Sometimes I would pick at my skin and my face, which sucks because it can leave scars… and scared me because thats what people on meth do. - My vision sucked and I got Lasik eye surgery like what the hell? I'm supposed to have 20/20. Not on drugs people… - I would have to pee every 20 minutes, no joke. Always running to the bathroom… people probably thought I was pregnant or something. - And because I was always drinking on it, I was always swollen. Ugh, looking back, at the time, I "thought" I was so pretty and skinny when really I looked swollen hahahaha I look so much better and healthier now and I've only been clean for a month. - My skin is better and so is my hair. I think it's thicker and growing faster and shiner now I'm clean! - Sometimes if I was emotional or upset about something on Adderall, I would try not to cry but couldn't and my lip would start having spasms. - One of my favorite things about being adderall free is living and feeling in the present… On Adderall, I never could enjoy the present moment. I was always worrying and working toward my future. It's nice to just relax and smell the roses every once and a while.
  8. That's great Frank! Thanks for sharing. I haven't seen it yet so maybe I'll see if I can find it on Netflix this weekend! I really like the movie Yes Man with Jim Carrey. I let me friend barrow it and he never gave it back. I also love the movie (it's kinda scarey yet very magical) Pan's Labyrinth - have any of you ever seen it? It's in Spanish but you watch it with subtitles if you cant speak espanol. It came out in 2006.
  9. Hey guys! Day 33: YESSSS!!! And it feels so good Hope everyone is having a great evening! 2 days til the weekend!
  10. Thank you all SO much! That really made me smile so big to see all your lovely, supportive comments. Couldn't have done it with ya'll and this site, that is for sure. If I haven't found this site, I think I would still be on that shit. This site and you guys have given me the strength and hope to stay clean so from the bottom of my heart, thank you and air hugs haha I'm on Day 31! I guess I should move to the "60 day" challenge now, huh. - QO: I've been collecting them and copying and pasting them from websites haha - Jon: I'm sending some pixie dust your way and a smile and hey! I wanted to share with you, my new favorite breakfast "Overnight Oats" -- they are so good and filling. You got to try them, maybe they will help you get out bed when you don't feel like it ;P Check out this link: http://www.vancitybuzz.com/2014/01/overnight-oats-jar-dairy-free/ - Jay: Great job -- you will be there in 19 days, without a doubt, keep up the good work! - LuckyDucky: So glad you had a successful weekend and congrats for getting back on the saddle, you got this - Justin & Ashley: You guys rock. Thanks for your input and support always Here they are -- copy and paste away and use them as you all wish: ►▲▼► ♡ ∠ⓒ ♦ ♣ ☼ ♠• © ◘ ★ √ ○ ॠ◙ ☺ ☻ ♥ n º ™ ¢ ¶ ¡ £ ∞ § • ª º – ≠“ ‘ « Æ … Ò ≤ ≥ ÷
  11. monday - bikram yoga (1 & 1/2hr.) tuesday - ran 5 miles wednesday - rest day thursday - bikram yoga (1 & 1/2hr.) friday - bikram yoga (1 & 1/2hr.) saturday - rest day sunday (today) - bikram yoga (1 & 1/2hr.) = my 30th day clean off of Adderall! I'm so sore right now, I can't even like get out of bed haha
  12. Hey everyone! Haha thank you Oyvey -- I will send some pixie dust your way I didn't get on here yesterday. ★ Day: 29 and 30: √ and √ Woot woot, I did it guys and I couldn't have made it to day 30 without ya'll so thanks for EVERYTHING! Hope everyone had a great weekend.
  13. Great topic QO! Thanks so much for sharing and your input. I definitely need help with my sleeping patterns. I loved the part about your pups "snoring or flatulance" haha I can relate with mine. They always wake me up every morning. Since I'm co-owner of my Etsy shop, I get to make my own hours (which used to be 24/7) and it's been hard lately (getting up early) without - ya know. I've never been much of a sleeper even before ever taking speed. - In HS, I slept only 4-6hrs a night. - In college, I feel like I never slept, with the help of a lot of Adderall, of course. Not only was I in school full time, I also worked as a waitress/bartender and on the weekends, I had to work until 4-6 in the morning. I did that for 5 years while in school. I don't know what I was thinking or how I did it really, looking back. - Since the summer, I believe I've been taking stuff to help me sleep (like melatonin) but that was when my depression came back really bad. In fall, while I was still on Vyvanse, I couldn't fall asleep for the life of me. If I didn't take anything to help me sleep, I was up until sunrise and then I was able to fall asleep for a few hours. So I started taking benadryl every night to fall asleep and it gave me the worst depression and panic attacks shortly after taking them so I stopped. Now it's just been 1/4 a melatonin pill but I would like to be able to fall asleep naturally. I'm just a night owl at heart. I've never been a morning person and I don't think I ever will be. Sorry I took a 1/4 a melatonin about a hour ago so I should probably go to bed right now and not post this because I think I'm rambling. To help with sleep: I don't know if this is appropriate or not but "sexy time" definitely helps me fall asleep - unfortunately my boyfriend is in FL right now so I've been shit out of luck with that one. Also, I like to light a relaxing candle for a little before I hit the hay (that smells like the beach) or spray some aromatherapy sleep spray. I love this one: http://www.amazon.com/Bath-Body-Works-Aromatherapy-Lavender/dp/B0025N1AYU <-- you can spray your sheets, pillows or headboard with it. Having a hot glass of relaxing decaf tea is always nice, as well, like chamomile. Chamomile is known as having "smoothing properties and calming" and helps with relaxation and insomnia. Also turning my phone to silent helps me get some peace and quiet. - I think I need to start making myself wake up at a certain time, early everyday to start a new, healthier sleeping patter. - I also need to stop using my bed for other things beside sleep, like writting on my labtop, sewing, etc. I heard you shouldn't do that somewhere. I definitely can't fall asleep after eating a heavy meal or I think, exercising too late in the day/evening. Drinking (if I drink a lot) effects my quality of sleep and mood the next day. I'm taking it easy on the drinking lately.
  14. Day 28: comfirmed! 2 days to go until I move on to the "60 day challenge!" Great job Jay and You have it in you LuckyDucky! Thanks everyone for your support. Hope ya'll are having a great, safe and warm weekend
  15. Thanks so much zerokewl! I need to get on this asap. I recently got the Lion's mane capsules and I took 2 for the first time yesterday and I think they helped a bit. I was more productive than I have been and I cleaned/organized my small studio/work station, which felt good and the first time I cleaned anything besides dishes since quitting.
  16. Thanks Ashley, you should definitely do it! I been really enjoy the bikram yoga, I love sweating all those toxins out and I believe you burn at least 750 cals per session and that's like 1/4 a pound so when I found that out, I was like sign me up. It's hard, I wanted to pass out the last 30min of my first class and my roommate who came, ended up throwing up 5 times after though. If you do it, don't let your first class intimidate you to not come back because it gets easier in the heat each class you do. And I think it's helping a lot towards my recovery and healing process and giving me more energy and motivation to stay clean and want to workout and be healthy. I got a Groupon for a unlimited amount of classes for 1 month (which is motivation for me to go) or most of the time you can use your student ID for discounts, which is awesome! I'm gonna go today at 4:30
  17. Hi, I read your story last night before I went to sleep and I couldn't stop thinking about it. You've been through more in 20 years than most people have in their entire lifetime. Thank you so much for sharing everything with us, it means a lot and you are truly an inspiration. Words can't express how sorry I am what happened to you and your family and the loss of your mother and brother. My heart truly goes out to you. And I'm beyond thrilled your father made a full recovery. Your story was full of ups and downs and true, deep heartbreak but it seems like you were able to overcome a lot and create a happy ending… or beginning for yourself. After what you've been through, a lot of people would have probably gone down a road to heavy drug use and alcohol abuse to numb the pain but you did quiet the opposite. It shows how strong, smart, levelheaded, brave, and what a positive person you are with a great attitude and very bright future full of love, success, and happiness ahead of you. Thank you so much for sharing and very warm wishes your way!
  18. I'm not sure if this is true but they say it takes 3 weeks to break a habit and 3 weeks to make a habit. I find this very inspiring. It may be different for everyone but I think this is pretty cool. And I think what also helps me with quitting is not looking at it in the bigger picture or I will freak out and get too overwhelmed. Look at it day by day, week by week, step by step. Make yourself smaller goals as well as long term.
  19. Day 27: done and 3 sweet days to go. I'm gonna go to yoga today at 4:30 as well! Thanks everyone for your lovely support, ya'll make it that much more worth it. Luckyducky: Hey, hope you are feeling better today. I'm sorry to hear that but it definitely takes balls to admit it and thank you for sharing. Like Freedom's Wings said, we're here to help and not to judge anyone by any means so no worries. And I think it feels good to get it all out and we're here for you without a doubt. Look at this as another brick wall you need to figure out how to knock down so you can move forward towards your recovery. Just remember to preserve and you have the power to quit Adderall for good and you will. You are strong enough. You just have to figure that out for yourself! I agree with what everyone said they suggest you do. I also think you need to try to get to the real root of the problem, of why you keep using. It may be because your trying to numb your emotions. Adderall helps to take us out of our reality and puts us in a different, little sped out world/clean snow globe of our own that isn't real or in touch with reality, if you know what I mean and that makes sense. If you really want to stay clean for good, I think you need to get rid of the pills and tell your doctor, friend, drug dealer, etc. (wherever/whoever your getting them from) your addicted and you don't want to take them every again and delete their number or cancel any upcoming appointments. I know this sounds very scary and hard to do but it would help not having access to them. I could be wrong but I believe you may have access to them also because your younger son may take them? This is a huge temptation for you and you just have to find the willpower and strength inside you to not give in - no matter what. Hell, all of us could call up a drug dealer and get access at any time but we choose not too and it's hard but worth it. What also helps is replacing one habit with another / something else -- a new, healthy habit (like reading, cooking, working out, knitting, video games, making jewelry etc.). I've picked up yoga, working out/fitness, eating clean and making all my own recipes. It's been really helping me stay on track and have energy during this hard time. I also started a fitness trumblr blog to keep track of my process, workouts, meals, recipes, etc. and for motivation. It's been helping a lot. Different methods work for everyone though. Maybe you should ween yourself off of them slowly if you don't think cold turkey is working for you or seeking outside help like someone else suggested. We know you can do it!
  20. Day 26: check I was pretty productive today for once! It feels great Thanks everybody and great job everyone, we got this!
  21. Aww Jon! Well I'm sorry to hear that and I hope your groin feels better. I'm in CT so the snow is falling here too. I will not be shoveling snow though, but I may be snowboarding at the golf course tomorrow. Congrats to you for shoveling, getting some exercise and pushing threw and going to work this snowy, chilly evening. Be safe and stay warm, drink some hot coco!
  22. Hi guys! I ran 5 miles today and went in the sauna for 13min. And does yoga count as anything?!
  23. Hi there! Welcome and thank you so much for sharing your story/experience with us. I'm glad you found this amazing site. I don't think I would be where I am today without it. Honestly. The spiritual walk "The Santiage the Compostella walk" you went on sounds incredible and like an amazing experience. It must have taken a lot of will power, strength, bravery and more to get through it and you did it! That's amazing. I've never done anything like that in my life but would love too. I think you can be the person you described after the walk -- respected, like superman, with God and you can lift mountains. I really believe that. Now it's time for you to believe that and your first step is getting off Adderall! You just have to believe in yourself and that you can, no... WILL. The human mind is such a powerful, remarkable thing. When you came back to Canada and the depression and fatigue hit you - that was probably/most likely the withdrawal stages of quitting Adderall setting in. This has happened to most, if not all of us during our recovery. It's the chemicals in our mind readjusting and hopefully fixing themselves after all those years of abuse on Adderall. While on your spiritual walk, you were moving the entire time and your endorphins were probably flowing, which helps makes a difference in mood and anxiety. You were free and you can get back there and to that place of peace, you just have to not give in. You already proved you can be without Adderall and push your body to incredible heights and go the distance, you have to be willing to do it again but this time quitting for good. You have to understand what you are going through right now (when you came back from your travels) is normal and the normal part of recovery and getting back to your pre-adderall self. I try to look at it in a positive way, although I feel like shit and depressed, I'm not going crazy - it's apart of the "healing" and recovery process to become healthy once again. And it will make me stronger. Not only stronger, the further along I get on my recovery, I feel I'm more motivated to stay clean and not go back to my old ways and the last thing I want to do is have to restart the "recovery" process over. I refuse to do that. You should try doing Bikram yoga, it may take you back to your "The Santiage the Compostella Walk" days. A place of inner peace and spirituality. I've been doing it the last 2 weeks and it has been amazing and making me feel great. I definitely wouldn't have been able to do it on Adderall. It really helps during recovery and to sweat out every toxin in your body. You have the power in you, my friend and we are here for you for support and friendship!
  24. Hey guys! Day 25: check -- 5 days to go guys (and then the rest of my lifetime haha) I also got in a 5 mile jog. Woot. We're getting snowed in right now! I'm in CT. Everyone please keep warm and safe in this crazy ass, freezing weather. It's bitter to the bones out there. Sucks walking the dogs. @FreeBird: Thank you for being so supportive and lovely. Your picture is beautiful by the way and I hope you are doing well! @FW & Justin: Thanks for also being so supportive, you guys are the best. @Luckyducky: Your doing great, stay strong. We got this and you'll be at 30 days in no time @Jay: Welcome buddy! I read the entire thread you started and it was great and so inspiring. Good for you! I'm so glad you found this site and joined. I'm also glad your finding the strength to quit Adderall for good and congratulations on your first baby on the way. That is absolutely amazing and you should be so proud! Just keep reminding yourself of why your doing this and how much of a better person, lawyer, husband/boyfriend, and father you will be without that evil little pill. You can do it! We're proud of you and we're all here for you for any support needed along the way! Getttttt it.
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