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Freedom's Wings

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Everything posted by Freedom's Wings

  1. Have a good day Sweet C! Congrats on day 19! You're putting up numbers.
  2. Jus, That would be cool.I have about 20 credits to my associates. I wanna go for an MBA. I'm not enrolled curently, but hopefully by next semester I will be. On another note, I'm headed to workout soon. I'll let you guys no how it goes.
  3. ZK, Then perhaps you can pledge to set aside a time frame to work on your project. This forum is not only for huge commitments, but day to day commitments. So feel free to make daily or weekly pledges to yourself by listing them here, then later confirming whether you've met your goal. It can be as simple as pledging to wake up early tomorrow to get a good start on the day. "Together we can share, support, and build momentum towards our destiny.
  4. Maybe that's why we gel. lol. Anyway, making it through the semester ( in one piece ) is huge. The task of being in school alone is a huge commitment. School is my next step. Keep us posted on your progress.
  5. To help you dig deeper ZK, how do you pledge to stop procrastinating your future? Is there something, one thing that you can put in writing that you will do today or tomorrow to spark your progress?
  6. Salve Jus, Well, it sounds like you have a lot going on, indeed. I like to think that even though I get extremely overwhelmed at times, having a lot going on is better than having nothing at all happening. Boredom is most feared adversary these days. It seems to me you're making progress. Don't forget to let yourself off the hook every once in a while. I'm glad you are feeling better today.
  7. SweetCarolinee, Keep up the good work and positive outlook. We're rooting for you!
  8. This page is for anyone just starting out, or attempting to get that 1st 30 days of clean time, free from adderall. Anyone can post to this page: The format is simple; For 30 days pledge your sobriety to yourself and make it official by posting daily to this tread either "confirming" or "denying" whether you have abstained from taking addy for that day. Ex: Day 4: Confirmed! Do this for 30 days, and, at the end congratulate yourself on a tough but well worth it start toward rebuilding a new, sober, and more beautiful you! FW
  9. Jus, How you're feeling is normal. I'm sorry you have been down lately, but this site is not for fairytales or pretend happiness; so im glad that you said exactly how you're feeling so we can be here for you. What do you think has you in such a funk, if you are doing so well at work and church? What are your expectations?
  10. Way to go Jon! Keep plugging away at it! Ive done the treadmill once. I get most of my exercise at work right now, but Im looking to really improve on that next week.
  11. Ive experienced both sides of this coin Jon, however, when the latter happens I usually attribute it to my mind steadily repairing itself.
  12. Congrats just sending some congratulatory love!
  13. Sounds about right to me Jus. I just hope with enough time and right living we will overcome this. I can remember a time of being fearless, now many days I wake up anxiety ridden. And don't let me have to work, anytime I need to perform, I get stiff as a board.
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