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Freedom's Wings

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Everything posted by Freedom's Wings

  1. Ss, congrats on day 25! You are really climbing up there! Feel better, and keep us posted. How are you LuLu, LL?? DAY 55: CONFIRMED!
  2. Hey there LuLu, I'm doing, living, being...taking it one day at a time right now. I've been pretty busy and overwhelmed lately. How are you? Congrats on Day 67!! You're like an old pro these days.
  3. Congrats on day three and the wedding Tess! Thank GOD for second chances!
  4. Tessa It takes real courage to be the first one to do anything. I commend you for accepting this challenge and stepping out on faith where there are no promises. You can do it! So Plug in and Keep posting! Like Justin said we are all in this together. Congratulations on day 1!
  5. Put one foot in front of the other. At this point you will have no motivation. The best advice i can give you is to be accepting of this for the time being and even when your head and body are telling you no, start training yourself to go against it. You may also wanna try takimg some vitamin supplements. Most of all great patience will be required. You wont be able to convince yourself all the time right now to"take action" but you should still focus on trying to, that way if you move one out of three times at least it gets the ball rolling. Also, you might wanna try "the 30 day challenge" to help you get started if you're serious about quitting. there are a lot ofsupportive people here to back you up. Fw
  6. LL, Tx Babez! I know it's early but since im on here I'd minus well claim Day 51. Day 51: IS mIne!! LL these are the hurdles of life, even before addy. There always was and always will be hurdles. What happened is we've lost our ability to cope with the real world due to living in addyland for so long. Right now Im working on Cultivating new associations and new coping skills and it is hard as hell, so I know exactly how you feel, Its tough because things just feel so out of our own control, not Like in addy world, but we will get there. I have faith in us. Try today to intentionally use a new coping skill when you start feeling some kind of way. Its gonna take us sometime to develop these skills again so be patient. Try taking a deep breath, using positive affirmations, or one thing Im trYing to do, that puts a little of the fun back in my day or at least makes it more bearable, mornings especially, is to see life as a game i'm playing with myself and when hurdles come up finding a new coping skill is my defense strategy. The hard part is coming up with positive ways of coping or recognizing when I have successfully coped with something and remembering what I did, and to keep doing it. tryng to be mindful helps with this also. You can do it babez! Hope this helps some. Today thankfully is my day off and im so glad the last few days have been rough.headed to a meeting then back home to do nothing. Be weLL! T-Mobile. America's First Nationwide
  7. @ LuLu Thanx babe. I made it through the day. I'm glad to see you're still kickin too. I'm broke but I'm gonna have to get some L Tyrosine. Finally home veggin' out. Whew... Chat later babez Day 50: ROCKED IT!
  8. LuLu, This same thing happens to me. And I am really feeling ur pain today. Take my hand, we'll get through this together.
  9. I am so exhausted today, having one if those I don't know if i can do this days..off the work I go.. An hour later: back from work, left early, couldn't take it. Pooped.
  10. Greetings all, Today was quite a long day. Ahhh..Im finally relaxing. Wishing everyone a pleasant evening;-) DAY 49: SCORE!
  11. This page is for anyone just starting out, or attempting to get that 1st 30 days of clean time, free from adderall. Anyone can post to this page: The format is simple; For 30 days pledge your sobriety to yourself and make it official by posting daily to this tread either "confirming" or "denying" whether you have abstained from taking addy for that day. Ex: Day 4: Confirmed! Do this for 30 days, and, at the end congratulate yourself on a tough but well worth it start toward rebuilding a new, sober, and more beautiful you! FW
  12. Greetings, THank you indeed Jon for your kind words and support! I swear id be sooo lost without the amazing people on this site. I think a running 30 day challenge is a great idea. Perhaps ill start an open tread for anybody just starting out wanting to post daily.
  13. First order of business, I'd like to say you did it LuLu! 60 days is so huge and you did it! You owned this challenge like a true champion, I am so proud of you. I wish you much continued success, you did the work and you deserve it. Congratulations!! Wow LL this just happened to me. It definitely makes it MORE difficult. A co worker recently told me he used to take addy then he came to work a few days later blasted on Addy. I could tell right away. I happened to make a comment telling him that he was so on the ball today, to which he replied, " I know right, My friend gave me some addy. " I cant believe how fast I reverted to my old ways; In all of two seconds I asked him if he had any more. Luckily, he didn't. And I was so glad he didn't. I don't know if I would have even taken it if he did have another, but now It has me on alert. I suppose in my mind I was thinking well its not like I have a script. That was a couple of days ago, now it leaves me questioning myself and what i'll do the next time this happens. That was the first encounter Ive ever had up close and personal with another addy user. I was ill prepared to handle that situation in a positive manner. Now its something I know I must consider as it just may happen again.
  14. DAY 45: OWNEDdD!!!! Lunax I second that notion! We have all come so far...and we're doing it as a team. I am sooooooo proud of us. One more day LuLu!! SS, LL, Let no pill tear asunder a victory the divine has brought together! Keep striving, keep winning!
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