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Everything posted by Greg

  1. I definitely do them on treadmill. I could never do it outside because like u running outside is so much harder for me. But honestly, doing the long runs has made getting to the goal easier. You only run one day a week so it feels like less of a time commitment. And if you choose to run more than one day beyond that it's just icing on the cake.
  2. Thanks for the congrats quit once! LOL. I am really surprised Sebastian u have not heard me describe that headache. It has been the bane of my existence since I quit.
  3. Thanks I appreciate that. I totally agree with what you were saying about running should not lead to eating more if you want to lose weight. I lost a lot of weight but I forced myself not to increase my calories much and now I'm at a waist size 32 . After I quit adderall I gained a TON of weight but now I've lost all the weight I gained after quitting adderall (which was at least 30 lbs) and much more on top of that. in general I still eat more (just a little more) because of the running but because my metabolism is higher now from the running club I don't gain weight or anything from it.
  4. It is definitely related. It's just more of the same as what I have been feeling since I quit three years ago. It's not as bad as before for sure! But it is still the same thing. At it is worst it is an intense intense craving for adderall, but usually it is tensing in my neck and grinding my teeth in discomfort like due to a lack of something. It is always brought about when I am under stress and when I am in situations where I used to rely on adderall to get me through. But often times it will be for no reason at all. The difference between now and before is the duration of my PAWS. When it strikes, it doesn't last as long as before.
  5. I have heard that too because it forces your body to burn fat instead of the food in your stomach. But I find if I don't eat before I run I can't sustain longer runs. So I always eat before. But just running in general scorches body fat and the more intense the more scorching.
  6. Congrats lil tex. we quit the same date. So it's 3 for me too. It's been a wild ride but so worth it hasn't it? I was just thinking about this journey. I am kind if bummed because I still get PAWS headaches three years later which JUST totally pisses me off. But on the other hand I have no desire to ever be back on it ever again. Anyway, awesome job.
  7. Check in Sunday! Did u Guys make it to 12???? I did a 16 mile run on Saturday lol. These things are getting easier. I run them super slow and I stop for a few minutes after every 4 miles. So it's really not that bad. If I was running these miles fast there is no way I could do it. Also I only need to commit one day to making the goal instead of three or four which makes the goal easier to reach. You guys should really try it...
  8. Good Job Ashley!!! I thinks its awesome we have been keeping this up for so long. How many months have we been doing this now? Its such a habit that now I feel HORRIBLE when i havent run for a while.
  9. check in sunday i did 15 miles on Thursday. I got really really nauseous and the next morning I was still nauseous for most of the morning but Im glad I pushed myself a little further! getting the whole thing done in one shot also saves a lot of time. did you all make it?
  10. Lil tex that is incredible!,,,,, kudos to you. I can't even imagine doing a triathlon.
  11. congrats Lil Tex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Im suddenly paranoid for privacy so i am posting here. I made some pretty good friends who live in my building and I found out they are ALL on adderall! At least 2 guys and 1 girl i know of. This explains why another one of my friends - he literally stays up for 24 hours straight studying on many different occasions. I tried to tell them how dangerous it was. I was saying how it was so addictive and how pretty soon they would need it anytime they needed energy. The girl defended herself saying that she ONLY takes it when she needs to study. And that she has been addicted to so much worse, cocaine and ecstacy. And i was saying well this is basically legal meth... The guy defended himself by joking it off and saying that he smokes weed and adderall brings him up to "normal" levels of functioning. He also said he had really bad ADD, and I was like ADD is a bullshit diagnosis and then he agreed but.. There really was not much else I could say to them, except its reaalllly bad!!! I am worried for them, and I am also worried that I have such close access to adderall now. All i would have to do is ask them for it. But I detest adderall and Im going to try and get that thought out of my head. If those three are on adderall, then Im pretty sure everyone else I hang around with is on adderall which just backs up all the millions of articles about how adderall is such an epidemic on college/grad school campuses.
  13. Check in Sunday - I knocked out 13.1 this past Monday. So i didnt need to run for the rest of the week. For some reason i felt like i slacked off because i didn't run for the last 6 days, but i got it all done at once.
  14. made it to 12. my goodness, i was only motivated this week by our running club, otherwise i doubt i would have made it 12. After taking that one week off, i just felt lazy. No back to back 13.1 runs. Maybe next week.
  15. I am over that debate now lol You all are awesome for the pep talks. i realize that these presentations and big exams that i have to do a couple times a semester just CATAPAULT me into a state of PAWS and i have to spend days recovering and dealing with cravings and mental discomfort. And I just have to rest and lay in bed and wait for the PAWS to blow over. Im sure one day it will stop, but for now I just have to deal. Ashley, definitely frustrating that our brains are not forgetting!!!!
  16. thanks Occasional! I was SO down, that i actually woke up in the middle of the night and started thinking about it for like an hour. And i concluded that it was just not a fair matchup of teams. I totally knew that going in we were going to lose and after we lost I forgot that. LOL. Anyway, I think i am sort of over it today. It was such a small percentage of my grade. And now i have gotten my debate over with i dont have to worry about it anymore. our class will be doing these every week for the next couple weeks and i can just sit back relax and watch the debates. I hope by the end of the day i will have brushed it all off completely. LOL. your message made me feel better.
  17. We were obliterated. the vote was 14 for them 1 for us. But I had to press it out of people how the vote turned out because no one wanted to tell us. They just said we lost. I was really depressed for a while. He did really really really good. Hewas so competitive about this thing that he's said now the debate is over we can be friends again. I felt so low on myself but tomorrow I hope I am over it. My teammate was well..,not the strongest teammate. And we were up against a really strong team. So ...sigh...yeah. I was proud that I could converse in politics even though I do not pay attention to congress stuff. I don't know why I felt SO down. I want to make it personal goal to get better at presentations and stuff. Also I'm glad this thing is over. Overall though, grades in general are good. I have been so slammed with work that I have been craving adderall every day. I hate it that after all this time my mind craves adderall STILL.
  18. 12 will be a no go for me this week. Im getting buried in work right now. And I think Ashley can relate but I have to participate in a debate on Monday and my nerves are going through the roof. I have to debate the SEQUESTER, and the DEBT CEILING in congress and i did not pay attention to the news during those two things, well one of them is happening now. the stupid debt ceiling. so now my nerves are really through roof. And the guy I am debating against is like ultra competitive, has a lot of experience debating, and his passion is watching Fox News. So i feel screwed. My stomach is getting queasy as i type this.
  19. Hey swervecity, we should all get together in princeton then. Im not in Princeton right now because im away in grad school. But i may be back around January if i dont take a winter intercession class. Another member of this forum sebastian is also in the Princeton area. It would be great if we all got together and walked around princeton. (There are lots of NA AA meetings in this area. There is one in Hamilton, and one in Plainsboro. Unless they changed the locations.) I will get in touch with you guys when I get back in the area for possibly meeting up.
  20. Congratulations Cat on getting married!!!! Li'l Tex, Ive been doing the 13.1 thing for a couple weeks now. i really like it. My knees were terrible with my old running shoes but ever since i got my new running shoes, my knees have gotten much better and i feel like i can run so much more. Maybe thats one of the reasons i stepped up to 13.1. I like it that I'm building this 13.1 thing into a habit. But of course I am not running it fast or anything or id pass out. I am really just taking my time doing it, and if i need to stop for a couple minutes ill do that. Sometimes ill alternate and do a faster mile then a slower mile or sometimes i run the whole thing slow. So its really not too intense at all! I just looked up the 10% rule and for sure, I gradually worked up to this 13.1 thing. When i first started i could only do 1 mile! then slowly incrementally stepped up.
  21. Mon - 13.1 Sat - 13.1 Sun - 10 miles I am trying to keep this 13.1 habit going!!!! Occasional, its your turn to do a 5k now!
  22. I just want to chime and say that I have had some of the mysterious infections from adderall..And also similar to the ones you described - hot/red/swollen knees (off & on). I also got swollen itchy feet. I was binging at the time which i think was causing me to be super sped up and overanxious and this was giving me this subsequent stressed out bodily reaction because the doctors i went to see had no idea what was causing it. If you read the potential side effects that come with the prescription. There is a laundry list of negative side effects and i pretty much got all of them too. But i have never those adderall induced issues (like high blood pressure) since i stopped. The bottom line being - when you cut out the adderall, a lot of these things go away.
  23. I did not experience a pink cloud either. but I think when the adderall addict enters the "main leg" of the quitting process, after the first eight -twelve weeks, then the real work begins..
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