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Everything posted by Greg

  1. 6 miles in 60 minutes. That is awesome! Hi fives around everyone. Great first week occasional! I was reading an article about how running on a daily basis is so good for recovering addicts because it requires the skill of commitment and reinforces the comittment we need every day to stay clean. I have searched for the article again buy cannot find it. But I feel like some of the commitment from the forum carries over into our 12 mile running club. Anyway, good job everyone!
  2. I hear you. I would not have done a ton of running if not for Ashley asking for updates and this club. I wish I had a running trail nearby, that sounds like a lot of fun. Keep it up!! Did you all get to 12??? I know Ashley was at 6 and you are at 8 and its Friday...
  3. Happy 4th everyone!!
  4. Occasional1 u are really doing this! I was a bit skeptical at first . Kudos to you. 8.25!!! I knocked out 25 this week, lol. I'm totally up for doing workout stuff..what are planks? I might want to do a weight lifting routine to coincide with what you guys are doing, but also with the sit-ups. Anyway, I'm definitely up for doing more than just the running.
  5. Good job occasional1!!!! Our week begins on Saturday and ends on Friday.
  6. 12! (Actually 13.5) the earliest I have gotten it done. K, your turn you two. Gimme updates.
  7. That's great to hear Ashley, getting this degree seems to have been hanging over your head and it must be a relief to finally be getting this done. Sounds like an exciting new chapter for you and also revisiting an old chapter but you will do great and prove to yourself a lot I know
  8. all rehab facilities would be able to treat adderall addiction. you will probably be put in with a mixed group of addicts - heroin, cocaine, alcohol etc...with whatever rehab you enter.
  9. We are very pleased to have you occastional1 For all newbies, I recommend trying to get miles in early in the week so you are not cramming in miles at the very end of the week. In the beginning, i could not run as long distances so i paced myself throughout the week - 3 a day, 4x a week. Some other things I did.. a good pair of running shoes an armband for my phone to listen to radio headphones A filled waterbottle Suntan lotion Puma running socks - this stopped me from getting blisters I bring a duffelbag with me and an extra tee shirt a Preworkout drink right before i go (I know, some people might not condone that) An app like nikeplus to keep track of mileage Also i listen to Sirius radio which has CNN, ESPN, Howard Stern and lots of talk radio shows and i get totally absorbed into the conversations so that Im not even paying attention to the fact that im running. Im off to an early start this week. 6 yesterday and 5 today. Would have gotten to 6 today, but it started to thunderstorm and downpour so my last mile got cut off. And i got sopping drenched. After getting accustomed to running on treadmill, running outside in the heat felt impossible at first. I had to run a mile, then walk a little, then run more. Ive been running outside the past couple days and slowly my endurance is coming back, but have had to mix in a lot of walking with the running. I only count the miles i run though toward the goal. I think its good to mix up running on treadmill and running outside.
  10. ALRight!! Both of us hit 12. The 12 mile running club is BACK.
  11. Well done Ashley! (I am going to have to get back on my feet. ..it will take 4 miles a day up to the day of Friday to make it to 12)
  12. I actually did 30 miles two weeks ago. Then last week...7...Then I fell off the wagon this week and have done nothing. Have you been running?
  13. Constantly hungry makes sense when you quit, but not the insomnia part. Usually you get more tired. You go a lot in the opposite direction of where the speed took you. Like quit once said, Have you stopped?
  14. Or longer than a year and a half sober. In my case, after the school semester ended I went into terrible terrible PAWS, which has been going on for a month and finally beginning to subside. During the semester I was in PAWS but wayyy too busy to notice it as much. When the semester ended, and i had time to relax, my brain was like WTF did u do to me? . I felt like a rash/itch in my head just blew up huge. I was seriously craving it, craving cigarettes even as well, and grinding and clenching my teeth. Hardcore cravings and discomfort. I feel for you Cassie. This drug knows how to linger.
  15. No lil tex, although that would be neat though. I love all you can eat buffets. Was referencing the Vegas thread when Cassie brought up the idea of us on this site organizing a quittingadderall convention in Vegas. Click here.
  16. That is AWESOME! You two need to spearhead Vegas.
  17. Heather, I feel for you and Im sorry you are going through this. We were on similar dosages of adderall...yes it is a living hell. And as I mentioned to you before, the adderall you are taking at this point is just medicine to keep your body from getting sick, thats all it is. are you still taking 250mg + a day? I kind of feel you need it taken from you in order to stop. That worked for you last time when you got busted by the pharmacy. That worked for me. I wish you could find it in yourself to get yourself cut off again.
  18. Hi Courtneycarp! Well if you consider "being interested in everything" a skill. then yes, you do lose that skill when you get off adderall. But really, that is just a speed induced state of mind not a skill. But if you, say, learned how to use Microsoft Excel or photography or photoshop or how to create a blog etc etc while you were taking adderall...that knowledge doesnt go away. youll still know how to use excel after you quit.
  19. When it wears off after 2 hours you are basically crashing from the rush it gives you. The ups are of course followed by downs. If you had never taken it in your life, you would never have these upswings and downswings from amphetamines. You'd feel more even. The good news is When you quit, you start to feel more emotionally stable again. You have that to look forward to when you quit.
  20. Welcome to the forums Confused84, It is always nice to get a response!
  21. Hey HC. Congratulations on your quit. Do you think you could share with the group a little about what rehab is like -- like your day to day? I think a lot of addicts on here are trying to quit without rehab but curious about what goes on behind the rehab walls.
  22. You DO have us to answer too. Just one and a half miles to go. You are ALMOST there!! (I totally get the accountability thing. The amphetamine addict I think can be really just absorbed in whatever they are doing because they are getting some kind of internal chemical rush, but they are oblivious to the outside world if you know what I mean)
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