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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by JustinW

  1. Way to go Lt! I'm leaving TX today for SC. My one word is homesick
  2. ZK, you are an amazing person. Sometimes we don't get all the challenge that we truly deserve. Keep at it my friend!
  3. One more week and you hit 60 days! Good job on making it this far and keep living life day by day. Success is yours.
  4. I hope all goes well! I also have a concern but it is job related
  5. Excellent work SO3! I'm glad to hear that you keep setting goals and achieving them.
  6. Congratulations on making it through 30 roobiki! Keep pushing Teamwin24
  7. Sounds like a good deal ZK, congratulations!
  8. It's the perfect thread for venting! This is a marathon not a sprint, you're doing great.
  9. At a little over 2 years things are definitely improved but I, like ZK, have learned to not be so hard on myself. You stumble and pick yourself back up and keep pressing forward. A clean life is worth the lows because they a REAL feelings not some pharmaceutical haze.
  10. Our interests shift over time. I have taken the Strong Career Interest Inventory twice in my life (10 years apart) and noticed differences. I know that it would be different now than it was 7 years ago. People change as they mature. It's all part of the process.
  11. Keep pressing on Senplate, Roobiki, and Peridot! Victory is within your grasp.
  12. It comes to my mind on occasion but I no longer romanticize my time with Adderall. I was able to help convince a friend's friend that it was a bad road to go down two weeks ago which got me thinking about it more than usual.
  13. Good job GDTRFB and mila490! I've been silently cheering for you since you started the 30 day challenge.
  14. Congratulations on your first big step toward recovery Clarew!
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