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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by JustinW

  1. kick the tires and light the fires!
  2. I agree, most people search for happiness in places that will never bring them fulfillment. And I cannot wait until the brain mush goes away; I'm sick of the brain fog.
  3. dragging a bit but looking forward to a long weekend!
  4. I think that legalization of all narcotics is a good thing because it forces personal accountability
  5. Good luck today InRecovery! Speaking of things that suck balls, my allergies are super horrendous today
  6. It's Monday morning and my dad is texting me from Germany about his 1 liter beer; that's just wrong.
  7. You are probably right, but I am not seriously looking for a position at the moment. If something falls into my lap through my network or if I stumble across a possibility on Indeed then I will move but I want to maintain my focus on school at the moment.
  8. I would say that the prejudice was towards 12 step programs in general but I think that you have to do what works for you.
  9. How's everyone's new jobs working out? I'm still leveraging my network for new opportunities and 3 more have come into the picture but I think one of them is DOA.
  10. Welcome to the forums. Quitting is not an easy road and will be more of a challenge due to the use by your SO. Having said that, quitting is well within your grasp. Start a journal and put all of the reasons that you need to quit on page 1; then journal every day of your quit to help you process your experiences; stay close to this forum for support (ideally join the 30 day challenge). Best of luck to you!
  11. Economics test like a BOSS! No more econ for me, but I screwed up the curve for everyone on this last test.
  12. It depends on where they were from in America. Sometimes Yankee is a term used by foreigners to denote an American but it can also refer to someone from north of the Mason-Dixon line. I guess that makes me a yank anyway you slice it! Watched Caddyshack tonight to ease the pain from today's math test - Now I'm all right!
  13. Watch em run amok, catch em as they fall, never know your luck when there's a free for all
  14. True leaders don't tell people what to do
  15. Why did they fail as leaders? What can we learn from their inefficacy?
  16. Welcome to the "Forming" stage of a team! Who is the leader?
  17. Good going ZK! Update: devoid of motivation
  18. Adderall stays in your system for a while so you may not notice the difference for 1 week to 1 month depending on how you metabolize it.
  19. Welcome and congratulations on 10 months!
  20. I enjoyed reading the post, thank you for writing it Mike. The "toilet scrubbing" tasks really hit home with me as I hate just about every task that I have to do at work. My only critique would be to examine where you have used profanity because I don't think that it helped highlight the point you were trying to make as much as it drug down the level of literacy.
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