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Everything posted by JustinW

  1. Coffee and donuts for dads at the kids' school this morning!
  2. That would be about a $1300 cup of coffee; ouch.
  3. I said "screw it" and went for a quick little flying trip today. Three take offs and landings is it, but enough to scratch the itch and renew my perspective. It is such a beautiful day! There was a hawk out enjoying himself too albeit a little too close to the airport.
  4. Idiot - I had a bad lunch yesterday and I'm sure that contributed to the bad mood. I didn't want to spend a day in bed; I would rather spend a day in my workshop or out flying but I was frustrated with myself because I still don't have a ton of motivation. Then my "to do" list started to overwhelm me and it was one big spiral. I will feel so much better once the structure of school starts again next week. This all feeds in to the concept of a ~16 month plateau of frustration that has been mentioned in other threads.
  5. Welcome aboard! My suggestion is to read all the wonderful articles that Mike has put together and apply whatever you can from his advice. The recovery process sucks at times but you will stop being a heartless zombie and that is so worth it for your family. You'll know what I mean the first time that you realize you are having fun goofing off with your kids naturally.
  6. Good for you Robin! You can't do everything and delegating will help ensure your success.
  7. You can't stop me no matter who you are! Amy, quit beating yourself up over this. You don't sound like an idiot because you are trying to help other people because you have a good heart. Rehab may be a good option for you at this point but you made it 27 days and that is something to be proud of! Please don't give up.
  8. Having a bit of a "down day" tonight; I really just want one day that I can do 100% what I want to do. That's probably really selfish and unrealistic because I would most likely just piss away the day in bed. I don't know what my deal is.
  9. Amy, it is impossible to live in close quarters with another human and avoid foot in mouth disease. Guys are idiots when it comes to communication. I'm not making excuses for him as he did say something insensitive. Ranting here is a good way to vent. Maybe give him a copy of the Man's Prayer as a subtle hint: "I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess"
  10. All right Jay and FW! Partners in crime.
  11. Well, you definitely have the willpower to do this; look at all the great things that you accomplished without drugs! You have success within your reach and have so many positive things going for you. Congratulations on deciding to kick these horrible pills. Please stick around and consider joining the 30 day challenge once you are completely off the meds. Fish oil is the only supplement that I have had any luck with in regards to ADHD symptoms, maybe you could add that to your regimen too.
  12. It sounds like you may need a different doctor if this one isn't listening to you. Either way, stick around to use us as a resource and support network during your recovery.
  13. Lightning strike - messed up a lot of things around here.
  14. SC - everyone's recovery process is different, maybe 16 mos. won't be so bad for you. I'm staring it down pretty quick here and things aren't always sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows but things aren't too bad either most days.
  15. Glad to see you made it through Freedoms Wings! BB - 3 weeks down!
  16. Second reference to Blacklist in one day; maybe this is something that I need to start watching...
  17. Way to go Amy! FW - I see that you are still conquering this thing!
  18. I agree with ZK, but with that high of a dose you should consider getting a professional involved for your own safety.
  19. Oh nevermind, it's Drew Carey and Weird Al
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