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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by JustinW

  1. mmm...beeeer - I haven't had a beer in a couple of months; been trying to stay alcohol free during school. It's finals week so I may crack one to celebrate this weekend. I'm glad to see that you are pushing through BB and are at the half way point. Congratulations! FW - It's nice to see you owning the TDC once again! Keep going my friend.
  2. I'm glad to hear that you made it through! I've got finals lined up on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. So far I've got A's in all four classes without Adderall!
  3. Good luck on both of your exams today IR! What the world needs now...
  4. I thought that you were just going to re-pin the original thread from way back when but I will say this again: it would go a long way in helping Mike out if each of us were willing to give up the equivalent of one cup of coffee per month ($60 per year). I ask that we all consider it. I would rather not see advertisements or fee based content here. How much has quittingadderall.com helped you?
  5. Hang in there BB - you're a third of the way through the challenge! Glad to see you kicking this thing FW! How was day 13 Amy? I hope it was better.
  6. Hang in there IR, you've got this! Blah
  7. I can't comprehend how people can afford to spend a half million+ on a home. Take home pay must be awesome in Toronto.
  8. Watching "Love it or List it" and I assume that it is recorded in Canada due to the accents and row style homes. Are houses really that expensive in Canada ZK?
  9. Happy Monday Jay! You are officially 60% of the way through the challenge.
  10. and today we have the revenge of the fifth... Status update: Almost done!
  11. Stoked to see you back FW! Way to go Amy and FW; keep up the good work. How did your weekends go?
  12. Congratulations on making it through 60 days GDTRFB!
  13. Your hobbies are going to take a significant hit for the first year of recovery at a minimum. I am still struggling to enjoy building things but I force myself to do a little bit here and there when I am able in the hopes that it will come back to me.
  14. Done - book review written and submitted!
  15. Amy, you are a tough act to follow but I'll try to add something useful anyways. You need to find your own reason to quit that is inspirational and motivational enough to keep you quit and carry you through the darkest times of recovery. This is different for everyone. My reason originally was my love of flying and when I realized how messed up I really was my love of my family became my overriding motive. I hope that you can find your reason and make a successful departure from Adderall hell. Welcome to the forum, we are here for you.
  16. Thank you all for the advice, I'll pick up some tabs sometime soon.
  17. Maybe the antenna wires had a little bit of corrosion on the pins?
  18. Law studies must really be stressful as it seems like a lot of users come here from law school. To your question, make a solid plan to quit that includes ZK's suggestion of cutting off your supply. Read up on all the articles here and stay near to the forums for support. We are here for you.
  19. Procrastination is a bear; what can we do to help you kick this thing?
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