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Frank B

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Everything posted by Frank B

  1. Don't let them give you shock therapy. Jk doubt they do that but hope it helps let us know how it works out.
  2. I have used it but didn't start until after my first year of quitting. It did seem to help me some for sure get past some bad depression. I stopped using it cold turkey about two weeks ago had really no bad side effects besides some mild headaches definitely a big plus for that medication. But if you think any pill/ supplement will make that first year not tough your mistaken. The first year is a struggle no way around it exercise, diet , sunlight and positive thinking is your best tools to survive addy free.
  3. Hey no problem I understand. Your accomplishments on adderall are most parents dreams and why so many start or continue letting their kids take this drug. However the downfall outweighs the perks as you clearly describe. Beleive if more people really knew the ticking time bomb adderall is they would be less likely to give in. Just private message me if you'd like.
  4. Thank you for sharing. So quit 100% for two years then got back on? Just wondering what happened after two years clean knowing how bad it fucked up your life decided to get back on it? Not asking to be judgmental asking so I know what thoughts may occurs within myself I should be cautious of going towards my second year clean.
  5. Compton, California I was the white guy in the rap group called NWA at one time.
  6. I think your writing ability really paints a picture even non adderal addicts would grasp. If you don't mind I'd like to share this. Sort of as warning to parents who agree to get kids started on this stuff. I know your anonymous on here but still feel the need to ask encase you run across your words somewhere else.
  7. Wow that was a powerful story and understand you completely. If you get really bored look up some of my post from the last 19 months. I was posting a ton it was truely the hardest thing I ever did think I posted more than anybody on here the last year plus. Some on here claim postive thinking and you can be just fine in little as a month and can be true for them , most of us however really did not start to feel a real postive change until a year and a couple months. Just pretend your going to serve a year plus long sentence for your crime against yourself. It's going to suck no doubt you'll need to push yourself everyday but at the end you will come out better. I guess me being self employed I was very lucky but still had bills to pay kids to take care of and I made it somehow yes collected some cc debt in fact over $20,000 but right now it's all paid off and things keep getting better. I'm actually more focused on work to make profit before I just busted my ass to bust my ass not really considering if the work I was doing would actually make a profit. I still enjoy working hard but also enjoy time off and like to have money to do so before I just wanted a huge project to take on just to show how awesome I was and not to get money. Having a bad year financially is totally worth full recovery from this drug. Hell when I was on them I missed more good paying jobs because I never slept knew I was in no condition to leave my work shop so just kept popping pills working on shit that never paid.
  8. I like apple bourbon Jim Beam with it once in awhile, but that's not helpful for recovery lol. I think a lot of water does help recovery for sure.
  9. Yes it keeps getting better that second year doesn't it? I maybe have a few loose screws but no proven brain damage regardless noticed last couple of weeks a big improvement in conversations not doubting myself all the time and more confidence. Keep it going and good job!
  10. People do not choose to get addicted while taking speed and you probably get addicticted again. Far as if you truely think u need it for ADHD is up for debate you think you need it because you were told so by the same people who profit from you using it. It's not like taking insulin where blood test show you must have this medication, ADHD testing is all up to a doctors judgment and I do not think amphetamines is needed. Proper diet can do more how many kids sipping on Dr Pepper in the fucking waiting room to be labeled ADHD. Society is fucked up we take no responsibly for ourselves or what we give our kids etc just want a quick fix from Dr. Feelgood. I hope you decide not to take it and see what your capable of clean, if your taking it still from time to time your just spinning your wheels and won't ever see true results it takes a lot of time completely off them to see the truth.
  11. Welcome to the forum! When was the last time you actually took a adderall pill? A year or couple months I wasn't really clear on that. Just asking to get a good timeline for recovery. I really did not start to feel a big change until being off 100% until maybe a year and three months. Its sad to say far as depression pretty much all the bullshit doctors push will make us feel much worse and will make you more suicidal. Only thing that really did help me was Adderall it made me happy (in a fake way I was high) but after many years of abuse i became a junkie and also got hooked on pain pills along with it to make up for that lost euphoria adderall once gave me. Since being off addy the only thing that sort of helped was Wellbutrin out of all antidepressants it has the least side effects and not hard to quit just some mild headaches actually got off it myself now about a week working a lot outside in the sun gives me the same effect don't really need it but during the winter might have to go back not sure rather not be on anything. I think what you must do is force yourself to exercise. Once you start doing it get a routine you'll start to feel so much better. The hardest thing about starting is just that first day but once you do it feel so much better. Join a gym don't just try to work out at home being around others helps a lot try to find a workout partner make goals with them hold each other accountable to show up, or join a workout class. Try to avoid thinking about how hard school will be for right now #1 goal is getting your mind in a better place and exercising will start that process.
  12. Wow u actually feel guilty or ashamed about telling a doctor who gave amphetamines you got addicted and abused them? Shame on you how could that happen lmao. She should feel ashamed given that crap to anyone it's been proven to signal more brain stimulation vs cocaine how the fuck does one not abuse it!
  13. Providing (selling or giving) controlled prescription drugs to another person can be charged as a felony. Your making excuses to keep them around. I know you have all the answers but I challenge you to throw them out. But I'm just a year in a half clean wtf do I know.
  14. My sex drive was the first thing to come back within maybe 2 months off. It still probably isn't the same when I started but I was also a lot younger. Sex drive returning for woman may be different think sex is more emotional for them so maybe they can chime in on that. If she is still showing true signs of bad add wouldn't she not still be fatigued? It seems part of add you can't slow yourself down. I mean sometimes I'm lazy and feel add but what your describing seems to the extreme. I'd suggest a marriage counselor to help if you say it's all her and she should see a doctor then your opening the door for her return to adderall.
  15. Last time you thought it would be easy and you seem to feel your above the struggles. Seems your using this site more as a place to brag vs support. No matter what I think I don't wish anyone to be a slave of this pill so hope your method works for you this time. But why the fuck do u have a bottle sitting by you if your done? Is it to prove how much you beat this addiction or something way in the back of your brain says don't throw it away just encase? I mean if someone quit cocaine or heroin think it would be smart to keep a stash around to say, "Look at me I can say no everyday while it's sitting in my drawer aren't I the shit!" My thing with Tony is he takes advantage of people seeking help. It's a buisness and thats fine but think people who pay for those over the top ridiculously expensive seminars are suckers. I watched some of his videos when I first quit also seemed to give me inspiration. But something about the people he called out in the crowd etc just did not feel genuine and just did a little more research on him that's all.
  16. 3 weeks is good but again you act like it's just attitide of a mindset. I beleive physical and mental damage is done from using it takes a lot of time to heal. The problem is the first year plus have a lot of peaks and valleys if your set everything will be great and it's not you may relapse again. Not a big fan of Tony he is very smart and knows how to make a ton of money I'll give him that. He basically has hundreds of people brainwashed that work for free it's almost a cult ,religion etc of Tony Robbins. If his videos give inspiration use it just don't pay $20,000 to attend his live seminars. Anyways congrats look forward to seeing your post in a few months again.
  17. Congrats it's a huge milestone!
  18. Might be considered somewhat cheating but if you get Sudafed it will help might be better vs the pill your asking about. But if you abuse it not going to help you recover.
  19. Your brain is craving the drug in the afternoon it sort of shuts down a little that nothing unusual. Your brain feels it must have this drug to function. But cutting back before quitting 100% will help the shock just be sure to map out the plan and follow it no matter how you feel or what comes up in your life.
  20. Well someone else claimed he talked to voices from other dimensions and pretty much every bit of technology you use everyday can be linked back to this man, Nikola Tesla. His inventions and understanding of electricity etc were light years ahead of his time so who knows maybe he did. Btw before addy I have videos of fucking ufos in front of my house. In the middle of the night looked outside saw to things just floating 'before anyone had drones and these were way to high regardless" they were crazy looking then they both shot up were gone. I didn't send it to anyone did not want to look like your typical UFO weirdo. Anyways you can still enjoy science space etc off addy for sure maybe you won't hear voices so maybe chalk that up to the pills. Far as religion man I grew up catholic even send my kids now I think overall they do a good job teaching kids to do the right thing. But with so many facts on how many times the Bible was translated re-written to suite whatever ruler was in charge it's hard to beleive everything for the truth. The new pope I kind of dig and hard core Christians are not fans of him at all. He is way to liberal and does not tell them to hate and judge other religions. Sort of like that Jesus guy but again religion is whatever the people who preach say it Is. Hell around here a religious group protest soldiers funerals saying Jesus hates fags and that's why soldiers will die and deserve too long as we accept gay people as human beings, pretty fucked up how people use religion.
  21. I don't look at the solution too any of my problems to be adderall these days. I think once you get to that point u know you've really gotten somewhere. I sort of feel like telling my story to more people but then again the only people who truely understand the fucking struggles are on this site. It's still a taboo subject for the most part anyways we all probably know or suspect people in our own lives who are on it but we all know it's up to that person to choose to stop and having a doctor give u a super human pill is just to great! That is until your brain fights back and it does nothing but destroy your life and make u a complete addict and many like me started abusing other prescription drugs to get that feeling back it once gave.
  22. Thanks blue moon it's now at a breaking point and hate to fight in front of the kids. Its funny her parents know how she is in fact her entire family moved all her belongings from her parents house and into a storage shed said she must move out her mom and dad are too old and too much stress and they were right, so of course she came here and her sister asked me to please deal with her for awhile until she can find her own place , well it's been a damn year plus and she is no closer to be independent and able to be on her own. Hell I wish she could find a new guy to take her in and the burden off me.
  23. I've been drinking more lately and know need to stop for awhile. Relationship issues stressing me out part of why I stayed on addy for so long. Thought being off this stuff would make me kick her out but hard to when she has her own kids and nowhere to go. I fucking knew from day one this girl was bad news but just let it all fucking happen. Btw do you think I'm an asshole if I yell at my sons mom because she never does mom shit , like brushing our sons teeth giving him a bath would maybe happen once every two weeks if it was just her. She plays this victim card all the time like I'm so fucking awful yet she sure the fuck won't move out so tired of this shit.
  24. Keep in mind a lot of people come late to NA meetings addicts aren't known for being prompt. If your not comfortable because of the area maybe look somewhere else better part of town maybe. I understand a lot what u say but yeah adderall isn't the cure to depression lucky you found out this soon took me 9yrs to admit to myself it's a big fucking problem and must stop. Good luck it's hard but I beleive those with only a year or two of addiction will recover at a faster pace vs those of us who took it for many years.
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