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Frank B

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Everything posted by Frank B

  1. It’s getting to the point majority do not trust doctors. People wonder why so many don’t even trust vaccines these days. Well doctors give meth to kids, SSRI suicide pills to the depressed so what faith we have in them? Biggest problem is Big pharma owns all the media so nothing ever gets really talked about. Look mass shootings keep happening yet not one news outlet questioned if a single shooter was on a antidepressants!
  2. Yeah recall one morning taking mine in the doctors office after taking my morning dose. It was around 120 nurse asked if I sprinted into the office. But you know that’s perfectly safe give this medication to your preschool children, smh.
  3. I’m not saying for a few it can’t be easier. But to come on here and say it’s no biggie is insulting to those of us who have had major struggles. Be like going to AA meeting and tell everyone it’s easy to stop drinking I did it’s all in your head. Everyone on here has different set of life situations and struggles. For me the hardest part was staying productive during that first year owning a buisness and being the sole provider of a household. I did it don’t know how it was very hard not to want to give in with that magic pill and be “productive”. Now coming on my 2 yr mark this month I feel great but it’s never been easy especially that first year.
  4. So I got a Fitbit well a off brand $30 does the job. Anyways seems my avg bpm is 65 which is a lot better than I thought. I also like it tracks my sleep found out I’m really not getting the amount I probbably should.
  5. Maybe you just forgot how to eat being on addy so long lol. Jk congrats on 11 months clean especially with 12 years of use I used around 10 myself just seemed back then I’d never want to quit thought or hoped I’d just die young and not worry about actually having to stop.
  6. Yeah well it’s not just that easy for most so dont down play it to others. Not sure of your work situation how much is riding on you to produce to support a family or your just focused on being pregnant and living healthy life but these kind of post irritate me sorry.
  7. Congrats on six months! Are you taking any antidepressants? Most cause horrible acid reflux stomach issues just FYI. But regardless drink pickle juice!!! I’m telling you it takes care of so many stomach issues. I bought a gallon off amazon pretty cheap love that stuff. You can drink it from a jar but you end up wasting your pickles lol. I just put it in a shot glass a down one or two quickly not something you want to sip on for sure.
  8. Thanks for the advice I’ll look into a Fitbit. My app is only measuring when I test it so sure it’s not a great way to find my avg.
  9. Also this time you quit change your user name you label yourself that then what other outcome you expect? Adderall picked that username for u this time you choose and choose your own destiny.
  10. Quit again and force yourself to work out daily and get on a good diet. It can be done on addy I normally weighed about 195lbs it wasn’t that I over ate but drank pop regular redbull and ate McDonald’s, candy bars etc anything that’s fast had no time for a real meal. Now I eat more but much healthier avg around 175lbs for last year plus. Yes I still struggle with ambition at times but my work has improved I don’t work harder just smarter. Far as the hobbies I had on addy I let it go no longer can I spend 200 plus hours tediously restoring vintage pinball games going days at a time no sleep. Found out it was all a waste of time anyways cannot sell one and get a fraction of work involved doing them. But when first quitting I thought would be the end of the world giving up that hobby now I’m like fuck it who cares. You had a relapse but not the end of the world find that second wind and new determination to quit you can do this!
  11. Big issue is very little help for recovery. Beyond this site hardly anything is available. The typical rehab for drug abuse does help but believe this addiction deserves its own source of guidance and research for successful recovery. The problem is only going to get worse with all the Millennials who were spoon fed this crap and wanting to stop now entering adulthood.
  12. Love Breaking Bad also like the Better Call Saul spin off. I didn’t read all of it yet was pretty long I must have adhd or something lol.
  13. Ok got a app that shows my beats per minute. I avg around 85 bpm in non exercise mode. To me that seems high I’m 39 yrs old 5’9” weigh around 175. I’m sure years of adderall use probbably bumped it up wondering if anyone has successfully lowed theirs post adderall and what you did. Guessing I need to do more short sprint exercise runs something like that but not sure.
  14. Understand u 100% it sucks that something made you feel alive, less depressed, motivated has let you down. I look at it like this addy was a jounrney in my life I was meant to take but that time has passed. I’ve learned from it and moved on. I did amazing things on that drug in my peak things I’ll probbably never do again. But looking back the amazing things accomplished I overlooked what was important. If I just slowed down thought about what I was doing just once. Instead I was on a mission to show off my talents obsess over minor details and forgot why I was even doing these things. Yes I benefit from some of those things I did but overall made bad investments many that were a complete and total waste of my time. I’m not going to lie even at 23 months when I have a big job I wish I could get that bump of energy and focus. For the first year that’s what I did just on big projects I took a pill. But at the end I needed it to get out of bed everyday and accomplished hardly anything my brain was unable to focus it created horrible ADHD. Quitting sucks but it sounds like it’s your time and a lot of people on here can help.
  15. It helps some just very subtle but to be honest a good day in the sunlight does more. That’s why I quit it this summer since I spent a lot of time outside just felt it wasn’t needed.
  16. Maybe this has been shared on here already but worth another look anyways if so. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/kbz7dx/the-speed-of-hypocrisy-how-america-got-hooked-on-legal-meth
  17. Agree on most of what you said but be careful on choosing meds for anxiety or depression do your research. DO NOT BLINDLY TRUST YOUR DOCTOR!
  18. I don't think your mom understands at all what you are going through. If I lived at home bet my mom would have been on me as well so many days doing much of nothing. Maybe ask her would you rather have a lazy son/ daughter for awhile or one hooked on stimulants rest of your life? I was on Wellbutrin for awhile it seemed to help some I'd stay far away from any SSRI's they can make depression much worse. It does get better but the truth is first year really sucks and u must push through it somehow without giving up. Maybe have your mom take a look at this site it's not you not wanting to do anything with your life it's the medication took away your natural motivation and takes along time to return. It will return you'll be a better person for it.
  19. " I got a head with no screws in it"-2pac Looking back the fog was really apparent when commucating to others especially when it came to my job. Part was a total lack of confidence in myself off Adderall and the other part I truly blanked on a lot of subjects that I never use to in the past. It's gotten better just a very slow process.
  20. Could you maybe explain to people how after two years of quitting you went back? Why did you? Did you instantly regret it? We're your problems resolved by starting again or just get worse? I'm not trying to judge but just like to gain insight to identify any future thoughts of getting back on after quitting for so long. Only antidepressants I'd recommend is also Wellbutrin from personal experience.
  21. Fatigue and brain fog common and last for months or years for heavy long term users like myself. The other symptoms do not really come up much I've seen maybe something else going on. Since your a dietitian assume you eat healthy to me that's one of the most important things. Im personally doing keto myself seems to help a lot.
  22. Big step to take best thing is to just tell him your abusing and don't want anymore how I did it. At least now healthcare in a huge freaking mess a lot of people loosing coverage won't be able to afford doctor visits and prescriptions. My only concern is the millions on adderall with healthcare taken away might seek out a cheaper route like meth on the streets.
  23. Worse anxiety ever felt in my life was after taking a SSRI for a few days. They say it gets better, what after the self-inflicted lobotomy takes its course? The bathroom problems, heartburn and urges to cut myself really made me research what the hell I was taking. Wish I did research before trying them but like you was desperate to find anything that could help. Quitting is a struggle no doubt just keep doing one day at a time.
  24. I actually enjoy cooking now just hate cleaning lol. For me I have a cheat night on the weekends but just don't go crazy with it. Never had a "keto flue" but ever since I stopped addy always limited carbs now just adding more fat to my diet vs heavy on the proteins. I wish my work ethic was strong as my diet and workout drive. Sort of obsessed with those two things but far as doing my regular work that pays the bills I'm still behind production. But figure if I keep the fitness and diet to the max eventually it should carry over to my job output. Here Iam on here again avoiding my office work think I should ground myself from social media for awhile.
  25. I sure thought about it hope it works for you. My aunt did that 20 years ago for smoking and never went back so it does work for some people no doubt.
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