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Frank B

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Everything posted by Frank B

  1. Interesting national story on SSRI http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/michelle-carter’s-ssri-hobbled-her-empathy-psychiatrist-says/ar-BBCzaOv?li=BBnbfcL&ocid=U146DHP Could the pill take away this girls empathy to push this kid to kill himself? Id say yes, again people who have been on this for along period of time state they have little to no feelings one way or another. Sure many will say the girl was just bad and using the SSRi as a excuse. Well you know its the same when people off themselves on it, "Well he was already depressed so you can't blame the medication." That is why these pill makers always win the acts committed on these pills are so outrageous one who has never experienced this medication has no idea what it can do. Anyways sorry to hijack your post with my anti SSRI rant.
  2. Yesterday was a little lazy think that's just what we have to adjust to after quitting. Some days you'll feel u can take on the world other days binge watching Netflix may be your goal. But it's good to know those days full of energy and determination come back just not everyday but that's not natural anyways why we burned ourselves out on this medication.
  3. Side note got in a huge argument with someone I went to high school on fb with she is nurse. I was talking on fb about the irresponsibility in general in reguards to pushing medication like Prozac that end up doing more harm vs good. She says the risk are justified in severe depression and no she does not feel guilty if someone were to kill themselves or someone else after being subscribed this medication by her. She feels ultimately no pill can make you do anything against your will. So some doctors and nurses play the religion card and feel no liability because evil is evil no pill can make someone do something evil no one ever loses control to choose between right and wrong. Even though they are administering drugs that literally change ones brain chemistry. I think it's high time the medical community keeps its fucking religious beliefs at home and actually understand the science behind these medications they push and take some liability. It's sure easy for them to blame actions on Satan instead of the mind altering drug they give people. They are so blind in religious faith they actually beleive themselves.
  4. Be honest you'd be better off staying a adderall junkie vs going on Prozac just my opinion but it's some really bad shit fucks with your head big time. Many suicides , family murder /suicides mass shootings are linked to Prozac. Big Pharma pays out a ton of money to keep the media from really making this known. Go to the library check out some books on Prozac before you ever take it. Or just google Prozac suicides etc. I wish I researched it myself before agreeing on taking it but got off it quick only 3 weeks. Sure doctors say it gets better longer u take it. Sorry no it doesn't if it doesn't make you off yourself first couple weeks you become a zombie you won't be happy or sad then u become dependent on it just like addy but with really no benefits as adderal did in its early days for us.
  5. Agree antidepressants can make you worse SSRI 'Prozac' made me go crazy I felt the need to cut myself open with a knife it was crazy. Luckily I stopped before doing anything stupid literally slapped myself in the face multiple times to come back to reality. I will say Wellbutrin did help started about a year into being off adderall. It's a non ssri so if u must try something I'd suggest that route. Nothing in the early days weeks months will help much you'll be constantly craving a replacement the only thing is time alone of the drug that will start gettin your natural energy back to normal.
  6. Don't know if I have rested so much over the past year plus all the sudden I have tons of stored energy but lately I have had very little sleep sometimes like even little as 3 hrs but wide awake all day working doing stuff no rest and not really tired. Anyone have this happen at whatever damn month I'm on 16 , 18 hell I forget Bluemoon keeps track I think we both have same quit date lol. " I still hate they never brought back our time tickers on here!"
  7. Print that quote in large ass font and literally hang it on your fucking wall.
  8. Your young still but one day it's going to hit u like a ton of bricks. With school sports job it's never going to be "the right time to quit" seems a lot of baseball stars take this shit you might know Chris Davis 1st baseman Baltimore he takes it and u know back in 2014 his addiction really helped my Royals easily sweep the Orioles post season because he was not eligible to play because in a drug test it showed up as a PED. In 2015 off it he couldn't do shit off addy so guess what 2016 he got a doctors excuse he was ADD then being allowed to take it by MLB all the sudden he was a great player again. I see him as a cheater no different than Barry Bonds and steroids but he makes multi millions so he can live with it but deep down he knows just as I did taking it he is cheating it's not normal and eventually your going to pay for it one way or another.
  9. I think your situation is fucked up and should have the right to sue your doctors for creating a life long amphetamine addiction in someone who should have never been put on it. Your extreme dosages seems to be criminal especially given the health risk you have. I hope you have a desire to quit because think it's not really a option to continue on at your pace by the time a doctor finds irregularity in your heart probably be too late. But hey then they can always make more money off you to treat that. See it for what it is your a addict doctors are your drug dealers they beleive you'll be a lifelong consumer started you very very young and whatever damage they do to you will only profit them more. Sorry maybe not what you want to hear but that's my belief and sure a few others on here may see it that way also.
  10. It's crazy when we finally realize this drug makes us worse yet our brain says take more and more. You got to take control of your thoughts no longer let that addicted side of your brain have control. It's not a easy fight and why we take so long to finally commit to quitting. Hopefully this will be the wake up call you need knowing you could probably take your entire bottle in one day but it will never make you the focused and productive person it did when you first started. Good luck and go to those NA meetings.
  11. Here is the thing on addy you never really have dreams often because you never really get into that deep sleep "I think at least" . I recall after quitting having dreams for the first time in a long time. I think the dreams of terror have nothing to do with quitting but having dreams you recall do. Btw I have had dreams of fighting before one time elbowed my girlfriend in the head I felt really bad but she was ok. Maybe try mediation before bed or listen I some peaceful music. Or say fuck it listen to some Pantera and get ready to rumble in your sleep can be fun at times long as u don't hurt someone laying next to you.
  12. It's good to tell your doctor however timeline a doctor will suggest probably be way longer than needed. I did it in 3-4 months doctor will say a year or more I just couldn't do that when I make my mind up on quitting not going to dick around forever to make it a little easier actually think that long just makes it harder.
  13. It does go away just takes a long ass time to get to that point. I sort of look at the first year your paying the devil back for all those years of using and pretty much suffer but make it through with will power alone. After a year still seems like it wtf this is it I've been off a year and I'm still blah. Then you get a year and couple months finally your done paying your due's and you really start to live that better life that you once recalled before u ever got into this shit.
  14. I had a late night out when I replied last lol. I can't drink like I use to and paid for it the next day but had fun saw friends hadn't seen in years.
  15. Thanks and I love all if you who have helped me get this far I'm so happy I found this group!
  16. I feel now things are really getting back to normal for those keeping tabs I stopped nov 27th 2015. The dieting and exercise helped no doubt but the only real cure i feel now is getting so far away from that quit date your subconscious gives up the fight to say you need adderall to function on a daily basis. I'm actually climbing out of my huge debt I never thought I'd get over. Enjoying life wanting to go out , enjoying my kids more , listing to music again not just sports talk radio not sure why but that's all I really wanted listenen to until recently. If you can somehow get this far it gets better I promise but it's been a damn battle and I know seems like it will never end. This is the first time I honestly feel like I'm finally winning this fight before I was just making myself do it no matter how I felt. Hope this is inspirational if you look at my long list of post it seems I was destin to give in but I'm a stubborn sob for better or worse and told myself I'd never do it or OxyContin again and haven't since.
  17. "Can't spell DAD without ADD" , funny quote from new mystery science theater 3000 episode.
  18. Well the guy who made this original post name was "sciencesuccess" he all but put up a link to the India sources. Looks like it was probably a DEA sting operation you know something to nail us addicts because we are the fucking problem. Hit someone when they are down make life worse yep that will get people on the right path or just maybe the correctional facilities are a money making scam and the government is in on it.., no that can't be true lmao.
  19. Well the guy who made this original post name was "sciencesuccess" he all but put up a link to the India sources. Looks like it was probably a DEA sting operation you know something to nail us addicts because we are the fucking problem. Hit someone when they are down make life worse yep that will get people on the right path or just maybe the correctional facilities are a money making scam and the government is in on it.., no that can't be true lmao.
  20. PIcs please? Ha just kidding. Well the first thing you must decide if you really want to quit, if your not 100% then it's kind of pointless. It sounds like your justifying reasons to yourself of why u take it. I did that for 9 years but knew what it was doing. The only thing I can say is it seems like the people who were only on it a year or two have a lot quicker recovery time and less long term damage after quiting so it's something to consider. I'm a year and 6 months clean it's getting better but still not easy.
  21. Feels good to help people part of why I really like my job.
  22. O you can bullshit anything hell you can become president doing that. Well I can say doing what you enjoy helps. I drive around listing to podcast of hvac talk that's how big of dork I'am but enjoy what I do. At 10 months in I was not feeling that way yet.
  23. How did you go 3 years free then dive back into this? Just curious that sort of scares me to be honest.
  24. I just see my regular doctor and basically I diagnosed and prescribed what I needed. It's sad but they just ask what do u want to be on? Be like me going to a house with a no cooling call telling the customer, "Just pick out a random part from my van it should fix your problem."
  25. Are u fucking serious? That's crazy just FYI Wellbutrin will help you not gain weight also.
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