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Freedom's Wings

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Posts posted by Freedom's Wings

  1. Salutations, 


    I'd just like to thank everyone for the continued support and  motivation. Keep it coming. I'm gonna beat this thing. We're gonna beat this thing. TOGETHER. 



    @Lunax Oh the gluttony, It's agonizing. Feed my face, do something random, re-feed my face. lol. I'm with you regarding getting in a good workout. Luckily, I have a treadmill here at the house. I think i'll begin incorporating that into my daily cycle, perhaps just 15 minutes a day to start, then posting when I do. This is about the future. This is about right now. Right now is the future. With that said I believe I am off to the treadmill. Later Gang. May you be well!






    Update: Got my 15 mins in. 

    • Like 1
  2. You got this lunax! Just getting off of work. Getting ready to have dinner. Called my x which I shouldnt have i always feel like ish afterwards. Old habits die hardest..besides that today was an All american day;-) meaning all is well.

    Just to wrap things up Id like to say;

    Day 3 - yay look at me: confirmed!

    • Like 3
  3. Greetings gang,

    Just checking in, after returning home from seeing the movie 2 guns which was pretty good. Anywhoo..Tomorrow's the big day. I actually haven't had any addy since Thursday, but I will begin posting for the challenge tomorrow. Wish me well..

    Til then friends. If not good, May you be well!


  4. Salutations,

    Thankyou thankyou thankyou for your responses. It only motivates me more. Hi Ashley, it's Good to hear from you. You have been a consistent ear during This fight. Its amazibg how you can build connections with people you have never even met. I do think to consider you as I make or do not make a post. What I am tryng to say is that you have helped to keep me accountable, and I thank you. Also, not to be forgotten, Congrats on your continued sobriety.

    Futhermore, after reading these responses, I was struck by a bright idea or thought , per reading lunaxs' comment, that perhaps if anyone may come across this page and are also inspired to take " The 30 day challange" you are very much welcome to post here, or even create your own "30 days challenge" page. Either way I'm just reaching out as it may serve help someone else. Til next time friends, if not good, may you be well.

    Btw, I havent taken any addy today. And wont be. I have only two left, in which I am saving for tomorrow. And thus, I am pooped and off to nap. Good thing I have a couple days off of work.


  5. It's worth a shot. As of This Thurday, Sept, 19, 2013, I will officially be out off addy. So then I have proposed to myself to take a 30 day challenge.

    And it goes a lil' sumn like dis....After many failed attempts at successfully quitting addy once and for all, I have resolved to not and never give up. Instead I will try again...and again...and again...until I succeed.Thus, I have proposed a challenged to myself designed to keep me honest, aware, and accountable. I call this " The 30 day challenge!" My plan is to start small bhy setting a do not take addy for 30 days goal. During this time , among other things I will log on to the site , to this post, daily and simply write "confirm" or "deny" as to whether I have met my goal of not taking addy for that day. At least ...it Sounds simple enough....I will begin this process on Sunday: Til Then, Be well , if not good Friends.

    F. Wingz

    • Like 2
  6. Sighs and Salutation....Greetings all, 



    Once again, I am back. Currently, Re'abusing ADDERALL!, and the cycle continues. I have had this current script for not even a full 2 weeks and I am down to my last two. And once again, of course,  as I am sure most of us who have found ourselves in this loop, I am now contemplating all of the ways that I am gonna turn this thing around. I'm liberated in my thoughts and or course truly believe that this is my very last rodeo with this damn pill. All I can honestly at this point  say is, I am exhausted, and my aim this time, of course after I take the last two on Thursday, is to break this cycle. once and for all. Thanks to all who have been of support to me, Please continue to  wish me luck and pray that I be blessed. 



    Accountability Suckz, but someones gotta do it. 



    Thanks for taking out the time to help me sort out this madness. ..



  7. Hello All,

    I thank EACH and EVERY one of you for the outpouring of support! Thank you for being my strength where I have none. Lord knows I need it. I don't have that type of support, if any, esp.. in this arena, in my every day life. It's probably, even if only partially, one of the reasons I fell "off the wagon," besides being over and underwhelmed by life all at once. I didn't log in today to post actually but after reading your comments I was overwhelmed not to.

    As I'm sure of many of you can relate i haven't been up much for chatting, though I know isolation is never the key. So for now I just logged on to check on the gang and posts my stats. so to speak....

    Update: I have remained free of addy since my initial post my 9th. I have rescheduled with the therapist, letting her know I relapsed, and I plan to at least check out NA next Thursday. So one might say I'm off to a good start ; /....stay tuned.

    To answer a few questions from above,

    Hi Ashley.

    You're lookin' good. And yes first day on the road to freedom!? It's good to see ya.

    Quit-Once, I've never made it an entire 360 days. At one time I had maybe....3 or 4 months under my belt though.

    In recovery, - I'm trying...desperately. No I haven't cut access with my dr. I know I must...

    Well, Sooner than later extended family and friends. I am off to attempt being. just being. that's all... and good enough for now.



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