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Freedom's Wings

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Posts posted by Freedom's Wings

  1. Getting rid of the world I built on adderall does not come easy. Each day is a struggle. Still I know my worth and the value of that worth, which is why I will continue to fight on until this battle is won!

    From the makers of "The 30 Day Challenge, " lol..

    I present to you, "The 60 Day Challenge!!" This idea is the brainchild of myself and a good friend who goes by the name of Lunax on this Site.

    The format is simple, as it is merely a continuation of "The 30 Day Challenge!!" The 60 day challenge is designed just as the 30 day to keep those taking it mindful and accountable, while feeling supported, on a daily basis, along the road to recovery.

    This challenge does not take away from the 30 day, instead it makes room for more people to join the fitting "category," while we continue to check in with and support each other.

    If this in any shape or form resonates with you, do not be shy, feel free to create your own version of this same challenge or won't you join us right here in taking "THE 60 DAY CHALLENGE!"

    Here are the easy to follow guidelines:

    -Daily (preferably) log into this site, this forum, and simply "CONFIRM" or "DeNY" your ability to abstain from adderall for that day.

    Ex: Day 39: Confirmed!

    See..Easy as pie. Lol. Well for now I will leave you this, "What matters most is not how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up! "

    Also, for those entering this second leg of the journey, you may have begun to develop a few new "healthy habits," feel free to list those here, eg., diet, supplement tips, or maybe a new workout plan.

    Til next time, If not good, may you be Well!

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  2. Lunax you skipped by your day so fast I almost missed it! First, let me take moment to congratulate you on day 43! That is badass! Keep setting the pace babes!

    Next, I love the exercise aspect, I have been doing this on my own and logging in into my live journal acct. But I think that logging it here is an awesome idea! For that reason alone, i will get in some kind of workout today.

    Finally, "The 100 day challenge" hmmm...quite a tall order at this point for me. After undertaking it i might need a plane ticket to that wedding in person. I need a moment with this one.i believe I have 60 days in me, im not so sure about 100 yet...hmm.

  3. First official day will be October 24, 2013

    Since it is now midnight, i guess day one is today!


    Glad to have you with us! You are 1 day closer towards your true self . You got this, lets get it! Take a look around, you are not alone, we are all in this together!

    Congrats on day 1!

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  4. Thank you Ashley and Lunax! Your support is what pulled mw through. Lord knows there were times I felt I got in over my head, but your continued support helped me get this far so thank you all very very much!

    You are so close now LL! Victory is yours!

    Lunax what day are you on??

  5. 21 days and counting

    Welcome back my friend! I dont remember you but id just like to remind you that we are here for you and its not about how many times you fall, its how many times you get up!

    If you're up to it, check out the 30 day challenge, it may be helpful... just a thought. Signed, here when you're ready. Til then

    Be Well!

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  6. Can anybody guess what today is?? Thatssssssss right! Today is day 30! As of this day I have successfully ccompleted" The 30 day challenge. " and let me tell you, it has been a wilddd ride, full of ups and downs! But i made it over the hump and my 2week curse.

    Now I shall take a moment to celebrate and reflect, before joining Lunax on "The 60 day challenge." Thank you to all who have supported me on this venture as well each person who stands beside me taking the challenge! Thank you! Together we will continue to fight this battle til its won!

    For now im off to treat myself to a bit of chill time. I deserve it. Toodles for now babes. :-*


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  7. Kori I totally feel your pain. My heart goes out to you and you are in my prayers. Things will get better. But, it will totally be your decision to make that happen, or ever to get that ball rolling so that it has a chance of happening. Be well my friend! We are all in this together! Peace be unto you. 





    @ Ally Spooky, the feelings/ issues you speak of,  I know all too well. Although, I am recently quit, I still very  much struggle with these symptoms. I hope for you and I this is not a lasting thing as much as it is a re balancing act. Be Well!

  8. Day 20 for me! Never thought I would see the day lol. Is anyone else having a problem with extremely low energy and motivation? I feel like I have hit rock bottom in my energy level, not really sure what to do about it.

    Fw- congrats on day 27!! You're doing awesome!

    Lunax- can't believe you're already at 39! You da bomb! :)

    Keep it up guys!

    LL Greetings and a good day to you!

    I think that comes with the territory especially in these early stages. I am so up, then down it's ridiculous. And I won't touch on the night time insomnia on this post. After reading many many posts on here, I heard a lot about the 6 mo and the 12mo point being where you may begin to truly reach any honest resurgence of energy and motivation. Thus I've concluded, for myself, at least, to prepare to trudge it, find new interests, and the big one to be patience with myself, for at least a year, with hopes of seeing some progress by month 6.


    Also, during an earlier attempt at quitting, I was placed on Wellbutrin. This time around, I'm testing Geodon, which is more or less for moods and can at times make you a little tired. But, It seems a bit to help with the depression i'm experiencing, which is good because the depression, affects my energy levels, (better mood- better attitude, better attitude- more energy.) I've just started taking it, so we'll see. 


    If the Geodon doesn't cut it, I suppose I'l give Wellbutrin another go. I didn't "stay quit" long enough to really know if Welbutrin would have done the trick. I think it takes almost a few months for any of those types of " meds" to find their rhythm. I'm not sure about you but I plan to only take some kind of aide for maybe the next year or so, Then my hope is that I'll be able to take it from there.



    What I'm getting at is per our situation, not experiencing what you are at this point would be abnormal. Lack of motivation and energy and many times a host of other erratic, unexplainable ails are assured to occur for a bit during this process. So, first and foremost,  yet I know, easier said than done, be patient with yourself! This is most important. Next, try and find some new things that intrigue you, this may help to spark some inspiration, motivation, and get the ball rolling. Finally, you must mentally prepare yourself to possibly have to "trudge it,"  on and off, for while until your system begins to find some harmony.


    I hope this helps babes as I am going through the same issues. But you know what, we got this! Just as we were motivated to find this site when the time was right, and then to finally post, when the time was right, we will find new  inspirations,  like those we once had, that will drive our energy and motivation, and this time around it will be true and honest and lasting and sustain us and our newly found, evolved greater selves. 


    We got this! When all else fails, stay close to the forum, stay plugged in. Be Well LL! Congrats on Day 20!!!!!



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