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Freedom's Wings

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Posts posted by Freedom's Wings

  1. I am happy to hear that you are in a good place; you are rocking it out for the whole world to see and I am blessed to have a front row seat!  Work's been a bear this week, can't seem to shake my procrastination habit.  On the plus side, I did just tick off 9 months on Sunday.



    9 months is huge!!! Congratulations!!

    Regarding procrastination, be patient with yourself; no pun intended; but I think for some people, me for example, NOT procrastinating is a learned trait. One thing that is helping me is to move right when a thought occurs, before I get the chance to talk me out of it. Perhaps this may help you. 

    • Like 1
  2. Day 14/week 2 down!

    How are you?



    3 Cheers to you on  

    2 weeks down, Keep owning this...

    1 day at a time!!! 


    Furthermore, I am well thank you for asking! Lately, I have been extremely busy, suppose it's better than boredom eh? besides staying sober, I'm working more on controlling my anxieties and my eating habits..


    How are things in your neck of the woods?? 

  3. Day 38 today! Sorry I haven't been on in awhile, I tend to fall off the face of the earth when my add gets bad and I get busy lol. Lunax...you are rocking! 2 days to go! And I'm so proud of you for going to the gym, I need to find the motivation in me. Congrats to everybody we are doing so good :)



    You can do it girl. As far as working out, maybe you could start small. Go for a walk around the block a couple times a week..

    5 minutes is better than minus 5 minutes. lol. I've been walking on the treadmill 3 times a week for 20 minutes this past week. For me at least, since I'm crap for motivation, once I get started I can feel the buddings of inspiration brewing somewhere deep down. It may help to just get up soon as it crosses your mind to just move. Support & Love girlie! Be Well! 

  4. Day 38 today! Sorry I haven't been on in awhile, I tend to fall off the face of the earth when my add gets bad and I get busy lol. Lunax...you are rocking! 2 days to go! And I'm so proud of you for going to the gym, I need to find the motivation in me. Congrats to everybody we are doing so good :)

    LL! Glad to hear from you beloved! Congrats on day 38! Screw smooth sailing, You are motor boating this thing lol. You're are almost one-third of the way down! 

  5. Wow lunax, I can't believe that you are so close to the finish line here!  You have come a long way from where you started, I am amazed at your progress.


    @FW - you are 70% of the way there, how is the week treating you otherwise?  Happier than a camel on Wednesday I hope (love that commercial).

    I'm loving it like a fat kid loves cake Jus. Things are good. I am in something like a good place at the moment, still a bit shaky, but overall dare I say I'm feeling slightly balanced, taking each day as it comes. ... How are you my beloved? 

    • Like 1
  6. Hey Everyone,

    Checking in at D57 today, just 3 days away from completing the 60 day challenge! Holy shit where does time go?

    Last few days have been quite busy for me hence my lack of participation on here. However I'm happy to report that after a week of binging and eating like shit, I've managed to pull it together and go to the gym three days in a row. It has felt great to start working out again but I am really sore today!

    Anyway, even when I'm not posting much (my adhd makes it so hard for me to write stuff) I am still on here frequently. I love my little challenge family...all you guys keep me going. Keep up the good work everyone!


    I wish I could "like" this more than once! Good Work!

    • Like 3
  7. FW like home recording, digital?  That's my activity, or it was.


    Yeah. I've been doing it all my life! Without it I feel lost...I hope I find that zest for music that I once had. While on addy, I was a music making dynamo! I have some incredibly siq trackz that I am almost scared to look at or take a listen to because of who I was and where I was when I wrote them... I'm at a crossroad. What's your story??

    • Like 1



    It helps to see what I'm slapping into my mouth. So....


    Today, for breakfast  I ate a couple of bite sized candy bars. :excl2: For lunch, I ate a Chimichanga and had some Nachos from Trini & Carmens. :blush2:  Later, as a snack, I ate 2 chicken nuggets and some Kraft mac & cheese. :blink2: I haven't had dinner yet, but I will probably finish the rest of my Nacho. I am full as it is right now. So perhaps I'll try not to eat the entire nacho. :wacko2: 


    Next week i believe my new goal will be NOT to eat after 7pm. I believe I'll start there and trying to exercise 3 times weekly.   Stay tuned.  :ph34r2: 


    Furthermore, I plan to get one last exercise in before the week is over. Sunday I will run the treadmill for 20 minutes, post up stats later.


    How is everyone doing????? 


  9. Crusin' for a brusin' let's get to movin'! Day  40: CoNFIRMEDDD! 

    I am feeling really proud of myself today! yay me! :D I don't know if it's seeing the whole number 40 or what but I'm feelin' good.  :ph34r:  :blush:



    LL, Kev how are you doing??? DOn't make me come find you,  because I will..lol. 

  10. I am elated you see that you continue to move in a positive direction. A victory for one is a victory for all! 

    Regarding the 60 day challenge, what are you waiting for??? Come onnnn join the movement! lol. There's room for everyone. Make sure to check -in on " THE 60 DaY CHALLENGE," thread as a show of accepting the dare. Then, continue daily (preferably)  to follow up on your progress, posting confirmation of your ability to abstain from adderall.  We got this!! 



    • Like 1



    It helps to see what I'm slapping into my mouth. So....


    Today, for breakfast  I ate a couple of bite sized candy bars. :excl2: For lunch, I ate a Chimichanga and had some Nachos from Trini & Carmens. :blush2:  Later, as a snack, I ate 2 chicken nuggets and some Kraft mac & cheese. :blink2: I haven't had dinner yet, but I will probably finish the rest of my Nacho. I am full as it is right now. So perhaps I'll try not to eat the entire nacho. :wacko2: 


    Next week i believe my new goal will be NOT to eat after 7pm. I believe I'll start there and trying to exercise 3 times weekly.   Stay tuned.  :ph34r2: 


    Furthermore, I plan to get one last exercise in before the week is over. Sunday I will run the treadmill for 20 minutes, post up stats later.


    How is everyone doing????? 

  12. And so it seems each one of us who were taking "The 30 day challenge" on this pade has indeed successfully graduated to the 60 day. I am so proud of everyone for sticking together and for their efforts. Pat on the back to each participant and every supporter! Thankyou. Now what do you say, shall we smoke 'The 60 day challenge?' Well....what are you waiting for??? I'll meet you there! Toodles for now my beautiful people. May you continue to be Well!

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