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Freedom's Wings

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Posts posted by Freedom's Wings

  1. Hey Ally,


    I'm in Michigan, not too far away. Next month I'll be visiting Chicago for a weekend. Perhaps we can get together while I'm there. Something's better than nothing. Give me a shout, let me know your thoughts. And anyone else in the area. I'll post more later when I'm sure of exact dates. Toodlez for now.  :blink:  :D

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  2. Greetings,

    Time to make the donuts. :-) Thankyou much for the morning motivation LilTex.

    @ Kyl. Day 2 is all you, I'm Glad to see you're back my friend. You totally got this. Im sure the psyche will be shocked but you and I will know you had it in you alll along. it's Day 19 for me pal. Let's do this Thing!

  3. Hey Ally,

    I'm up early or late from which ever angle you receive it. Didn't sleep so well, but otherwise feeling fine.

    I've just finished reading your story and would like to extend to you an invite to take the "30 day challenge" to help get you through the next thirty day stretch of this battle and furthermore 30 Days freeier of this insidious pill.

    I am the creator of that challenge and Im close to where you are on my own journey. There is also someone by the name Lunax taking the challenge who will be finishing up his first 30 days soon, in the next few days in fact. He's proposed to begin " The 60 day challenge." I will be checking into the 30 day challenge after I finish my first thirty, but will be hopping over to his page to take the "60 day." You could even start on that ine if you like...

    So anyway...come by, check out the page, and remember, " It's not about how many times you fall, it's about how many times you get up." Be Well!

    Hope to hear from you soon..


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  4. Hello,

    No words. okkkk, you got me, I do have a few...

    So here goes..

    I must say I am utterly flooded with emotions right now. Lets do this kylevl! You guys truly inspire me to stay the course. I can only pray you are as inspired, and That together we inspire others to do the same!

    Congrats on day one Kyl! I don't care what anyone says that is a hugee milestone. So tip of the hat to you mt friend.

    You will find much inspiration here. You and I can do this. Are doing this!

    Each day forward from here is one much torwards our greatest selves!

    So kick ya feet up, get comfy, you came to the right place.


    Btw: Day 18: CONFIRMEDDD!!! Today is a good day.

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  5. Jon I am glad to have inspired you, but it is You, other supporters, and people on this site that encourage me daily to continue moving forward. So thankyou. Thankyou so very much for being maybe a million miles away, yet consistently, right here when I need you. I dont think I can say it enough! Thank you!

    Lunax, you continue to kick ass! Soon you will be cracking into the next leg along our journey! Awesome legwork, way to get a LEG UP my friend. Keep striving forward! And make sure to save me a lane on " The 60 day challenge!" I'm right behind ya pal. :-)

  6. Lunax you are kicking IR'z and crushing rx'z! Good job at beating addy in the face, I wanna be just like you when I grow up. :-) Keep going buddy!

    Today, for me, makes a full two week cycle OFF of addy! Each day lately has felt like its own bbittersweet milestone. The 2 week/ 14 day point is kind of special for me because it is here that I typically go in for my REFILL! Yep! You heard me, it is now my official Re-up time of the month. After a long binge, followed by a short withdrawal stage, NOW is pretty much when im in the clear to meet up with the good ole doc..smile and say all has been well and get my next 30 day supply of adderall.

    I just thought this might be an important mention for anyone who knows this cycle, as well as, the associated emotions that come/go along with that feeling of knowing that addy induced all-nighters are not too far away indeed , as well as I do.

    Whoohoo! It's PARTYTIMEEE!

    Except wait just a second.. not this time addy. This time around I'm going at it solo. oh.. Don't give me that look...I'm sorry. I know i promised we'd go to disneyland. I admit it. I did.

    Addy, I lied to you. And I know I shouldnt have. I know. And I know that tit for tat behavior, fixing a wrong with another wrong, isnt right. But...Addy, You lied to me too...You said we were best friends. And I believed you! You should have heard me, as I pretty much boldly Told all of my old friends and family, "I dont need you."

    And Why? Cus I got addy.

    You said you would always be there anytime, if ever I needed you. But not only did you decieve me,when u were with me, we were never alone. We don't talk like we used to. Ur much too busy just rambling on, and on, and on. I don't even think you hear me anymore. I beg for you not to go, but you leave me anyway, and for weeks at a time, a quick courtesy bye, and your gone.. ok, you're right. It's not you, it's me. I've become soooo needy. I see it too. I like the me I used to be, Addy, I hate who I've become.

    And now I see that youve made new friends, well I don't know maybe youve had these same friends all along. I can never really tell with you. I'm starting to realize that I never knew you as well as I once thought. No, No. And don't apologize. I think it's best we just move on.

    There's too much hurt, We need to heal. While I've lost friends, you've just made more. So go, do, and be, you. Please Leave me to my world unknown.

    Id rather be my only friend than have you and be all alone.


    Day 14: CONFIRMED!

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  7. Update:

    First I'd like to say day 12 & done: CONFIRMED!

    Secondly, today I was given the prescription Geodon to help level out my moods, which I'm not worried about abusing, and hoping this to be a short term thing along my transition .

    The million dollar question, does anyone else have experience with this "drug"?

    • Like 1
  8. Greetings,

    Tx Lunax and way to go on day 22! You are sooo close now. I am extremely proud of you and You should be proud of yourself too. This is no easy task. As any good addy'holic knows, each and every day off of addy feels like it could be multiplied exponentially.especially in these beginning stages. You're doing it pal! Live the dream!

    Btw thanks for askin, I am well. Today was one of my better days. This for me is ....day 11 .. which sounds like my que to post up today's stats. So with no furth ado...

    Burn addy burn, day 11 is : CONFIRMED!

    "The 60 day challenge!" -What a great follow-up. That was my plan as well. Suppose now I can just hop over a page or two to your side of town and accept "The 60 challenge!" You know...In an awkward (im hooked to my meds), yet amazingly encouraging kind of way, This is a bit exciting. To quote ibad, "There is such strength in numbers" and together we are conquering this thing! Hope your day is well my friend and may you enjoy much success!


  9. Hello all,

    I'd just like to say Whether you are on day 3 or 33, the 30 day challenge will meet you right where you stand, in hopes of getting that first 30 days or another 30 days free of adderall under your belt! So, don't be shy, anyone striving to take that next step or that first step forward, you are more than welcome here. Or as I said in an earlier post to even create your own 30 day challenge page! With that said, May each and everyone be encourged in this fight!

    HOW IT WORKS: The way it works is simple. Daily, preferably, but if not, then as much as you are available to, log in and simply post the day you are on, to keep track, and "confirm" or "deny" your ability to restrain from our now common vice.

    **For anyone already passed thirty days accepting the challenge, at the end of the chalenge, simply tack on the additional completed time and congratulate yourself on a job well done and another 30 days progress!

    Toodles for now extended friends and fam. Be Well!

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  10. Salutations llwilson,

    Let me be the first to welcome you to the 30 day challenge and Congratulate you on day 2! What you did was very corageous, you can breathe a bit easier now. You've taken the first and most painful step. Kudos to you. We are here to support, and never judge, you along this journey. Let's do this my friend!


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