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Freedom's Wings

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Posts posted by Freedom's Wings

  1. Greetings Everyone!



    I don't have much time to post tonight as I am headed out for the evening; but I wanted to touch on a few things.


    First and foremost Day 38: CON" FIRMEDDDDD" AS DURABILITY! 


    With that out of the way, I would like to take a moment to welcome Kev to the group. Kev, whenever you may feel all alone or misunderstood, understand that we "get it" and are totally here to support you. Kudos on 18 months clean that is major, You did it once you can do it again!  Welcome, you are among friends, so get comfy and post (daily) if possible and make sure to keep us in the loop. Til manana' Be Well! 


    For the last bit of business, as promised, here is a list of my food consumption today:


    Breakfast: Nothing


    Lunch: a yam, and a chicken sandwich with half of a slice of cheese and a tbsp of mayo


    Snack: a tuna sandwich


    Dinner: Japanese pan noodles w/ grilled chicken breast from noodles and company. 


    I'm not quite sure what to make of today's list, but I know listing it makes me feel like I don't wanna at anything else for the night. 


    Laptop dying, check in tomorrow my beloveds. May your night be peaceful and pleasant :)

  2. Today is all about my food consumption. I have to reign in this insatiable appetite. I am ready to feel light on my toes again. So when the day is done, and by that I mean after work , I will post up my nurishment intake of the day. Yes! This is another aim at keeping me accountable. Be Well!

    Wish me blessed:-*

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  3. Oh yea Jus! Ive gone without it for almost three weeks, which felt more like 3 years! Im so happy to be plugged in again. Maybe that's sad, but its true. Besides im still in tge early stages of recovery ; I needz my netflix fix. Lol.

    While i'm at it, I minus well post up stats! Day 38: DONE & DONE! CONFIMRED!!

    Also, I'd like to note that I exercised twice this week and here, now, I pledge to get one last 20 min treadmill workout in by Sunday. I will be posting once I have completed my selfie promise. Once again guys thankyou for being in my corner; Things have been really positive lately.

    Ll, Lunax?? Headcount. How are you babez??

    • Like 1
  4. Nice to see all three of you have graduated to the next level!


    I forgot to ask, did anyone blast some Chumbawamba at day 30?


    Maybe Pomp and Circumstance at day 60 is in order?


    I don't no about anyone else but I for sure turned up the tracks and pranced around like a schoolgirl. lol. 

    • Like 1
  5. I couldn't be more excited right now! At&t just left and my internet is as of now On and poppin'! lol. With that said there are a few words in order. The first order of business is the confirmation of Day 37: CONFIRMATION!!

    The second order of business...oh yes, three cheers to you! Let's breakout the party favorites and around the praises! LL you did it girl! I knew that you could do it. How are you feeling??

  6. Btw The last couple of days and nights have been amazing! I have been sleeping well at night, then in a positive space during the day, not sure if the two are correlated; but I thought this was worth a mention. I even excercised for 20min on the treadmill after work today! Yay me!

    Also, my internet will be back on tomorrow! So, I will be able to check in more often.

    • Like 1
  7. LL,

    That is fabulous to hear esp since its just around the bend for you. Congrats on Day 28 is this?!?

    Yes, "THE 60 DAY CHALLENGE," IS on a thread called by the same name. Look for it on the home page. Tell me what you think?? Anyway

    Toodles for now babes...

  8. Ll! Always a pleasure! You are soooooo close. The exercise portion is right on track, isn't it! I'm all in too. Question?? Will you be taking the 60 day with us?? If so, check it out! Toodlez for now babes. Congrats on day 27!!

  9. Ss,

    I know exactly how you feel and the bright side can seem miles away on day 4, but you gotta know that this is NOT a linear process; yet, it is all a part of the process and as unfortunate as it may seem right now, remember Nothing worth it in life comes easy. Keep fighting friend! You will get there.I will be your strength where you are weak. I believe in you!

    If you have to, take a step back and take a few deep breaths. Remind yourself that you are safe and everything is ok. Try to allow yourself to take it sloww. You have been running on 3000 for so long now, normal pace or the trudge of daily life as I call it at times, can seem a bit much, but this is where you will also find true and lasting happiness and memories. So allow yourself to smell the roses, even if right now that consist of only having another day far away from the hellish pill that caused all this turmoil.

    Have you considered meditation?? It really helps clear the mind if only for the moment, then you can begin to build from that...

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