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Everything posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. Day 3 of the 21 day fix is complete! I need to start a new thread...
  2. And, I love the L-Tyrosine (when I remember to take it, LOL).
  3. I just finished the third workout of the "21 day fix" last night. AND...I took a short walk yesterday afternoon. I am feeling great!! Exercise does help!
  4. I think we have a new spammer that wants to sell Coach handbags and Nike shoes...
  5. The right to bare arms...I'm gonna go put on a tank top right now! LOL! In Canada, do you have the right to arm bears? Funny, I always heard that your healthcare is not free. What is your tax rate up there, my northern friend? Hope your kitty is feeling better.
  6. "I'm still depressed and I don't think these pills are even helping anymore." Sounds an awful lot like Adderall, to me.
  7. Oh no, KITTY!! No worries, all will be well.
  8. Item #4 is making item #3 a serious problem for me. I am on day two of my new exercise program. I can barely walk down the stairs, and if something falls on the floor...it can stay there. Lol, but I feel better!
  9. This is why I tell everyone to confess it all to everyone you know and even strangers that you meet. Profess it to the masses! It sure helps to have some external accountability when you are feeling weak. Hang in there, because you are doing great!!
  10. I think this is just where we are in our recovery. I have days like this, too. I am having to force myself to be a happy soul. It will come back, I have to believe this. So, we can only hang in there and keep on keeping on.
  11. Anyone around in the West Georgia, Central Alabama area? I-20 corridor?
  12. It is not only the calming needs. I wish I could make people understand. Just know that I have tried everything and more. Her psychiatrist has stopped just short of diagnosing an autism spectrum disorder PDD-NOS. I am wary of labels that follow you forever. Cannabis oil, that would make her post stimulant munchies worse! LOL!
  13. I got the 21 day fix a while back...the motivation to click "buy" was easier than actually doing the workout. But, I will get to it eventually. I think the Shakeology has whey protein and is not acceptable for my Wheat Belly lifestyle. I am going to try to start the workouts. Sigh...
  14. YAY!! Good for your doctor for denying your request! It is the best thing in the world that could have happened. Remember, all things happen for a reason...
  15. No walk, but I'm still considering it seriously.😊
  16. DangerBean, My daughter takes Strattera for her ADD. I took her off Concerta the day after I quit Adderall. Anyhow, it seems to help her a lot and doesn't wear off in the evening. She is crazy as a bat without meds, so it is hard to judge what is a bad side effect for her. I don't advocate meds if you don't really need them, but the girl can't function in society without drugs. She is one of those people who would be chained in an attic or in a mental institution back in the olden days.
  17. Sweet Carolinee, How do you like the shakeology? I have a friend who is a "coach" and wants me to try it, but my recent paleo protein bar purchase has me feeling leery of such things. I would rather lick the pad of my dogs foot than eat another bite of that damn paleo bar. IJS.
  18. I remember sitting in a corner, reading a book, checking my phone...anything to avoid talking to people. The reason I didn't want to talk was how I couldn't pull words out of my brain. I also had a hard time with eye contact. I was soooo twitchy. Glad that is over and I can be the life of the party if I want to be. I don't want to be at parties right now, but I enjoy hanging with coworkers in the break room. It is nice to be on the road to recovery...
  19. Don't go back! I am only 9 months clean, but I had to have a crutch. So, I took up a hobby. Art. I found that on days when I didn't feel like doing anything at all, I could at least draw and shade. I have heard others mention meditation, and I use zentangle as my meditation. Drawing patterns, over and over and over...very calming. I wish I could give you some words of wisdom, but I can only encourage you to stay the course. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  20. I am feeling inspired to head outside for some exercise! The weather is finally turning warmer, and I am going to go for a walk/jog tonight. The kids love to go outside and it is a novelty for me to go with them. Let's do it!
  21. You are an inspiration to us all!! Great job.
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