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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. I love that idea! A "Quitting Adderall Forum" reunion! LOL, can you imagine? We are such an eclectic group of personalities. I can't imagine what it would be like to actually meet.
  2. I am this way with ice cream. I can't have it in the house or I will eat the whole half gallon within 1-2 days. I know it may seem stupid to compare the two, but we all have our vices. Complete avoidance is the only way to keep the temptation away...for me anyway. Congrats on 4 years, btw!
  3. I am always open to a message if someone just needs a more personal ear. I met up with one person on this forum and tried to coach her a bit. I hope it helped, but I haven't heard from her in a while... I think personal, face to face meetings can be difficult for some. It can make you feel inadequate if you are hearing how it is possible to quit and you are not there yet. We each have/had our own situation and justifications for our use. I think a lot of the time is spent trying to explain to others "why". Almost like you are defending yourself from the judgment you are sure is coming. Sometimes, alone and anonymous is better. I also felt like I needed to be left alone because I was very prickly in the beginning. I wanted advice when I wanted it, but not when I didn't want it. You know what I mean? I think that is why this website is so helpful. If I wanted to just read and soak in the good vibes, then I could. If I wanted to comment, then I would. It was some tiny bit of comfort and control. It sounds weird now... BUT, I can't argue with results!
  4. I had severe TMJ problems and had to have surgery. My jaw would actually fall out of joint while I was talking. I chipped several teeth when this happened. Also, I had to put my jaw in one position to bite and move it to the other position to chew. I was like a snake, unhinging my jaw to eat! LOL, so it does not sound like TMJ problems to me...
  5. Thanks everybody! I think I am a testament to how successful this website can be for those who want to quit. Hang in there newbies! It does get better!
  6. and...I love sugar...we all have our vices.
  7. Only the good people on this forum! My husband would listen, but he didn't understand. He also said some things which were not particularly helpful because he did not understand.
  8. Well, as of June 5th I am one year clean! I didn't even think about it. I was so busy hanging out at the pool with the kids, going to watch my daughter's friend in her dance recital, and just living life. I am so happy and looking forward to the future. Every day is better than the one before. To all the Newbies, you can do this! It is so worth it... Love to you all, because without the support of this forum I don't know if I would have made it this far. Here's to many more! Heather
  9. That is because you are strong! Adderall is a bitch, but she can be beaten.
  10. I wish there was a super awesome secret to it...truth is, I told everyone that I know, work with, etc. I didn't have a prescription, because I didn't go back to the doctor. Luckily, it is a long drive and quite inconvenient to get there. I didn't have a choice of going back to it, because I created external accountability. Then, I ate and slept and just muddled through for a few months. I gained 40 pounds, my house was a wreck, and I felt all around crappy. But...at about 10 months clean it was like the fog lifted and I wanted to do things. I had already stopped craving the drug's physical feeling (at about 3 months clean, or so), but still missed being motivated to do any and everything. If you can convince yourself that it is okay not to be perfect, then you have won. I believe it is the hardest part and having support around you is a huge help. My biggest advice...cut off all access to it. Tell your doctor. Tell your wife and family. Explain to them how you are going to be tired and pretty useless. Give yourself extra time to do tasks, especially important ones like filling prescription orders. Then, just let it be. You are going to get through this because you are awesome and your family deserves to have the real you. Hang in there!
  11. Well said, Occasional! I totally agree. You are awesome ZK!
  12. Welcome to the forum! You can quit again, and you absolutely should. The drug may be around you all of the time, but if you don't have a prescription you can't have any. Get rid of your sources. You can do this! Good luck!
  13. I don't think you gave yourself enough time. Also, give yourself some credit...you are not a complete idiot. You were quitting a terrible drug and it is very difficult. I hope that you won't give up on quitting. No one can be on this drug forever. It will ruin you. Good luck and stay close. You are always welcome in my opinion...for what it is worth.
  14. I don't know of anyone in my life who takes Adderall. This is not surprising, as I didn't admit to taking it until after I quit. I wish I could help...
  15. I am a Monster person, but sugar free also. I used the super weight loss fat burner from GNC. I still have some of them, but I can't live with the headaches. Reminded me of the Adderall headaches...
  16. Broken...my daughters foot is broken...
  17. I was thinking of Meth mouth, too. But, I know that Adderall caused me to grind my teeth so badly that my jaw would ache all the time. See a dentist and get a cleaning and a check up. That doesn't cost too much, and it may set your mind at ease. Or, it will give you an idea of what needs to be done. It is a good place to start, I think.
  18. I made the choice not to refill my prescription. Then I tore the house apart for three days looking for an old prescription. LOL, I finally found it, but my husband wouldn't drop it off at the pharmacy for me. I had to go to work, so I was going to have to drop it off that afternoon and who knows how long it would take for them to get it filled!!!! AAARRRRGGGHHHH...I was super pissed off. I thought about it all day at work...I told my coworkers...I stressed...I debated...I decided. The cooling off period made me realize I did want to quit after all. Supportive people around you will help. When I told my husband that I wanted to quit he didn't believe me, but he was onboard. I think I would still be taking it if he had taken that script in...
  19. YAY!!! Great job. Eating disorders are difficult enough without adding adderall's draw into the picture. I am super impressed with your story!
  20. I find that dental insurance is not worth it. The cost is not worth it for 50% coverage on major procedures, etc. My opinion, of course... I had these issues with my teeth as well. It is common and the tension headaches and grinding do go away after you quit. Everything can be fixed, no worries!
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