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Everything posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. Welcome to the forum, hopscotch! Great job with the quitting. Come back here often and whenever you are having doubts or struggles. We all have them, and it does get better. You are doing this for your kids. They will notice the difference and be glad that you quit. Even if they don't really understand, they will like having the real you around.
  2. costly...the plumber is digging up my yard to replace the main water line to the house. How is it possible to leak 45,000 gallons of water in a month and not be able to find where it is?!?!?!
  3. You will be fine. Let it go and you will be fine. Your story is so familiar to all of us. You are among kindreds and friends.
  4. Thanks! I am hoping that honesty will help people to not feel like they are the weird person who doesn't feel amazing every single day. We all have days where we still want to crawl back into bed and not get out until the weekend.
  5. I am trying to cut back, and it is not so bad. I was drinking so much caffeine that I was having headaches reminiscent of the ones I had while taking Adderall. I miss my Monsters, but 160 mg of caffeine is a lot in one can...
  6. I have a very healthy "don't give a crap what anyone else thinks" attitude which has only recently developed. It helps that I am generally awesome, even with the extra weight...
  7. The hardest things for me to be around since I quit wheat...Donuts and soft pretzels...the smell is maddening!!
  8. I have weaned myself down to one cup of coffee a day, and no more monsters. I stopped supplements most days, because I am getting headaches. I am trying to live a clean life, but damn I love caffeine!
  9. Welcome to the site! Have you quit, or are you still considering it?
  10. You practically are. Just back off a bit, okay? It reads a little creepy...
  11. Got the ticker!! So happy! I had to do it on my iPhone, but it is there! Now, to celebrate with some ice cream!! Just kidding...
  12. You have to give up the idea of perfection. It is the hardest part. My kids are so much happier now than when I was on Adderall. They know that I quit and it was hard at first, because I was so tired. Now, I am actually "there" for them. You know? Quit, and you will see. You can be a better mother than you even imagined! No one needs to eat off of a kitchen floor, right? Welcome!!!
  13. Welcome!! You are very fortunate to have an understanding boss. You sound like you have it all in hand. Just hang in there and you will be at a year clean before you know it! When it gets rough, just read the posts and it will help you feel better in no time.
  14. YAY!! You are well on your way to success. Hang in there!
  15. I wonder if nouedis is a real person or a robo poster? Some of the posts seem odd, like he didn't read them at all. Any insight? Nouedis, are you real? Are you in some call center spamming us? I am quite suspicious of you! If you are a real person, I agree with Spence23. Knock it off, already! Adrafanil helped you, we get it! Stop being a pusher!
  16. I can't get my ticker to load on the page. I am having a terrible time with it...I think it has to do with my work computer browser needing to be updated.
  17. This is funny to me, because one of the things I worried about when I was on Adderall was what I would do if the zombie apocalypse happened. How would I keep from getting eaten if I was currently withdrawing from Adderall? LOL, I was being facetious, of course, but it is a legitimate concern when you are jacked up on an anxiety provoking drug like addy.
  18. You need to compare yourself to the on Adderall picture, because no matter how low your dose is, you are still using. Not only are you still using, but you are also in withdrawal...simultaneously! Give yourself a break until you get this taper biz over with.
  19. All at home and on my own. Boy, did I make my husband miserable! LOL.
  20. You hate the low, but it gets better. Hang in there!
  21. ADHD is a part of who I am. I used to function just fine with it, and now I am functioning fairly well again. The bad thing about Adderall and, I'm guessing, Vyvanse, is that you don't go back to where you were before the drug. You are so much lower, and it takes a lot of work to get back to where you were before the drug. You will never be a super human without the drug...but, you have tasted that success. It is really hard to give that up. I still struggle with that everyday. Even after the cravings leave, there is the emotional loss of your "super powers". I try to remind myself that the drug had stopped working and required higher and higher doses just to maintain. I am so much better off without it, but I still have an emptiness and a yearning for who I was on the pills. It is getting better, but the struggle is real!
  22. I am just over a year clean and I am in a bad spot right now. After a successful vacation, there is a let down period. I managed to clean my craft room yesterday, so it no longer looks like a tornado hit a Hobby Lobby (thanks for that mess, kids@#!). However, I am mostly a useless slug. I got out of my normal routine by going on the long road trip. Now, I am having a hard time getting back into it. I need to find some motivation to get back on track. It happens to us all, so don't worry. Maybe we should all try to post more when we are having a rough time. I am like Grumpy Cat in that I really only post when I am having a good day. I will try to be more balanced for the Newbies out there.
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