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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. Welcome to the forum! I hope that we can be a supportive force WHEN you decide to quit. You can't live like this forever...
  2. How are you feeling? Still hanging in there?
  3. I just bought an icecream churn...
  4. Excited. We leave for Colorado on July 11th! I am super excited!!! I can't wait to breath humidity free air again.
  5. Art has helped me, too. I love the one duck foot. I imagine that it symbolizes you swimming in a circle and getting nowhere...
  6. Wow! I hope that you have continued good luck with your quit. Don't get discouraged if you slip a bit and feel like a slug. it is okay to be less than perfect. Welcome to the forum!
  7. This is where I was when I made the decision to quit. Either raise the dose or quit for good. I am so glad that I made the choice to quit and stuck with it when it got really hard.
  8. it's hard to do, but Occasional is right. Just let go and let lazy! You can do it...
  9. You CAN stop. When you are ready, you will. Just know that, over time, it takes more and more meds to get the same(not really) effects. it is like heroin that way. Did you watch the video of the little yellow bird? I think it is on the "This was me on Adderall" thread. Towards the last 2 pages. That video pretty much sums it up. If you aren't in that dark place yet, then you should stop before you get there. Welcome to the forum, and we will be here to support you when you are ready to quit.
  10. Oh, 12 hour hospital shifts are rough. I do not miss that at all. Coffee, coffee, coffee...
  11. It is hard to hear, but there is no easy way to do this. Why draw out the misery? The longer you drag it out, the longer you will be in withdrawal.
  12. I am unable to advise on tapering or weaning. The only way I am able to quit anything is to go cold turkey. I am like an alcoholic with sugar too. I can't be around it or I have to eat it. Just quit and get it over with. That is my motto, and my advice to you.
  13. SNACKS!!! I lived on them for the first 4 months or so. No worries, because it does come off again if you try.
  14. Oh, to have stopped after one year of use... Congratulations! and welcome to the forum. I also suggest cutting off your supply, and any opportunity to go back. Tell your coworkers. Then, it gives you some external accountability and an excuse for the sluggishness and weight loss. After 9 months clean, my coworkers were expecting me to have a baby! lol, just kidding, but it does feel better to have an excuse. Hang in there!
  15. STOP THAT KIND OF TALK RIGHT NOW!!! There, I feel better. You are not worthless, and you are not stupid. You are under the control of a very powerful drug. I want you to go and take a look at the members list for this forum. Now, look at how many are newbies who only posted once or twice...they could not do it either. The odds are only in your favor if you give in to the quitting. You have to accept that it is going to be awful, but...it will get better. The sun will shine a little brighter, the colors will be clearer, sounds will be sweeter. Food will taste delicious, and you will be tired. The only things you will accomplish are the ones you must do. You won't get fired, because you know what has to be done to avoid that. Now, stop taking that shit and go take a nap!
  16. I love tiger balm! My mom used to call it "chinese ear wax". I always thought it was funny. Great stuff!
  17. I like that! One pill is too many and a thousand is never enough. Truer words have never been spoken... I am so proud of you, Grump! The ability to resist is the only thing that keeps us clean. We will always be addicted to this drug, but we don't have to be controlled by it anymore!
  18. I had a constant headache on Adderall. It was something that I just lived with daily to get the addy effects. Now, when I have a headache, I am miserable. I can't believe I thought it was worth it to be in pain everyday...
  19. We have all been there. I quit and went back many, many times. It doesn't make you a bad person, or a failure. When the time is right for you, you will stop relying on it to get through the day.
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