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Everything posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. I got a Featured Role! Yay! I am super excited. I will get the script on September 19th. Technical rehearsal is the 25th and final dress rehearsal is the 26th. The Live Halloween event begins on October 1st and continues every Thursday night through Sunday night for the entire month of October. I am super excited!!! I was offered the Role before I even left the audition...it felt great! :D :D
  2. First of all, great job staying clean for over a year!! Is everything perfect for everyone else? Is it just you? Nope. Check this out...I had lost 15 of the 40 pounds I gained, but I gained them back. I was getting some exercise, but now I am depressed and just acting like a slug. I am trying to push myself more to do things and this weekend I plan on cleaning out a closet and the garage, and going to an audition. Will the garage get clean? Probably not, let's be real... It is not just you that is better off, either. I am happier, nicer, more social, not afraid to audition, and much more laid back. I don't see bugs that are not there. I am not having chest pain. I am getting sleep. I have an appetite (damn it) and I enjoy food a lot...too much, but I digress. I am trying to push myself. That is how I am going to push through this slump in my recovery. I am not going back to Adderall, and neither are you! We can do this without a drug and it is better without it...you know it is!
  3. GREG!!! Your awesome commercial spot has motivated me to move past my cut TV scene and go to an audition Friday night. I am super excited! Wish me luck! I am going for a lead role in a live Halloween event at a themed park (of sorts). If I don't get a lead role, I won't do it because it would take me away from family 19 nights in October. I am soooo excited, but it will be okay if I don't get it. All things happen for a reason... Sorry, this doesn't fit in your thread, does it? Oh well...
  4. YAY! Thanks for the update! Great work and keep it up.
  5. Nightmares...yes. Well, I am going to have some gluten free carrots to celebrate your posts. Thanks for that. LOL
  6. This is where willpower comes in. It sounds cliché, but just say no. Avoid those peeps like the plague. Erase their numbers. Make it as hard as possible to get more. Tell people that you have a problem. You can't solve a problem if you don't admit you have one. I am addicted to Adderall. I will be for the rest of my life. I can't ever use again, because I can't handle it.
  7. My best advice is to get rid of your source. Cut off your supplier. Lose the number. Whatever you have to do to not be able to get it. Next, and probably the hardest, is to tell everyone that you have a problem and you quit. The more people you tell, the more external accountability to create. These are the methods which worked for me. I had to be "all in" or I just kept going back...again...and again...and again...and again... Good luck and hang in there!
  8. The Burger King is creepy. Why did they bring that creepy bastard back?
  9. Google is your friend... look it up and find a place to go if you need it. It is important to stay clean and get healthy. Good luck!
  10. You are lucky. Again, it is a generalization because not all people are alike.
  11. This sounds like me. Well, like so many of us on this site, I suppose. I am still struggling with the weight and the sluggishness, but I am happier overall. It does come off, but it takes work and I don't feel like doing the work sometimes. My friends and family say that they are glad that I quit. I was not a very pleasant person when I was on Adderall. I was harsh and antisocial. I was mean and quick to fly off the handle. I did not want to socialize and I lost many friendships over it. You can make it work and it is so worth it. Keep checking this site. I still come here every day...
  12. In general, a man's self worth is directly tied to his job. Women, not so much. It is hard to understand, but after marriage counseling years ago I came to really see the differences between men and women. My husband had a lot of work issues in the beginning of our marriage because he had just graduated college and was learning how to be in the corporate world. It was difficult on our relationship. I did not know how to communicate with him about it and he would just disappear into a "cave" when he was home. It stirred my abandonment issues...ugly stuff. He has been in the job for 17 years now and it doesn't bother him like it did in the beginning. Every once in a while he will have an issue at work and he just works it out. I still don't know what to say to make it better, because I just don't get it. As a woman, I say just don't worry about it. Your job is just a small part of who you are. As a man, it is easier said than done. Greg, as you learn your job and become more comfortable with it, you will feel better. You will gain confidence as you gain skills and this will be a distant memory. Just stay the course and muddle through. Every mistake leads to improvement. I am pretty sure that you are being harder on yourself than your coworkers are.
  13. Have you tried a recruiter for your job field? I am still getting emails from a recruiter who I contacted 2 years ago. She sends me opportunities in my area, even though I am not looking to change jobs right now.
  14. You can do this, because you are awesome! Just being able to quit Adderall in the first place makes you an awesome person. Cut yourself some slack and have a snack.
  15. Remember, you weren't as good as adderall made you think you were. You aren't sucking at work. You are a normal employee. Chill out and enjoy being normal. Don't go back...you may never get out again.😳
  16. I have to keep reminding myself that. Even now.
  17. I hope that you find a group to support you. This site is very helpful if you remain involved here. Eating disorders are difficult to recover from without Adderall. Adderall is an awful variable to add to that situation. Good luck, YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  18. You have to protect your children. I was not a good mom on Adderall. I was mean and quick to fly off the handle. I had absolutely no patience. It does affect them. Don't just let her have full custody of them. Maybe taking the kids would be the final straw. Maybe... Hang in there dad. I am so sorry you and your family are going through this. It makes me ashamed of my previous addiction and glad that I finally quit successfully.
  19. Push through the 30 days and then to 60 days...1 year will be here before you know it. Hang in there and don't give in to the withdrawal. You are stronger than you know...
  20. Just wait...soon you will look up and realize you didn't notice the days clean anymore. It just happens.
  21. FEAR THE WALKING DEAD IS AWESOME! There, I feel better...
  22. You can do it. Most of us managed to keep our jobs and successfully quit Adderall. Taking some time off is ideal, but you can keep it together enough to muddle through. Plus, you aren't as good as Adderall makes you think you are. You will be a better person and employee when you quit. Good luck and keep posting.
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