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Everything posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. You damage your body while taking Adderall. It just takes time for it to recover. It is still early in your recovery. Stay the course.
  2. BTW, we are all drug addicts and always will be. However, we don't have to give in to it. Be strong!
  3. You have to tell everyone and get rid of your sources. Make it impossible for you to get more. You know that you can't be trusted with Adderall. I can't buy icecream, because I know that I will eat the entire container. It is not your fault...Adderall is a bitch of a drug to quit. Give yourself the best chance by outing yourself as an addict and cutting off supply. Stay close and you can do this!!
  4. You are doing great! Stay close to this site and the support it offers.
  5. It is still early in your recovery. It gets better. I am actually to the point where I forget to come to this site for days at a time. I just don't think about it much anymore...
  6. Almost never? yuck, when it is worth it? So sorry Greg! Hang in there, brother.
  7. He is busy being a super star!
  8. Ugh...tapering is misery. 2.5 mg is practically nothing, so just stop it all completely. Otherwise, you are going to go through this all over again when you finally quit completely. Good luck!
  9. You can do this! Hang in there and come back to this site often for support. It helps...
  10. You have to step down coffee. It is really the only thing I have ever been successful at tapering down. If you quit cold turkey, you will get slammed with massive headaches. Up to you, of course...
  11. Tomb of the Risen Dead at Desoto Caverns!!! I am so excited...
  12. Try some Baking Soda in water. Look for the dose on the side of the box. It really does work beautifully.
  13. I am rocking along and trying desperately to stick to my healthy eating plan. Walking everyday. Thanks for checking on the rest of us!
  14. I need to just gather all of my incomplete project supplies and sell them at a yard sale...but, who wants to organize a yard sale...
  15. Take a look at the articles and posts on this site. The timeline is different for everyone, but you are in the hardest stretch right now. It is not a linear process. You will have ups and downs, and you will endure. You can do this. Post here as often as you can, stay close to the support here. WELCOME!! You can do it!
  16. I think you will find that most of us quit "alone" even when we have friends and/or family nearby. The others don't understand... you are among friends here. You are not alone. We are here for you!
  17. Well, good. I am glad you aren't having any withdrawal issues. Heaven knows you don't need more of that!
  18. Sugar and flour based products always caused me heartburn. Once I quit wheat/flour products I only get heartburn when I blow it and eat sugary crap. Sugar after lunch is a no no.
  19. Doge, at least it wasn't hot coffee...hope it doesn't stain. NETFLIX AND SNACKS ARE THE CURE!!! Lol, I really believe in snacks and taking it easy on yourself. It works.
  20. My husband says that the crossfit peeps are crazy, nut jobs. I want in!
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