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Everything posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. I am on a LCHF diet, I suppose. I have to limit carbs so that my body doesn't make small particle lipids. It is like Atkins, but with vegetables. I am lacto-ovo Paleo...lol.
  2. Welcome to the family! You are going to make it this time...I just know it! It is awful in the beginning. Remember that. Don't go back to Adderall and be forced to do this all over again when you quit again. Let this be the last time you suffer with this.
  3. It comes back, seriously. You just have to cut yourself some slack and let it recover. Hang in there! You can do this.
  4. You guys are all amazing!! Keep it up and you will be looking back a year from now and smiling at your monitor, like I am right now. So proud of y'all.
  5. This is all completely normal and it will pass. Don't refill that script! You are strong, and you can do this. Most of us thought we were supremely amazing while on Adderall, but after quitting found out that our work was not as awesome as we thought it was. You may surprise yourself! Let your mind recover and you will rock that dissertation. The time is now!!!
  6. Don't do it!! Tell the doctor that you have a problem. Don't get back on this terrible roller coaster. Look at your brother...see what you will look like, if you don't already. You may be looking bad, too and just can't/won't see it. Break the cycle and quit. It has to happen sooner or later, wouldn't you rather get your life back sooner? The sooner you quit, the sooner you get back to normal...
  7. I have a big decision to make today...I am going to a Thai restaurant for lunch. Pad Thai? or Salmon salad? sigh...pad thai is amazing, but I can't have 50 or more grams of carbs and still lose weight. So...I will go with the salad. So, so, sad. But, it is easier than quitting Adderall, so there is that.
  8. Yay! A baby is such a blessing! I am just thinking back to all of the things you will be able to enjoy without the fog of Adderall...congratulations!
  9. Look around this site. Read our stories, and the articles. You are among like minded souls here. So, you didn't make it stick? How many times did I "quit", gain a few pounds and run back to the pills? I can't even count. Guess what? You know you have to quit and you have come to the right place. Now, tell everyone you know, cut off your supply (all of it), and stay close to this forum. I would not have been able to quit if it hadn't been for this site. We are here for you and you can do this!! Now put down the pills and get clean for good!~
  10. Hang in there, bluemoon! This too shall pass. Just deal with each thing and move on to the next... You've got this!
  11. One day at a time...so true. Every day ahead is a challenge, but every day under your belt is an accomplishment! Everyday you get to be a huge success! How about that for motivation. Take it easy on yourself and get plenty of rest and snacks. You are starting on a difficult, but worthwhile journey. We are all here for you.
  12. Without Adderall I can focus on my family and play with my kids.
  13. Just think...if you quit cold turkey, then you don't drag this pain out...
  14. Just a follow up note: I was called for a random drug screen the Monday following this temptation...how would that have been to lose my job over this crap?!? Thank goodness for will power!
  15. Very similar to Atkins...but I also avoid wheat sources even with low carb counts. Soy sauce, taco seasoning packets, etc.
  16. This is why it is so important to cut off all sources of Adderall! I just posted about finding some phentermine in a drawer at home and being seriously tempted. 18 months clean and I was formulating how I could take those six little blue spotted pills to jump start my weight loss, maybe clean the house... I had a random drug screen the following Monday. How would that have been? I could have lost my job over it. Let it go and don't go back. it is a devil drug.
  17. I think the feeling of pride and self satisfaction that comes from kicking an Adderall habit is worth all of the trouble it takes to get there. It is one of the most difficult substances to quit. Aren't you amazing for doing this?!?! I know it is hard right now, but you are doing the right thing. Just wait...it gets better. Hang in there and stay close to this site. We are all here for you.
  18. You are welcome, lol. It isn't the gluten, it's the Frankenstein wheat. Don't get me started on genetically modified plants. LOL
  19. I will tell you that I had to quit all carbs except cruciferous vegetables and one small serving of berries per day in order to lose weight. I don't eat any grains, including corn, rice, etc. Also, no potatoes or bananas. If you eat a bunch of fruit, then you will gain weight. It is, after all, just sugar to your bod. I live on ice water with La Croix water mixed in. I feel amazing! I routinely do 12,000 steps per day and have started running again. I am sure I will have more slumps, but I am enjoying the hell out of life right now.
  20. Nah, I don't care about calories. I eat when I am hungry until I am satisfied. And, since I don't eat wheat, I am not constantly craving more junk. Wheat is an appetite stimulant and makes you want more, more, MORE. When you stop having it, you stop wanting it...after a week or so. lol I know what I have eaten today and yesterday, but I don't write it down. I know what not to eat, so I avoid those things and just eat to live.
  21. It means a lot for me to be someone's inspiration! The people on this forum saved me from myself so many times. I can't imagine quitting without their inspiration and support. I hope that I can help new people the way the veterans helped me.
  22. This morning I had two breakfast sausages and a bit of Colby jack cheese. I usually have a boiled egg with it, but I don't have any made up. I drink water all day, and coffee with half and half, no sugar. For lunch, I had two nitrate and gluten free hotdogs (Oscar mayer) with cheese and mustard, and some broccoli with bleu cheese dressing. For dinner last night I had 12 grilled chicken nuggets from ChicfilA. Super yummy. Basically, meat, cheese, butter, veggies (no potatoes or corn), and maybe 1 fruit serving per day. Less than 50 total grams of carbs per day. It is fun to have something to obsess over other than the Adderall. It is a great diet, but you have to get through the initial sugar and wheat withdrawal. I recommend quitting one first, then the other. If you try to quit both at the same time, you will be impossible to be around for at least a week. Good luck and you can message me if you have any questions. You can google "wheat belly approved food list" and it will give you a great guideline.
  23. I am about to go heat up some hotdogs and cheese. Yummm...
  24. It will end...just get it over and done with and get on with your life. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
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