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Everything posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. Love the disclaimer! We are all chasing a pill in the beginning...they are called supplements, not Adderall replacements.
  2. Don't forget the pressure to be thin...it super sucks.
  3. "Failure" is a strong word, but I applaud your determination! You can do this!
  4. Congratulations on 4 years! Inspirational! Good luck on the new baby, too. Didn't you say you were due any day?
  5. You have to force the motivation until it returns. BUT...non Adderall addicted people have these days, too. We are just not used to being "normal". It is hard to get used to being Clark Kent, wearing a kryptonite necklace, when you have been superman for so long...
  6. The same goes for me and work...once I get here, I am okay. But, getting out of bed is terribly difficult sometimes. I have not been exercising since my 5K two weekends ago. Not even a daily walk, which I always did. I have to get back on track... Maybe I will blow the dust off of my Tae-Bo DVDs this evening.
  7. At 10 months I began to feel much better. It has been exponentially better, with an exception here and there, ever since. BUT, don't forget that you can be tempted at any point. I was 18 months clean and was severely tempted to take some adipex pills I found in a drawer. Set yourself up for success and don't have any access to it.
  8. Don't worry! Just stay the course and make progress every day. It gets better...
  9. I took supplements for a while after I quit. One energy supplement from GNC had a TON of caffeine in it. I needed to pop a pill in the morning for a while. Now, I take Niacin and magnesium. Sometimes fish oil if I can choke down the giant pills. But, I don't take anything else. Once I got over the need to take a pill to get energy, I didn't search out supplements anymore. This was part of the emotional addiction. Harder than the physical withdrawal which is over pretty quickly, relatively speaking.
  10. It definitely gets better and it is absolutely worth it! You will be a slug and it will take a while to get back to where you were before you started taking the pills. Your metabolism doesn't go back to normal right away...it actually takes quite a while. Especially if you can't motivate yourself to eat right and get even moderate amounts of exercise. I can't recommend a tapered quit, but there are some people who it works for. I am sure that they can chime in. I am a firm believer in telling everyone that you know and cutting off all sources. Get some external accountability. Also, it gives you an open excuse for why you are gaining some weight. I know my coworkers were expecting me to give birth around the 9 month point in my quit. You can do this, and you have to do it as some point...so, why not now?
  11. When I read your first sentence, I thought you were referring to me. LOL, we all do it. I think it makes it fun. As long as you aren't pushing some miracle drug that is "just like Adderall", then it doesn't bother me at all. you know we love you Doge!!
  12. Slug times this weekend...I am getting back on it today! I slipped up and ate some jelly beans and pancakes yesterday...that much sugar after 2 months with none nearly killed me. I am back on my LCHF diet today and will get some cardio this afternoon. UGH...
  13. Staying on this site and being super involved with the posting helped me get through some really tough times. It takes a couple of weeks to get through the really tough withdrawal. Then comes the emotional issue with gaining weight. I am just getting back to some semblance of normalcy and I have been clean almost 21 months. I still have bum days, though. I did nothing except laundry this weekend. Nothing. I didn't even shower yesterday... Hang in there! It is so worth it to be a human again. Just get through this tough part and stay strong.
  14. I never used more than was prescribed. However, a few months ago I found some stimulant weight loss pills in a drawer. The draw to take them was so strong that I was shocked! I was able to resist, but it was so hard. I am of the opinion that all Adderall is bad and should go. If you have a history of abuse, then definitely quit completely. It is too hard to do the right thing when this drug is involved.
  15. I am a total slug right now, but I am going to run this weekend. This puppy business has me up too many times at night. Sleepy doesn't even begin to describe how I feel right now.
  16. I always suggest telling everyone that you know. Get some external accountability. 'Fess up to the boyfriend. Then, you will have to stay clean or risk losing him forever. Of course, it is up to you. But, as long as you are able to keep this a secret from him, you have given yourself a way to continue to use. If he is the man that you love, then be honest with him. You are going to ruin your relationship if you don't tell him and he finds out. He will find out, by the way. They always find out... Welcome to the forum!
  17. I know! It has been almost 7 years since we've had a puppy. The kids are on spring break and are home with the puppy...ruining her, I'm sure. In fact, when I got home yesterday, the boy had put the puppy on the counter and she jumped off. The tragedy was still fresh and he was pretty upset. The puppy, on the other hand, had moved on to other more interesting things and forgotten the incident pretty efficiently. Checked her over, she is fine. The boy has learned a valuable lesson which I hope he will carry with him in life...don't put babies or puppies on the kitchen counter. Pretty basic lesson learned.
  18. Hang in there...it does get better. Just get to the quit and start healing.
  19. Makes perfect sense to me. I would look at someone crying and have no emotion. Actually, that's not true...I would be annoyed by their tears. Annoyed... It is not too late. Just be easy on yourself and let the recovery happen.
  20. My puppy, Scout, is now my profile pic! So sweet and tiny...for now. BTW, another bad night last night. I am exhausted. It made me think back to the last time I had a puppy. There was Adderall to keep me going through the day back then. However, it made me super quick to snap on the pup. Scout will appreciate the non stimulant me. Excuse me while I go get another cup of coffee.
  21. So, here it is. The reality post. Sometimes I am so lazy and tired that I don't want to wash dishes before I go to bed. Yesterday, I called in sick to work because I was tired. I hardly slept the night before because of a new puppy in the family. I thought that I should do some laundry and clean a bit...but, I just stayed on the couch for most of the day. We all have lazy, slug days...but, so do normal, non Adderall addicted people. Welcome to reality!
  22. It was a miracle for all of us at some point...until the psychosis set in and we ruined every relationship in our lives.
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