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Everything posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. You may think your family and friends don't know...but, I am willing to bet that they do. When I told my mom that I was quitting, she was so glad and said that she didn't know how to talk to me anymore. I was so volatile that it was easier for my loved ones to just avoid making me angry. They all knew I had a problem...
  2. How very organized you are! It really is nice that you have goals and a plan. Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't get outside three times...or whatever. You are doing great! You can do this!
  3. Slacker...thanks LILTEX. Way to remind me that I am a slug.
  4. I would take the holiday break to quit, if I were you. Plenty of time off, good comfort food, and no pressure to be anywhere. Stock up on snacks and take some time off. That is my only advice. Good luck!
  5. Only you can change it, but you CAN change it. I like the rehab idea, especially since you are having suicidal ideations. Cut off your supply. Admit your problem. Take control of your life. You can do this. You have to.
  6. You are not a bad person, Doge. You are still an inspiration to others. Maybe even more so now than before. You are still awesome! Hang in there and stay the course.
  7. Great post! Congratulations and keep on inspiring!
  8. Yeah, well I don't think this is realistic for most of us. Mostly, you have to work through the loss of motivation and increased appetite. It eventually gets better, but in my experience, not in the first year.
  9. I just quit cold turkey on my own, so I am not able to recommend any rehab centers. Good luck, though.
  10. I have been missing in action for a month and a half. No danger of a relapse here. I just had to deal with my husband being diagnosed with leukemia (very treatable), hospitalization, chemotherapy, drug reaction rashes, kids with colds, ear infections, and a sinus infection in a pear tree... In all of that, I never once wished I had some Adderall to get me through. I guess that is what you call a success story. Thank God for small miracles. Heather
  11. Wheat and sugar are both addictive appetite stimulants...you just want more and more and more.
  12. I went sugar free and grain free and I feel great! I have lost 25 of the 40 pounds I gained when I quit. I do not miss the crash...
  13. I don't want to drink as much as I did when I was on Adderall. So, I can't relate to that. However, having been addicted to Adderall, you know best if you are starting to have a problem with wine. Try just stopping for a week and see how it goes. you aren't drinking enough to need a detox or anything...just stop.
  14. Welcome to the forum! Tell your doc. Get it over with...jump in with both feet. There is no need to go back.
  15. I am sorry you have had to experience this. Thanks for sharing your story. Welcome to the site!
  16. BTW, Excel isn't nearly as much fun now as it was when I was jacked up on Adderall...
  17. Greg, apparently Operatically was director speak for dramatically. I went HUGE with it and won "Haunt Actor of the Night"! So, I guess I nailed it.
  18. Confused. How do I act "operatically without singing"? Seriously, is that a thing? LOL, I rocked it last night, but the director wants me to do more...^^^ Not sure what he means, but I am going to go larger than life and see how it goes. Call time is 5 pm every Thursday-Friday in October. So much awesome!
  19. Call time is at 5:00...makeup and costume...#Let'sDoThis
  20. I bought an icecream churn...luckily it is a pain in the ass to make icecream, so...
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