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Everything posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. It gets better. Promise. Getting back on Adderall only makes these symptoms worse and delays recovery...
  2. I am working on a relationship book. I need some input from the ladies out there. This is not a man bashing post, so please be decent. I need your top relationship issue. Just a quick description of what is your biggest issue with your boyfriend/spouse/partner. For example: "I have a full time job, and I have to do all of the housework." I appreciate the input. Guys, feel free to comment. I appreciate your point of view as well. This book will not be about how terrible men are...don't worry.
  3. You should feel encouraged! Because...there is hope! It does get better after time. 😄
  4. I am in agreement. At just over 14 months, I feel like I am about 80% recovered too. That is a good number and it is getting better every day...
  5. Time is key. It gets better, but you need to cut yourself some slack. Take care of yourself and don't freak out about it. It is sooo early in your recovery. Hang in there!
  6. Great suggestion, BeHereNow!! I didn't even think about a psychologist! Brilliant...
  7. Evenings...not the shift I want. No new job just yet.
  8. That does sound fun! Don't feel bad, I planned on cleaning the garage last weekend and never got to it. I had a list of 4 things and only 2 of them were checked off. But, the best way to look at it is...I completed two difficult tasks this weekend!!! I am awesome!!!
  9. You can get the doctor to sign off that you have ADD/ADHD without a prescription. Tell the Doc that you are doing it without meds because you are an addict. You don't want to go back. You only think you do. go back and reread some of your posts and see why you quit in the first place. you can do this! Be strong!
  10. Callback. New job on the horizon? Who knows...
  11. Welcome! We have all been where you are. There is hope! Get rid of your source(s) and tell some people. Honesty...accountability...these things really do help. I understand being ashamed, but it helped me to tell people. I posted my quit story on facebook. I am a bit extreme, but I was tired of all the attempts at quitting. I wanted it to stick this time! It has. Good luck and we are here for you.
  12. Welcome back! Don't feel bad about it...I have considered Adipex at moments of weakness. I hate being a fat ass. But...it sounds too much like Adderall, so I have not made the call. We missed you! I am glad that you are doing well. Stay in touch and stay strong!
  13. Great job! Are the drawers and cabinets all organized? Or just surface cleaned like normal people?
  14. ZK, you bite your tongue! It is not almost 40...It is still, technically, mid 30's. I will be 38 next month...
  15. You are welcome to come to my house and go ballistic!
  16. I recommend "Wind of Change" by the Scorpions...enjoy.
  17. That was me yesterday! sort of...
  18. Is there really a timeline for getting off the couch...?
  19. I have never been successful with tapering, but I have no science behind it. Good luck and welcome to the forum!
  20. Welcome back! We are here for you.
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